Tyler Breeze

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You walked into the performance center with your bag slung over your shoulder, along with that you held a coffee in one hand and your phone in the other. Today you had four photo shoots to do with WWE superstars, these shoots included John cena , the Hardy boys  , Dean Ambrose , and breezango. You'd done photos for John and Dean a few times so you knew they'd be easy, as for the Hardy's you knew they'd be easy because they'd had photo shoots a million times before. As for Tyler breeze and fandango, you'd never talked or even seen them before they where the wild card of the day. You turned the corner as you looked down at your phone to text your assistant, as you did you felt someone bump into you and your bag with your camera fall off your shoulder. Reacting fast you moved your arm and caught the bag with your foot then set it on the floor gently and looked up at your assailant.
"I'm so sorry, is your bag OK?" The cute blonde asked.
"Yeah its fine, sorry I wasn't paying attention." You replied feeling your cheeks heat slightly.
The blonde nodded and went on his way, you picked up your bag and finally made it down the hall to your room. When you got inside some of the equipment was already set up, your assistant and Triple H where talking in the corner. You walked over and made your presence known.
"Hey Greg, hunter." You said as you walked up to the two men.
"Ah there she is, my best photographer." Hunter praised as he shook your hand.
You smiled and gestured for Greg to go set up your camera and equipment while you talked to hunter.
"Hey y/n I'd like to ask you something." Hunter turned to you as Greg walked off.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked facing your boss.
"I'd like you and Greg to be the leads on our payperview projects." Hunter informed you with a smile.
You looked at him and stood silent for a minute, being the lead on payperviews meant more work and better pay. It also meant you'd be on the road a lot, finally you snapped out of your trance and answered.
"I don't know hunter, can you give me till the end of the day to decide?" You asked.
Hunter nodded and left to let you get to work, the whole day you where off your game a bit. The thought of a new job racked your brain, you needed something to take your mind off of it.
"Alright Dean, tilt your head to the right just a bit...perfect." You mumbled as you clicked a fee photos.
You finished up with Dean and showed him a few shots to confirm they looked good, once you where done Dean left and you set down your camera. Finally having a break you walked over to your table to grab a water and noticed they where all gone, you sighed and began your walk back to the camera when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to see the cute blonde from earlier that day holding out a cold water.
"Here, you look like you could use it." He tells you as he holds the bottle out.
You smile and take it from him, he smiles and nods his head.
"I'm Tyler breeze, and I'm guessing your my photographer?" He asks as you take a drink of the water.
"Yeah, names y/n. My schedule says there's two of you so where's the other one?" You ask setting the half empty bottle down as you walk iver to your camera.
"He'll be here in a second, they told you about our shoot right?" Tyler asked as you picked up your camera.
You nodded and took the cap off the lenses and pointed it at Tyler, he looked at you and made a face causing you to chuckle slightly. You made a few tweaks to the camera while Tyler made faces at it making you smile all while you did it, when you finished fandango showed up.
"Alright, Tyler on the left. K perfect, now dango move a bit to the right." You directed as you looked through the camera.
You looked at the ready shot in front of you, something didn't seem right. You handed your camera to Greg and walked over to Tyler and dango.
"Umm, may I fix a few things?" You asked standing in front of Tyler.
"Yeah sure, make me look pretty." He replied looking down at you.
You nodded and fumbled with the collar of his shirt, then you fixed his arms. Next you moved to dango and fixed his hair a bit, after it was done you took some photos and let them relax.
"Wanna see your faces?" You ask looking through the photos.
Tyler and dango both walk over and looked at your photos, dango nods and walks away leaving you with Tyler.
"Your really good at this." He tells you.
"Thanks, I love taking photos of cute things. Mind if I keep this one?" You ask pulling up a photo of Tyler doing a stupid face.
Tyler chuckles a bit and runs a hand through his hair, he looks at you and then at the photo.
"On one condition, you have to take a stupid photo with me on your camera." He tells you.
You nod and set up your camera, he slides in by you and you point to light.
"The photo snaps when the light turns green." You explain.
Tyler nods and does a face, but right as the light changes he kisses your cheek. After the photo snaps and loads on the screen you take one look at the screen and can feel your cheeks go red.
"I think its cute, you?" Tyler asks as he smiles at the photo.
"I look horrible." You reply.
Tyler just chuckles and downloads the image to his phone, you then save it and switch off your camera. Once you've gotten your equipment all put away hunter comes to see you.
"You make up your mind yet?" He asks in a hurry.
You glance over at Tyler who's looking at you with a smile, then you turn back to hunter and nod.
"I think I'll take it."

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