TJ Perkins

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TJ perkins may seem like the type of guy that likes a normal girl. Someone to chill and play videogames with. But the thing is TJ Perkins is the exact opposite, yes despite what you might think Perkins craved adventure. He craved the call of a bad girl, somebody who talked shit and wasn't afraid to fight someone. That's why you caught his eye. Little sister of the infamous lunatic fringe you where famous for your wild and crazy additide, just like Dean.
"Hey TJ, hello, earth to TJ Perkins." Jack droned on.
He hit TJ lightly on the arm and he snapped out of it
"What you looking at man?"
TJ looked in the same direction. There you sat by Dean and Seth. Eating a Burger and dressed in black pants a grey shirt and a pair of AJ 12 blacks.
"Don't tell me your looking at y/n again, I'm telling you man that girls bad news."
"Yeah I know man, but just look at her. Shes smoking hot and has good taste in shoes."
"Shes also related to the craziest dude on the roster." Jack pointed out.
TJ sighed and went back to his food. After a while you got up and walked past him. On the way by your phone fell from your pocket and You bent down to get it.
"God damn." TJ said when you where gone. "And shes got a nice ass. Damn bro."
Jack shook his head and sighed. You where going to be the death of him. Later that night backstage on Smackdown TJ walked past you arguing with Randy Orton.
"Go away orton."
"Oh come on babe, just one date."
"Randy i said no, now leave."
"And what are you going to do about it?"
In a flash TJ watched as Randy went from standing tall to laying in the floor. You stepped over him.
"Hey Perkins, like your shoes."
TJ looked down at his Jordan's and blushed but you had already left. Back at his locker room he told Jack about his encounter.
"She just fucking decked him like he wasn't two feet taller then her."
"That's what I mean man, anger issues."
TJ shook his head and smiled. Later he was in a match with Jack against Dean and Seth. Hr watched you at ringside while Jack was busy with Dean. You walked over to him
"Sup Perkins?"
"Umm hey n/n, uh not much."
"Can I help you with something?"
"No but looks like Gallagher needs help."
You point to Jack being pinned by Seth. TJ jumps in but its to late.
"Sorry Perkins." You yell.
TJ watches you head up the ramp and sees something drop from your pocket. Its your headphones. He joggs backstage to find you.
"Hey has anyone seen y/n?"
All the assistants shake their heads. TJ sighs and walks down the hall, he could try deans locker room but that's a bit risky. TJ turned down the hall and knocked on the door with deans name on it.
"Hey Perkins."
TJ turns around to see you there with a water bottle. Dean opens the door.
"What do you want Perkins."
"Umm y/n you dropped these earlier."
TJ hands you the headphones and stands looking at Dean. Dean is smiling wide.
"Thanks TJ, wanna come to get a bite to eat with me?"
"Umm, yeah sure."
You grab TJ by the arm and walk away. You stop in the parking lot.
"Sorry about Dean, he can scare people."
"Nah its fine, I don't mind."
You nod and smile then walk to a nearby car. Tj stops by the passenger side door.
"So where to for our date?"
"Date? Is this a date Perkins?" You answer.
"Depends, do you want it to be?"
You smile and climb into the car, TJ does the same.
"I like you Perkins, your one of the few men that don't run from me."
"Well I think that's what makes you attractive." TJ replies.

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