TJ Perkins

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You walked into the building behind Daniel and Drake, today was your first day as well as Drake's as GM's of 205 Live. Well you were Drake's assistant but still, you were basically a GM. You and Drake where hauled out to the ramp for an introduction.

Back in the locker room the cruiserweight stood and got a glimpse at their new GM of 205, TJ Perkins and Tony Neese where the first two to get a look at them.

"Hey Perkins check out the hottie behind Maverick." Tony points to you standing casually behind him.

"Hey man your right, she is cute." Tj nods in agreement. "Daniel said her name was y/n right?"

"Yeah, I say we go say hello to her." Tony nods.

You and Drake walk backstage now that the introductions are over, when you get back to the main office room you both find two of the superstars waiting for you.

"Hello." Drake greets them immediately. "I'm Drake and this is my assistant y/n, it's nice to meet you two." He shakes both their hands.

Both boys ignore Drake's greeting and focus on you, TJ steps up first.

"Hello, TJ Perkins gorgeous. First ever Cruiserweight champ." He smirks as he shakes your hand. You grin and nod.

"Nice to meet you TJ." You let go of his hand. Tony pushes TJ aside and takes his turn.

"Getting over Mr irrelevant, hi I'm Tony Neese, aka the only champ you need to worry yourself with." He smirks. You shake his hand the same and turn to Drake for help before the pair smothers you.

"Alright well now that we've been acquainted." Drake pulls you away a bit. "We'd love to stay and chat but me and y/n have got some things to do." He drags you away leaving the drooling pair.

Once you get away and into Drake's office he lets you ago and you turn to him in relief.

"Thanks for that." You thank him as he shuts the door.

"Looks like you've got some admirers n/n." He jokes. "Hopefully they don't become a hassle."

"Yeah. For me and you." You nod in agreement.

After a while you take a break from going over papers with Drake and leave to grab some other files from the old office, you get there just fine but on your way back with a handful of papers you run into TJ.

"Woah hey there." TJ rushes over just in time for you to drop a few paper off of the top of the stack.

"Thanks." You look to the side of the papers at TJ smiling at you.

"Yeah no problem." TJ nods and he places the papers back on the stack. "Want me to carry these for you?" He asks you.

"Would you?" You ask I'm relief. "They're killing my arms right now." You gratefully hand over the stack.

"My pleasure." He nods as he takes the papers with ease and walks with you. You get back to the office and TJ sets them down for you. "Well here you are." He sets them down.

"Thanks so much Perkins, if you need anything just let me know." You nod thanking him for helping you out.

TJ nods and walks off, as he leaves Drake walks back into the office.

"What was that about?" He asks as he glances at the papers.

"TJ helped carry all these back to the office is all." You shrug as you sit down.

"Ah." Drake nods a reply. "Picking favorites now are we already." He asks you.

"What?" You reply as you pick up a paper. "I've no intention of picking favorites, that's not fair." You protest.

"Mhm. We both know you've got a favorite." Drake purses his lips as he looks at you.

The door to the office is closed so no one can hear either of you, you look at Drake and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" You challenge him. "Then who's my favorite?" You ask him.

"Ha that's obvious isn't it?" Drake chuckles. "TJ Perkins is your man." He tells you. "That boy is all over you and you don't mind it a bit." You roll your eyes and get back to paperwork.

"What about Tony?" You ask all of a sudden. "He's on me to."

"Yeah but." Drake starts with a grin. "Unlike TJ he's just a pretty face to look at. Perkins on the other hand, now that's a guy I know you wanna jump on." He smirks. You roll your eyes.

Next week and you're backstage making your way to Drakes office when you hear arguing, curious you follow the noise and stop when you get close.

"She's mine so I suggest you back off dude." You hear what sounds like Tony say.

"Yours? Open your eyes Neese she doesn't even like you, you're just a pretty boy for her to look at." You hear someone bark a reply, it sounds like TJ.

"Yeah well at least she recognizes a good looking guy when she sees one." He sneers.

You hear one of them begin to walk your way so you sprint off to the office, not long after you get there TJ shows up looking rather angry.

"Maverick here?" He asks a bit softer when he sees you.

"Yeah, right through there." You point to the door next to you. TJ nods and walks in, you lean by the door and listen in.

"I don't think that's a good idea." You hear Drake.

"Please man, he needs to get his face beat in." You hear TJ beg a reply. Silence falls in the room than you hear what sounds like a handshake and the footsteps.

You quickly move back to your spot just as TJ and Drake walk out the door.

"Y/n book a match for TJ and Tony for tonight please." He asks you. "And Perkins, try not to hurt him to bad." He nods to TJ.

TJ nods and turns back to you, you look up at him. He looks like he knows something.

"So you're a snoop now?" He asks with a smile. You look at him weird and he chuckles. "Earlier, I saw you sprint off after me and Neese got into it." He tells you.

"Maybe I was just in a hurry." You reply with a smile.

"Mhm." TJ muses. "So does this mean I can ask you out for some dinner after I wipe the floor with Tony?" He asks you.

"I don't see why not." You shrug with a smile. "Now get out of here." You push him out the door.

As you do Drake opens his door back up and smiles at you.

"Told you. Favorites." He teases you.

"Oh buzz off Maverick." You roll your eyes.

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