Seth Rollins

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You walked down the hall with your walkie-talkie on your belt, you held your niece Jennifer's hand as the two of you walked. Your sister and her new husband where on their honeymoon and she couldn't get a babysitter so you offered to watch Jennifer. Your plan was to let Shane and Daniel watch her when you where needed in the arena, being the best security on hand you usual had busy nights. You where almost to Shane's office when one of your men stopped you, you let go of Jens hand and talked to him.
"Alright, just keep an eye out. The shield are rumored to be causing trouble tonight." You warned the guy.
He nodded disappeared around the corner, you turned back to find Jennifer gone.
"Jennifer? Jen? Jenny where are you?!" You called frantically.
You looked down the hall to see a small girl sprint round the corner, you took of running in her direction. As you rounded the hall you slowed as you saw that shed stopped running and was now walking round a corner. You quickly went over to grab her and called out.
"Come in Jenny, don't hide from me baby." You beckoned to your niece.
All of a sudden you heard a Mans voice and Jennifer giggle.
"Well hey there little Lady, you look a bit lost. Now who do you belong to?" The voice spoke.
You quickly rounded the corner to see Jenny sitting on Seth Rollins shoulders, you sighed and took a breath before walking over.
"Hi yeah, that would be mine." You spoke as you took a gasp for air.
"So that's who you belong to huh. Hmm didn't know you had a kid y/n." Seth told you as he moved to put Jenny down.
He was about to put her down when he noticed your breathing, he set her down and approached you.
"You alright babe?" He asked putting a hand on your back.
"Y-yeah." You stuttered. "Oh my sister would kill me if I lost her."
Seth chuckled and patted your back a bit, he led you into his locker room with Jenny and you gladly sat down. After you calmed down and could breath again you turned to Seth.
"Thanks for grabbing her, I didn't take you as a guy that liked kids." You admitted.
You weren't trying to be rude, non of the shield boys took you as the kids type. You where about to speak again when the door swung open and the two other shield members strolled in, before you could say a word Jenny ran over and attached herself to deans leg.
"Woah, who's the Lil cutie?" Dean asked as Jenny held on to his leg.
"I'm sorry Dean, she's my niece. Jenny say hello before you attack peoples leg." You informed the little brunette.
"Hello." She squeaked as she looked up at Dean.
You and Seth both chuckled a bit, he turned to you and handed you a water bottle. You took it and thanked him before taking a drink.
"So how long you stuck with her?" Seth asked as you set down the near empty bottle.
"Just for the week, her moms on her honeymoon." You explain watching Jenny walk over and look at Roman.
Seth nodded his head and stood up, you where about to do the same when your side buzzed. You picked up the radio and listened to it, they needed you outside.
"Hey I don't supose you three could keep her company for like ten minutes?" You asked with pleading eyes.
Seth nodded and you hugged him before taking off down the hallway. As you left Seth turned back to Jenny and the guys, Roman was fixing his sweater and Dean was talking to the girl. Roman turned to Seth and smiled.
"She likes you." He comments.
"Who? Y/n?" Seth relies.
"Yes y/n." Dean adds. "She thinks your cute, and your good with her niece. You should ask her out."
Seth nods his head, he has had a crush on you for some time now. A few minutes later you come back with a bruise on your eye and sweat pouring off you.
"Thanks for watching her, I'll just take her back to my room. I need a shower as soon as she crashes." You explain gesturing to your shirt and hair.
"Oh, Dean and Roman have a match now. I'll watch Jenny and you can use our shower if you want, I think I have a shirt that will fit." Seth suggests to you.
"Oh really? I don't want to be a bother." You reply looking at Dean and Roman.
They both nod and take off for their match, you agree to let Seth watch Jenny.
Over the next week you do your job and watch Jenny with some help from Seth, he's really good with her and she seems to like him. It's almost the end of raw and Seth tells Roman and Dean to take Jenny for a small walk. You step out of the bathroom and sit down by Seth.
"I had Rom and Dean take Jenny for a walk so we could talk." Seth explains as you look around the room for your niece.
"What do you wanna talk about?" You ask Seth as you dry your hair.
Seth takes a deep breath and looks at you, there's a flake of soap on your right cheek bone. He smiles and reaches up to brush it off, as he does you lean in and kiss him. He's taken by surprise and his hands cup your face, you push him back and down on the couch you sitting on. As you kiss the door swings open and you quickly break apart.
"Umm, I think we'll wait outside." Deans tells you both as he smiles and disappears.
You and Seth both giggle, you turn to him and he just comes out and says it.
"You wanna go out for dinner sometime?"
"Hmm, tonight I'll cook at my place." You tell him.
He smiles and you Peck him on the cheek, you walk out the door and grab Jenny. Its a good thing she's a very heavy sleeper.

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