Christian Cage

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Being the little sister of Chris Jericho meant that you had many talents just like your brother. You could sing and dance, play an assortment of instruments , and could wrestle. But the downside to being Jericho's sister was, he never let you date or even have guys as friends. So when you started developing a crush on his friend and fellow Canadian Christian you knew it was going to be a disaster.
You pulled off your jacket and walked into your brothers locker room. He was fixing a wrinkle in his jacket when you plopped down in a chair.
"Hey big bro."
"Hey y/n."
You sighed and grabbed a water bottle from the table when Christian and Edge walked in.
"Hey Chris , n/n."
"Hey Edge, Christian what's up."
Christian took a seat next to you while Edge walked over to your brother.
"Nothing much, being awesome."
"Oh is that all?" You laughed.
On the other side of the room Chris was staring at Christian sitting so close to you. Edge noticed and looked over in that direction then shook his head.
"Come on Jericho, they look cute together. You know he'd never hurt her."
"You don't know that, I don't trust him."
"Yeah we that's sucks because she likes him and I know he likes her." Edge replied.
Chris shook his head, he wasn't going to let you get hurt. Not his only sister, his little sister.
On the other hand Edge was right. You liked Christian and he was crazy about you. After talking for a while you noticed that you left your bag in your car and needed it.
"Damn, be right back. Left my bag in the car."
"Not alone." Chris replied.
"Ill go with her." Christian volunteered.
You and Christian walked down the hall and he wrapped an arm over your shoulder when you two turned the corner.
"When are we gonna tell them?" He asked.
"I don't know, soon." You replied.
Out at your car you opened the trunk and leaned down to grab your bag. Once you had it you where closing the trunk when Christian scared you causing you to jump back into him.
"Ahhh, Christian." You groaned.
His arms where wrapped around you as you leaned into him. Looking around you quickly kissed him on the lips and broke away in fear of being spotted.
Across the parking lot Edge and Chris stood watching the whole thing.
"Did you know about this?" Chris asked angrily.
"No idea." Edge replied.
You and christian arrived back inside the locker room apart. You grabbed your bag and went to shower. Edge pulled Christian aside to talk to him before Jericho could.
"Really Christian?"
"You know what, how long?"
"How long what?" Christian replied.
"Y/n, Christian. Chris saw you guys in the parking lot."
"WHAT! Oh fuck. I few months."
Edge shook his head and sat down.
You got out of the shower and changed then sat down by your brother.
"How long n/n"
"How long what?" You reply.
"Christian how long have you been dating."
You sighed and shook your head, he was going to find out anyway. May as well be now.
"A few months."
"WHAT. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause I knew you'd react like this." You reply.
Angry you leave, after walking through the halls you come to Edge's locker room and knock.
"Hey, Christian here."
"Come on in."
You walk in and sit down next to christian. He sighs and grabs your hand. A bit later your sitting on the couch laughing at the funny faces Christians pulling when Edge gets pulled from the room. It Chris.
"Before you say anything look at this."
Edge pulls christians phone from his pocket. He then pulls up the camera and shows Jericho a bunch of pictures of you, then you and Christian. Then he cracks the door to you laughing.
"He makes her happy. She makes him happy. Why is that a bad thing?"
Chris sighs and walks in the room. You see him and fall silent.
"Y/n I'm sorry. I was being a jerk, if you really like him then I wont stop you."
You nod your head and tackle christian to the couch and kiss him.

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