Sami Zayn

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'oh god' you think to yourself as you head down the hall back from daniels office. 'here he comes, god just walk past me please' you plead internally screaming. The source of these thoughts and this silent scream for help is Jinder Mahal and his lackies the Singh brothers heading your way. Winning the WWE championship had made Jinder seem to think that trying to ask you out on dates was alright, even though you where engadged to fellow WWE superstar Sami Zayn.

"Hello there y/n." Jinder greets you as the brothers block your path.

"Jinder." You reply nodding. "Can you maybe move, I'm kind of late for a meeting." You lie wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh well I wouldn't want you to be late then, mind if I walk with you?" Jinder replies with a smile.

"Oh that's fine Jinder, I can manage on my own. Excuse me boys." You tell him pushing past the brothers and heading down the hallway.

"You cant ignore me forever sweetheart." Jinder yells down the hall at you.

You shake your head and keep on walking, you can feel his eyes boring into your back. You sigh aloud when you turn the corner, he gives you the creeps. A minute later you reach Sami's locker room and slip inside, shutting the door behind you hear Sami walk out of the dressing room.

"Hey babe, something wrong?" Sami asks seeing you look a bit spooked in sorts.

"I got stopped by Mahal and his boys in the hall again. He just wont leave me alone." You complain walking over to the table to set your jacket on a chair.

"He was bothering you again, damn him. He doesn't have the right to harass my wife." Sami replies angry.

"Whoa there babe, we aren't married yet. You still have like a year until the wedding." You remind him.

Sami smiles and hugs you from behind, you smile and grab his hands on your waist. It had been a few months since he had proposed to you, you had the wedding date set for a autumn wedding up in the mountains.

"Yeah well it cant come soon enough." Sami sighs letting you go. "I have a match in a few with Styles against the Singh brothers, you coming?"

"Of course, I love hanging out with AJ." You reply

Sami smiles and nods as he sits to lace up his boots, you plop down in a chair and pull up your phone. You have a text from your cousin Finn Balor, he's wondering if he gets to be the best man. You text him back saying he has to bring that up with Sami and that he'd have to fight Kevin Owens for it. It finally comes time for your match and you walk down to the ring at Sami's side, Sami climbs up to the ring and you say hello to AJ.

"Hey y/n, how are you?" AJ asks as you reach him.

"Good, how's the kids and the wife?" You reply

"Good, you going to be on commentary?" AJ asks

"Yep, good luck." You reply.

With that you wave the boys off then head to the commentary table and take a seat next to Byron, he pulls up a chair for you and you sit down.

"And it looks like Sami Zayn's lovely fiancé will be joining us for this match tonight. Hows it going y/n." Byron announces into his headset.

"Good Byron thanks for asking." You reply.

Just as Byron goes to ask you another question Jinder Mahal makes his way over to the table, you see him and shift in your seat. 'god please don't sit by me, not in front of Sami' you beg silently. Sure enough Jinder pulls up a seat next to you. Byron announces his presence and the match starts.

"Told you I'd catch up." Jinder whispers to you as you sit next to him.

"I'm engaged Mahal, how many times do I need to tell you I'm not interested." You whisper back keeping your eyes on the ring.

"Hmm, we all know I'm better than Zayn. He's just a low tier guy, I'm a champion. All the girls love a champion." Jinder smirks.

"Sami is more of a champion then you'll ever be Mahal, you got your title by cheating and being an ass to everyone. Plus how long have you been single? Looks like ladies don't love a champion after all." You snap still speaking quietly

You get up just as the bell rings for a victory, as you do Jinder grabs your arm making you freeze. You turn around to face him.

"Let me go Mahal." You warn.

"Why don't you make me?" Jinder replies his grip tight on your arm.

"Why don't I?" A voice replies.

You look over just in time to see Sami grab Jinder and yank him in his direction, this causes you to fall back into a pair of arms. You look up to see AJ holding you, you stand straight and try to worm out of his grip to stop Sami.

"AJ let me go, he'll get hurt." You fuss.

"He'll be fine, I'm suppose to hold you away." AJ replies his grip iron on you.

AJ drags you up the ramp and backstage, you don't need to see what's going on down in the ring right now. After a few minutes you jump when Sami walks through the door, AJ lets you go and you jump to him.

"Sami! Are you alright?" You ask hugging him tightly.

"Yeah I'm fine baby, are you alright." Sami asks pulling away to look at you.

He see's the bruise on your arm from where Jinder grabbed you and is angry again, you hold onto him and look to AJ.

"I'm going to kill him." Sami growls.

"Don't, take her to see Shane. It's my turn to kick his ass." AJ replies walking to the ramp.

Before you can protest Sami starts walking you to the main office, when you get there you're greeted by I stern looking Shane and Daniel.

"Sit down both of you." He commands. "Care to explain why you just beat the shit out of Jinder Mahal?" He asks Sami

"That asshole was harassing my fiancé, I had to get him to stop." Sami nearly yells standing up.

Shane and Daniel share a look, then Shane looks to you.

"That true?" He asks you.

"Yeah, for like a month. I figured he's just give up if I ignored me, but earlier after Sami's match when I got up to leave he grabbed me and wouldn't let go." You explain showing Shane the bruise.

Shane nods and Daniel leaves the room, just as he does a security guard comes running in the room.

"AJ Styles attacked Jinder Mahal, what do you want us to do with him?" The man asks Shane.

"Keep him away, and get Jinder and the brothers down here now. Y/n, Sami you both can leave. And y/n, keep him in check please." Shane asks you.

You nod and head out the door with Sami in tow, when you get back to the locker room your cousin Finn is there.

"Sydney lass are you alright, I heard what Mahal did." He asks pulling you into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine finn, just a bruise." You reply.

"A what. He hurt you? Oh he needs his ass kicked." Finn replied furious.

"Me and Styles kind of beat you to it Balor." Sami tell him wrapping an arm over your shoulder. "No one messes with my girl and gets away with it." He informs fin kissing the top of your head.

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