Seth Rollins

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"Hello everyone n/n here, just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be competing in upupdowndowns 2k17 Madden tournament so if you wanna see me kick some WWE superstar ass go check out Austin's channel." You say as you loom into your camera.
Being a youtuber was your dream job, Sir infront of a camera and play video games a day? Hell yeah. You currently had around 10 million subscribers and counting.
You pulled on a red panic at the disco hoodie and walked into the performance center soon finding Xavier waiting for you.
"Hey y/n its so good to finally meet in person. I'm a hug fan by the way."
"Really? That's odd, I'm a huge fan of your content to, comment all the time."
"Og trust me I know, So you know the rules. One of the Uso twins are waiting."
You guys a got set up and you did a quick video for your channel.
"Sup guys n/n here bringing you a sneak peak of my first Madden match against one of the adorable USO twins."
You turn the camera a Jimmy and he waves then to Xavier who says high.
"Austin here, and I just have to say its an honor to have y/n here."
You finish the video and turn the camera off, then the match starts.
In the middle of the game you guys take a small break and the two time Madden champ shows up.
"Hey Seth, here to scope the competition?" Xavier asked.
"Yep, who's she?" Seth asked pointing to you as you make a touchdown. This puts you in the lead by twenty points.
"Oh hey names y/n." You shake Seth's hand.
After beating Jimmy by twenyfour points you all do some post game interviews.
"So y/n how did your first match go?"
"Uh pretty good, I had fun playing with Jimmy but I did beat him."
"Seth as the two time Madden champ how do you feel about y/n?"
"Shes pretty good but not gonna be a problem for the champ." He replies using his nickname.
After the interviews you run into Seth on the way out.
"Oh hey Seth. What's up?"
"Heading to the hotel, nice job today."
"Thanks I play Madden a lot so I've gotten good at it. Maybe we could play sometime."
"Yeah sure."
The next day you invite Seth over to play a game with you for the channel. A horror game.
"Heh bros n/n here with the champ himself, Seth rollins. We are going to play some silent hills on the vive."
You explain how to play to Seth and help the helmet on his head. You sit and laugh as he flails around and screams like a girl then he trips and falls on you.
Later that day your scrolling through the comments and read some.
Rollins and n/n make such a cute couple.
Y/n and Seth #otp
OMG I ship it sooooo much.
N/n you should hit that. Rollins is super hot.
You smile at the comments, yeah Seth was cute. Over the next few weeks you breeze through the competition and make it to the finals. And you do a few more videos with Seth for fun. All your fans love seeing him on the channel.
"Hey guys so as you know I'm going against Seth for the championship tomorrow. Yeah where friends but Rollins, I'm coming for that ass."
You switch off the camera and upload the video, comments start flowing in imediatly.

I bet she's coming for his ass, so would I.
They make such a cute couple. When are they gonna go out?
Ahhh​ so cute together. Rollins and n/n are #goals.
You guys need to go out.

"Hey Rollins." You yell from your seat.
Seth joins you and looks at the screen.
"Looks like we have some hardcore shippers don't we?"
"Yes it would seem so. What's our plan of action Mr Rollins?"
You sit and wait as Seth forms a plan to give the fans what they want but with a bit of a twist. Later your looking at your emails and see that a fan sent you a video. You clicked it.
"Hey this goes out to ms know it all y/n l/n. You think you can take this title from The Champ? Your dead wrong babe, I'm gonna crush you tomorrow night."
You shake your head and laugh the comments are even funnier.

N/n is gonna kick his ass.
You can beat her easily Rollins.

The night of the games comes and you stand in the room dressed in some clothes and ready. An Eagles Jersey hangs loosely on your shoulders and black fingerless gloves cover your hands. Seth comes in decked in Bears gear.
"So y/n, do you feel nervous?" Xavier asks.
"Nervous? Hell no, rollins is in for the fight of his life tonight. After this match I'll be the one being called The Champ."
"Seth how do you feel about that?" Xavier turns to Seth.
"Please babe, I'm not scared at all. I'm gonna wipe the floor with you tonight."
The game starts and is intense. At half time you all take a break. Seth is up by 7 and your worried. You both share a look, no one knows what's coming.
Down to the last minute and you need this touchdown to win but Seth is playing good defense. You run the play then just when Seth's about to block it you lean over and kiss him. Everyone in the back goes wild as the touchdown is made and your hand is raised.
"And your winner by three points is y/n l/n."
Xavier hands you the trophy and Xavier reads some of the comments.
"Guys kiss, seriously everyone wants you to."
You and Seth look at each other and then kiss.
"Told you I'd win Rollins."

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