Christian Cage

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You stand leaning against the doorway of the locker room waiting for your time to show up on camera, apparently Shane thought of all the people to have get interviewed by Christian on his special edition of the peep show was you. Finally after a tireless amount of waiting someone shows up to let you know it's time.

"Y/n l/n?" A crew member asks as he walks up to you.

"Yeah that's me." You reply as you stand straight to stretch your legs.

"We're almost ready, Shane wants to see you in his office first." He tells you, you roll your eyes and nod before heading in the direction of Shane's office.

When you get there the door is wide open and you can see Shane inside talking to Christian. You knock on the doorframe and step inside the room.

"You wanted to see me?" You announce your presence to the pair.

"Ah y/n there you are." Shane nods as he turns you way. "I'm sure you've met Christian right." He gestures to the blond next to him.

"I know who he is." You reply and you glance at him. "But no we haven't met." Shane smiles and gestures for the two of you to shake hands.

"Well then Christian I'd like you to meet y/n l/n." He introduces you as you shake hands.

"Pleasure to finally meet you." Christian smirks. You internally roll your eyes at the suggestive way he says it.

"Yeah same, big fan." You reply. "Of edge that is." You smile.

You can see Shane try not to laugh out of the corner of your eyes, Christian just nods.

"Oh so it's going to be like that is it sweetie?" He grins at you. "Well since your so interested in hanging out why don't you come grab dinner with me after the show?" He asks you. You look at him with a grin, he was one if those straight to the point guys.

"Hmm straight to the point are we? Maybe if you can manage to impress me in the next two hours." You tell him.

"Alright well Christian your due at the ring first." Shane cuts in. "Then you'll follow in a few minutes y/n." He explains.

Christian nods and heads down to the ring leaving you and Shane alone in his office. As soon as he's gone Shane turns to you.

"Be nice to him." He warns you. "We're thinking of keeping him here as a host so don't scare him off."

You chuckle a bit and look at Shane. He gives you a stern look.

"I promise I won't scare him off." You tell him. "On purpose that is." You smile as you head out of the room.

You make your way down to the ring where Christian already sits with his set all made up. You duck into the ring and walk up to him with a mic in hand.

"There she is, the lovely miss y/n l/n." Christian introduces you. "It's good to see you."

"Yeah you to. Super excited to be here obviously." You smile sarcastically. You take a seat in a chair and Christian asks you questions.

"So you've got a street match with Becky Lynch this Sunday at battleground, how do you feel about it?" He asks.

"Great actually." You reply. "Ready to show everyone that men aren't the only ones that can have a good street match. And I'm sure Becky is just as ready as I am for this to go down." You reply giving an answer you knew the crowd wanted to hear.

Christian asks a few more questions to you until Becky comes out and attacks you. You both roll around and share some punches before you finally DDT her and scramble up the ramp in victory, once you get backstage you touch your lip. A bit of blood pools in your mouth from you biting your lip hard on accident.

"Hey y/n nice job, oh hey ouch." Christian greets you.

"Eh it's just a small cut." You shrug as your tongue glazes over the broken skin. Shane walks up and sees the cut.

"Oh you alright?" He asks worried, with such a big match he couldn't have you injured.

"Yeah I'm fine." You assure him. "Just bit my lip to hard." Shane nods glad your fine. "So Christian heard that Shane offered you a job as a host here, you gonna take it?" You ask him changing the subject.

"I haven't decided it." He replies. "But I'm starting to think working here comes with perks." He smirks at you. "Now about that dinner."

You smile and roll your eyes, shane had already wandered off so it was just you and Christian.

"Tell you what." You tell him. "I let me buy me dinner you take the job." You offer him.

"Hmm dinner with a kick ass girl and a well paying job? Hell I'll take that deal any day, you've got yourself a date babe." He agrees.

You nod. Now Shane's got his host and you've got a hot new man to mooch free food and attention off of.

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