Dolph Ziggler

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"Told you she'd be here." Bobby smirked as he walked up to you nose on book with Dolph by his side. "Girls always got her nose in a book." You set down your book by your side and look up at Bobby with a solemn smile.

"What's the matter Bobby?" You ask him. "Jealous that you can't read?" You smile. A small grins cracks on Dolph's face behind Bobby.

"I can read for your information princess, I'm just no some book nerd like you." He fires back trying to defend himself.

"Not my fault you're not smart enough to pick up a book." You quickly reply. Dolph once again almost cracks behind Bobby.

"Ugh whatever just go back to reading your book babe." He tells you With a sneer.

"More entertaining than you two are." You shrug as you pick up the book from your side and go back to reading.

Bobby leaves in a Huff and Dolph cracks a smile before he to takes off with Bobby leaving you alone to read again. When Bobby gets back to the locker rooms he turns to Dolph.

"Man can you believe her?" He asks Dolph. "Getting smart with me, who does she think she is?" He fumes.

"Well she is Edge's daughter Bobby." Dolph reminds him. "She's got that edgy no holding back blood like her dad and uncle."

"She's mouthy." Bobby replies. "That's a bad quality in a lady if you ask me."

"I think she's cool." Dolph shrugs. "I like a girl that speaks her mind." This earns an eye roll from Bobby, he didn't think the same.

Later that night your on your way to the parking lot when you run into Bobby only he's alone this time.

"Well look who it is, what's up y/n?" He asks as he blocks your way. "I see your still holding onto your books."

"Yeah wanna borrow them and maybe get some much needed brain cells?" You reply as you lean against the wall and wait for him to move.

"You know I'm getting real tired of your snark princess." Bobby tells you.

"Well then don't ask me stupid questions." You reply with a grin. Bobby notices your books hang loosely in your arms and takes a step forward.

You go to take a step back but Bobby knocks the books from your hand easily. You look at him as he smiles proud of himself.

"Oooo real original Roode." You roll your eyes as you bed down to pick up the books. You get all but one and Bobby decides to kick it away. He snickers as he finally walks away.

You sigh and pick take a step forward to grab the book but a hand grabs it first.

"Oh for the love of God what now Roode?" You snap as you stand only to see Dolph holding your book on his hand. "Oh sorry Dolph i thought you were Bobby, thanks." You smile as you take the book from him.

"Yeah no problem y/n, Bobby bothering you again?" He asks with a nod.

"Yeah who else?" You reply. "Honestly he's a pain in the ass, don't even know why he insists on bothering me."

"Maybe he likes you?" Dolph jokingly suggests. You nod taking the suggestion seriously.

"Maybe." You nod. "Anyway thanks for the book but I better get going." You smile as you head down the Hall.

"Huh yeah bye." Dolph waves to you. After you leave he turns around and sighs heavily. "Maybe he likes you? Really Dolph?" He asks himself aloud. "Why don't you just set a date up for them to? Damn it." He beat himself up, why'd he always have to make a fool of himself in front of you?

You walked into your hotel room and set your books down on the table, your roommate SmackDown live commentator Byron Sat in a chair on his phone.

"Hey Byron." You greet him.

"Hey y/n, how was SmackDown tonight?" Byron asks as he looks up at you.

"Mmm nothing much, Bobby wouldn't leave me alone as usual. But Dolph did help me pick up some books I dropped." You tell him with a grin.

"Oh yeah?" Byron replies. "That's brave of him." You look at your friend puzzled.

"Why does that make him brave?" You ask him looking for an answer.

"Oh you didn't know?" Byron asks you. "Ziggler has a huge crush on you." He tells you. You look at him wide eyed.

"He does?" You ask. "Wait then why does he hang around Bobby all the time?"

"Oh Roode has a thing for you to, he's more about hitting on you though." Byron tells you plainly like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh well that's just great, I've got a fanclub now." You throw your hands up. "I don't even like Bobby he's an ass."

"What about Dolph?" Byron asks with a smile. You shake your head at him and blush a bit.

"He's kind of cute I guess." You grin.

"Well then go talk to him, he's still in the arena filming an interview." Byron tells you.

You nod and grab your jacket from the chair and head to the door.

"Thanks Byron you're the best." You tell him as you leave.

You make your way back to the arena as fast as you can, you hope your aren't too late to talk to Dolph. Thankfully you catch him just as he's about to leave.

"Dolph." You wave to him as you make your way to his side.

"Oh hey y/n." He smiles at you nervously. "What are you still doing here?"

"I um actually came to talk to you." You tell him as you bounce on your heel a bit nervous. "I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go grab something to eat with me?" You ask him hopefully. The silence kills you as you look at the blonde.

"Yeah sounds fun." He nods. You silently sigh glad he said yes and nod.

Dolph silently cheers in his head, he can't believe you asked him out instead of Bobby. He was glad he didn't screw up after all.

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