Christian Cage

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"Come on babe or we'll be late." Chris rushes you out the door.

"Yes alright just give me a second." You groan as he pulls you out the door. The ride to the arena neither of you speak, you swear its like he doesnt even notice you anymore. 

When you get to the arena and head to the locker room he doesnt even bother to ay anything to you, tired of being ignored you leave.

"Be back soon Chris." You tell him, not that hes really listening anyway though. Chris waves you off so you shrug and leave, it was time for you to get the attention you deserved.

You didnt make it far away from Chris's locker room when someone came up behind you, a normal girl with a boyfriend would freak but you knew exactly who it was holding you.

"Well hello gorgeous." The peron purrs in your ear. You giggle and turn around to come face to face with a certain blonde man. "Did you miss me?" Christian asks you as he holds your waist.

"Hmm did i miss the one man who actually apreceates me? Yes i beleive i did." You tell him happy your finally getting some physical contact with someone.

"He still isnt paying attention to you?" Christain asks as he lets you go so you can step in his own locker room, you shake your head no and Christain mimics the motion. "How in the hell he manages to ignore such a hot kick ass girl like you is a damn mystery."

"Ha that might just be the smartest thing i've ever heard you say Mr. Cage." You giggle  as you step into the locker room.

"So speaking of Chris." Christians starts. "When are you going to split from him babe? You know so i can claim you as my own?" He asks you. You look at him with a grin, you had plans to do it soon.

"I've got plan to do it, i just don't know when." You tell him.

"Well if you're up for it." He replies with a grin that you love. "I've got a match with him next week at battlegrounds, wouldn't it be just lovely if i beat him and stole his girl?" He suggests to you, you look at him slyly. It was the perfect revenge plan for you.

"Couldn't ave thought of a better one myself." You giggle already imaging Chris's face when it happens.

"God i love your evil ass." Christian grabs your waist and lifts you up. You laugh aloud as he spins you in a circle.

After spending some quality time with someone that actually pays attention to you, you head back to Chis's locker room. Even though you where sure he didn't even notice you gone you still went back just in case.

"Hey babe i'm back." You announce as you walk back into the locker room, Chris looks up from his phone for once and give you a small smile.

"Hey baby, you going to come out for my match?" He asks you.

"Yeah sure i don't see why not." You nod. "Who's it with?" You ask him.

"It's me and Christian against Randy and The Rock." He tells you. You internally laugh, he had no idea what was about to come in just a week.

You both head out and meet christian before the match, you give him a friendly smile like you hadn't just been making out with him not an hour ago.

"Hey buddy ready for this match?" Christian asks. "Oh and i see you brought a good luck charm." He smiles at you.

"What?" Chris asks. "Oh yeah right y/n, shes a good luck charm alright." He nods. You roll your eyes out of his field of vision.

The week goes by pretty fast and battleground cant come soon enough, when you get to the area Chris is exited.

"Cant wait to get this easy win, with you by my side babe i cant loose." He muses confidently as he glances at you.

"Ha yeah, this'll be a breeze babe. I'm gonna go grab a water, ill be back in a bit alright?" You tell him as you walk to the door. Chris nods.

You exit the room and walk down the hall and knock on another door, after knocking you simply walk in the room. When you walk in Christian gets surprised and yells a bit.

"Um i'm  kind of half naked." He points out to you.

"So?" You reply. "I have seen you naked before babe." You remind him.

"Oh yeah huh." He replies as he pulls his pants on. You roll your eyes and pick his shirt up from the back of a chair and hand it to him.

"Just wanted to wish you good luck." You smile as you hand over the shirt.

"Not that ill need it." Christian smirks. "Good luck kiss?" He asks you.

You peck his lips and he grabs you and pulls you down with him to a chair, you giggle and struggle to get free.

"You've got a match, and i've gotta get back." You remind him as you try and break free from him.

"Ah but this is so much more fun." Christian complains as he lets you go.

"You'll live for another half hour." You tell him as you both stand to your feet. "Good luck babe." You tell him one last time.

You get back to Chris and head down to the ring with him, you stand in his corner and watch as Christian walks down to the opposite side. The bell rings and the match starts. 

After a while of going back and forth Chris has once chance to get the upper hand if you throw him a kendo stick, as he asks you for one in desperation you simply shake your head with a wide smile. Christian delivers a kill switch and pins Chris, once he does he slips out the ring to the top ramp where you stand.

"Looks like i stole the win and your girl Jericho." Christian smirks into the mic, he then pulls you into a kiss as the mic falls to the floor and Jericho looks on in horror.

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