Chris Jericho

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You sat in a leather chair with your headphones on, a sweet tune playd through them and you sat jamming out. This session was interrupted when the tune cut and Shane's voice replaced it, you looked up to see Shane and someone behind him looking at you.
"What can I do for you Shane?" You asked through the mic.
"We have a set list for you to do, oh and you'll be doing a few duets with this man." Shane explained.
You where all ready to go, you loved doing sets for Shane. That was until the man behind him turned out to be Chris Jericho.
"Oh cool, he can use the booth next to mine." You told Shane calmly pointing to the empty room.
Shane nodded and Chris passed your room with a wink. It wasn't that you didn't like Chris, in fact is was the exact opposite you had a huge crush on him especially when he was singing. There was just something about his voice that made you feel all warm and tingly inside, like you where a teen meeting her favorite celeberty.
"Whenever your ready Chris." Shane directed.
The session started with Chris singing a song that made his band famous, lights go out. You swallowed hard and tried to think about anything but how smooth the words rolled off his tongue, how your body felt when the words "blood red heels up agianst your body" made you feel. By the time the song finished you sat in your seat a hot mess, Chris saw this and gave you a wink. You just smiled back and turned away from him, he didn't need to see your flushed cheeks or drool.
"That was good Chris, n/n your turn." Shane spoke over the speaker.
You nodded and fixed your headphones, the tune built up And up so you started singing. The world always kind of faded when you sang, it was almost like you where in another world. Soon the tune faded and you stopped singing, a few smiles and a slow clap from Shane caused you to crack a smile. You and Chris did a few more solo songs and took a break, you stood in your booth drinking from a water bottle when Chris joined you.
"Need something Jericho?" You ask setting down your water.
"Yeah, Shane wanted me to tell you we'll be doing duets tomorrow. That means we'll be recording in the bigger room across the hall tomorrow morning." Chris explains as he leans on the door.
You nod your head and thank him, he hands you a song list before he leaves. Once he's gone you grab the list and look it over, mostly rock songs. Victorious by P!ATD , Chris's new song Judas , and a few others. But at the very end of the list was Ed Sheerans very own Thinking out Loud, you swallowed hard as thoughts raced through your mind. It was bad enough listening to Chris sing his rock songs, now you had to listen to him spew lyrical gold all while most likely staring at you. You train of thought was interrupted when Shane walked in with Chris at his side.
"Hey Shane, Chris, what can I do for you Guys?" You ask swiveling in your chair.
"I wanted to ask you a favor." Shane stated. "My daughters a huge fan of you and your voice, she asked me if maybe I could get you to record a few of her favorite songs for her birthday coming up."
You smiled a bit, you'd seen Shane's daughter comment on videos you where in on YouTube all the time.
"I'd be happy to do it, you have a list of songs?" You reply making Shane smile in victory.
He handed over a list of songs, stuff a typical teenage girl would listen to. You nodded and shane left, Chris however remained at the door.
"Need someone to work the sound booth?" He asked looking at you.
"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks." You reply.
Chris nods and walks into the sound booth and throws on a pair of headphones, you look at the list and choose a song on it that you like. You click the speaker and tell Chris what song your starting with.
"The Phoenix, FOB." You tell him.
He nods and flicks a few switches in the sound booth, the tune starts up and you sing as you stare off into space. This prevents you from seeing Chris watch as you belt out words like a God, he watches as you keel tune and flow over every word in the song. When it finishes he quicky looks away in fear of being caught, this continues until you've finished the song list. You join Chris in the soundbooth and he hands you two CDs.
"Here you are, one for Shane's daughter and one for you to keep." He says as he hands you the CDs.
You thank him and grab the CDs, then you take a sharpie and right happy birthday from y/n l/n, enjoy. Once your done you and Chris walk out of the studio together
"Hey wanna maybe go get something to eat?" Chris suggests as the two of you walk out.
"Yeah sounds fun, I'm starving." You reply with a smile.
You and Chris head down tk a restraint on the pier and order some food, you talk as you wait for your food.
"Your a super good singer, nice and crisp voice." Chris complements you.
"Thanks, your not to bad yourself. I love your band by the way." You return the complement.
Your food arrives and the two of you eat while talking about music, after your done and about to leave Chris speaks up.
"Hey n/n can I tell you something?" He asks before stand up.
You nod and settle back down in your seat, he gives you a small smile and rubs the back of his neck.
"I uh just wanted to say, your a super good singer and pretty. And well I was wondering if maybe you'd go out with me?" Chris asks as he stutters over his words a bit.
A smile spreads on your face, Chris Jericho the confident man you've had a huge crush on just asked you out.
"I'd love to, music date tomorrow at the studio. I'd love to sing some duets and maybe grab a bite to eat after." You reply as you get up to leave.
Chris nods his head and walks you out to your car.

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