Chris Jericho

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"And don't forget that tonight on RAW we have special guests, The Lunar Prizes doing a special performance of their new song and the official theme for Fastlane, Destiny calls."
JBL finished talking and then went to commercial. Your band had been asked to right and perform a song for Fastlane this year. Today you where doing a special performance of it to rake in some hype.
"Alright y/n thank you for doing this for RAW. We appreciate it."
"Yeah no problem Foley. Happy to be working with you."
You and the band walked backstage and where tuning instruments when a few superstars showed up.
"Hey, your the band with that cool song for Fastlane."
"Yep that's up, nice to meet you."
"Yeah names."
"Chris Jericho." You interrupt.
"Huge fan."
"Oh thanks."
You finish tuning your guitar and head out to the ring. A microphone and stand are set up and the arena is all waiting for you.
"Wassup Tampa Bay? Hope yall are ready for this."
The crowd cheered as you took your place behind the lead singer and strummed the first cord. After the song the crowd cheered and you all left backstage.
"Oh hey Chris."
"Hey nice job out there, your a good player."
"Thanks. Love your new album by the way."
"Oh thanks we should hang sometime."
You told Chris what hotel you where staying at and left. Later that night you sat on your bed headphones in. You where listening to some Set it off and singing. That's when Chris knocked on the door.
"Its me n/n. What is that?"
Faintly through the door he heard singing.
"And a wolf in Sheeps clothing is more then a warning."
Carefully Chris opened the door to find you casually singing. He walked over and tapped your shoulder.
"Oh God, Chris you scared me."
"Sorry, you have a pretty voice by the way."
"Oh th-thanks."
"How come you don't sing in your band?"
"Oh I'm not that good. Plus Bradys ego is to huge."
Chris smiled and thought for a moment.
"You should come by my studio tomorrow, I could get you a solo album down."
The next day you started your solo album with the help of Chris. The next few months if you weren't with your band or sleeping you were with Chris. And the album was just about to be finished.
"I can't believe its done." You exclaimed happily.
"Yeah and its great." Chris replies.
Happy and in the moment you hug him. Shocked a bit Chris holds still before hugging back.
"We should go get some dinner."
"You mean like a date?" You reply standing up.
"Yeah like a date. You in."
"I was waiting for you to ask that."

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