Seth Rollins

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You walked into the arena for another day on the job as Curt Angle's assistant, a rather easy job to do, unless he was in a bad mood that is. When you arrived to the office of the Raw general Manager you could sense the bad mood in the air, you sighed and knocked on the door twice then went in and sat down at your desk. You could here Curt on the phone with someone, arguing about something no doubt. You gathered some papers and glanced at the schedule for the day, then the door opens and Seth Rollins walks through with Dean Ambrose.

"Hey guys what can i do for you?" You ask as you look up at them.

"Yeah we need to talk to Curt." Dean replies.

You're about to reply when you hear a loud slam and then your names being yelled from the other room, you sigh and stand up.

"Hey don't worry about it man, we'll come back later." Seth tells you with a smile.

"Thanks." You reply with a nod.

You walk into the other room holding the schedule and a few other papers in your hand, Curt looks pissed off as he beckons you over.

"There you are, I've got some things to do so you're in charge for the night. Now leave me alone for the night, after you bring me a coffee." He barks at you.

You nod in silence and sprint out the door and set your papers down, after they are all in order you leave to go get Curt that coffee. On your way out you see Seth standing outside the door alone.

"Hey." He waves as he joins your side. "So what was the boss so pissed for?" He asks you. "And where are you off to?"

"Ugh." You groan. "Who knows what he's pissed at? And i'm off to get him a coffee, also looks like i'm going to be swamped with paperwork because i'm in charge tonight." You vent as you walk to the catering room for coffee.

"Man Angle's got your working hard, sorry." Seth breathes.

"Huh yeah." You chuckle. "I am his assistant though."

You reach the catering room and quickly poor a cup of coffee and head back to the office, Seth follows behind so he can talk to you about what he needed from Curt. You get back to the office and knock on the door before entering his room.

"What are you doing in here?" Curt snaps at you.

"Your coffee." You show him calmly.

"Oh just put it down and get out." Curt sighs clearly annoyed.

You do as told and shut the door behind you before sitting down at your small desk, Seth stands and waits patiently for you to settle in.

"Sorry about that." You apologize to the Shield member. "Now what can i help you with?" You ask him.

"Well i was going to ask Angle about his thoughts on challenging New Day to a match at Survivor Series but i can see he's busy so i'll just leave you to it." He smiles at you.

"Pfft. Screw him, i'll book the match." You reply sharply as you pick up the phone.

"What? Really." Seth asks. "Wont you get in trouble?"

"Ha who gives a shit, i'm so done with this job." You laugh. "Just give me a second."

You pull up the phone and dial the number to Shane's office, he picks up almost instantly.

"Hey Shane it's Curt's assistant y/n i was wondering if you where interested in doing a match at Survivor Series. Shield vs New Day." You pitch the idea.

Seth watches off to the side as you speak into the phone with a smile on your face, he never knew you to be so bold and cool, and he diged it.

"Yeah mhm alright thanks." You say as you hang up the phone. "Alright it's booked, and i'm almost sure fired from this job so that's nice." You smile not caring at all.

"Ha well thanks for that, man sorry about being fired. Wish i could do something about that." He chuckles as he rubs his neck.

You smile and nod when an idea pops into your head, at the same time Seth gets and idea.

"Hey I've got an idea." Seth smiles. "You cant get fired if you manage for a group Angle cant get rid of. How about me and the boys?" He suggests.

"Hmm i was just about to say the same things." You reply.

"I guess great minds think alike eh." Seth smiles.

You nod and giggle before leaving a note on your desk and following Seth out the door, he leads you down the hall to the Shield Locker room.

"Just stay out here for a second alright?" He tells you as he slips in.

You nod and stand in the hall and listen in at Seth talking to the guys.

"So i got the match but it comes with a surprise." He tells them.

"And what would that be?" You hear Dean ask. "It wouldn't be that cute assistant you have a thing for would it?" You hear him ask.

A smile spreads on your face, Rollins thinks your cute. You wait for another moment before the door opens and Seth invites you in, you walk in and wave at the men.

"So we decided to let you manage for us, on one condition." Dean tells you.

"You've gotta agree to a date with Seth so he'll stop talking about it to us." Roman adds.

"Hmm i think i can manage that." You smirk as you glance at Seth.

"Really?" Seth replies.

"Of course." You smile. "I mean you are Seth Rollins after all." You giggle.

Seth smiles and shakes his head, in the distance you can here Curt call your name. You smirk knowing he wont be getting an answer, it feels good. And as a bonus you also have a date with Seth Rollins.

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