Seth Rollins

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"I'll give you a bonus on your next paycheck and it's only for tonight." Daniel encourages you. You stand and think about it for a moment, you could use the extra money right now.

"Fine but just for tonight." You agree. Daniel nods and hands over the baby to you. You take the girl and Daniel heads off to work leaving you with her. "Alright girlie what should we do?" You ask the smiling baby.

You sit her down on a blanket on the floor and hand her one of her stuffed animals to play with to keep her ocupied while you try and get some paperwork done. You sit at your desk chair and read over some papers and sign a few others, every once in a while you look down to check up on the baby still playing happily with her toys.

"God you're cute." You mumble at her as you hand her some cheerio's to snack on or throw around, whatever her little mind could come up with. While you're in the middle of digging through her bag for her sippy cup a knock comes at the door making the baby cry. "Ugh, come in." You groan as you pick up the crying child and bounce her on your hip.

"What is that sound?" You hear Xavier Woods ask as he opens the door. "y/n?" He asks. "Since when are you a parent?" You snicker and bounce the baby a few more times so she settles down a bit.

"Since it started paying well, besides its' Daniels kid not mine." You tell him as you show the baby her favorite toy.

"Oh well that explains why she's cute and not evil like you." Xavier teases as he shuts the door.

"What can i help you with Woods?" You ask him wanting to be left alone.

"Shane wanted me to tell you that Seth Rollins will be here soon, he traded us for the Shield remmeber? That's why Kofi isnt here?" He reminds you. You roll your eyes and nod.

"Thanks for reminding me, just tell him to meet me here, Daniel wanted me to keep the baby here until he got back." You explain.

Xavier nods and leaves, you set the baby down and go back to paperwork.

A while later another soft knock comes at the door, you quietly gesture for the person to enter so the baby doesnt get scared.

"Hey y/n i'm here to....... is that a baby?" Seth asks as he looks down at the floor.

"Yeah she's daniels i'm just babysitting, come in." You tell him as you set your pen down. "So you're here to sign papers tonight and the other two will be here next week correct?" You confirm the plan.

"Yeah thats the plan, and hello there baby, arent you just the cutest thing."Seth cooes at her as he sits down. You smile and grab a paper for him to sign.

"Just sign here and you hang out and do whatever tonight." You tell him as you hand him a paper and pen. "You know you could watch her for five minutes so i can go to the bathroom." You suggest.

"Yeah sure thing, kids love me." Seth nods as he signs the paper and hands it back to you.

"Perfect." You sigh in releif. "I'll be right back." And with that you make your way down the hall to the bathroom.

Seth takes the time to pick up the baby and talk to her as she plays with his fingers,.

"Well for daniels kids you're pretty damn cute huh? Yeah you are. you think you can be cute enough to help me catch a date with y/n? Huh you think you can do that for me?" He asks the baby as she giggles in his arms. Seth takes the time to slip a paper in the babies pocket of her small shirt and set her back down on the floor with her toys just as you return.

"Thanks Seth." You tell him as you sit back down.

"Yeah sure thing, see you later n/n." He replies as he goes to leave. You nod and hand the baby a small paper to play with while you go back to doing paperwork.

A while later the night comes to a close and Daniel comes back for is little angel.

"Hey y/n I'm back, how was the baby?" He asks as he walks in the door.

"She was an angel. Weren't you sweetie?" You coo at the baby as you finish changing her diaper.

"Ha, thanks again for watching her, I can take over from here." Daniel tells you.

Right before Daniel takes the baby back she pulls a paper from her pocket, you take it from her and read it.

"So any plans for the night?" Daniel asks as he takes the baby from you. You smile and pocket the paper.

"Maybe." You tell Daniel as you wave goodbye to the baby as he leaves.

After you finish up some last bits of paperwork you head down back to the hotel. After glancing at the paper again you come to one of the rooms and knock on the door. After standing for a bit the door swings open to reveal Seth.

"Using a baby to get a date Seth?" You tease him with the note in your hand.

"Depends." He smirks. "Did it work?" He asks you.

"I dont know." You reply. "I'm here aren't I? Where do you plan on taking me?" You ask him.

"Oh no where, I was thinking pizza and video games here." He tells you as he opens the door to reveal a fresh pizza box.

"Hmm sounds like a perfect date to me, may I?" You ask.

"Please darling come in." Seth smiles.

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