Elias Sampson

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"Eyyyy y/n look who's coming this way." Nia smirks as she points down the hallway. You glance down the hallway and groan, coming down the hall is Elias Sampson.

"Oh bug off Nia, i dont even like him." Your wave her off as your eyes glance over in the direction of the hallway.

"Mhm, thats why your looking his way." She giggles. You roll your eyes just as Elias rounds the corner.

"Ladies." He smirks as he passes the two of you. You give him a small wave as he makes his way by you.

Once he's gone Nia turns to you with a smile, you look at her and roll your eyes again. She smirks and pats you on the back.

"You should go talk to him, dont be a pussy man." She tells you.

"Exuse me." You reply sharply as you turn to look at her. "Says the girl that cant be in the room for more than 5 seconds with Enzo Amore without losing her shit." You remind her.

She huffs knowing your right and drops the subject, you both head back to the catering room before the show ends. On your way there you spot Elias also making his way down the hall, and he just so happens to be with Enzo Amore.

"Hey Nia." You nudge her. "Look who's in front of us." You smirk. "I say we go say hello." You suggest to her. She looks at you like you're crazy and shakes her head.

"Umm how about no. I'm so not ready to talk to either of them." She warns you as she hold your arm.

"Come on man nows our chance." You tell her as you try to pull your arm away. By the time you get free the boys are gone from sight.

You shake your head and head off back to the locker rooms. Once you get there your joined by your other best friend in the roster Alexa Bliss.

"Hey y/n , Nia." She calls the two of you over to her. You reach her side and both give her a small hug.

"What's up alexa?" You ask her after she lets you go from the hug.

"Ok so you both heard about the mix match challenge right? Well I found a partner, turns out Seth Rollins is totally into me." She giggled with joy. "What about you two, you get partners yet?" She asks the both of you.

You had totally forgotten about the mix match challenge and there weren't very many people left to partner with, problem was you needed to be in this match. It was good publicity and work for the career.

"Well if you didn't Enzo Amore and Elias Sampson are still looking for partners i heard,you two should go talk to them about pairing up. Youd totally make the perfect team." Alexa informs you with a smile.

"Hmm." You ponder with a smile. "Maybe we will, thanks Alexa." You tell her with a smile. "Come on Nia we have somewhere to be." You say as you grab her arm and drag her along with you.

"Where are we going y

?" She asks.

You just drag her down the hallway until you come to the lounge room, inside you take a seat and direct your attention to the monitor on the wall.

"Nia look." You tell her. " tonight we not only get dates with the men of our dreams but we also get partners for the mix match challenge. We're killing two it's with one stone. " You smile as you watch Elias wrestle in his match for the night.

"On no come in i can't talk to enzo." Nia breathes nervously. You walk over to your friend and grab her shoulder firmly before looking her in the eyes.

"Nia you are a super fly chick and enzo is going to be begging to get a date with you and be your partner for the challenge alright? And if he thinks of you anything less than a total babe I'll personally kick his ass got it." You tell her to boost her confidence.

Nia nods and smiles at you, this satisfies you and you let her go and go back to waiting for Lewis's match to be over. As soon as it finishes and he makes his way backstage you stop him on his way.

"Hey Elias." You grin as he walks up to you.

"Hello y

." He smirks. "Always a pleasure to see you."

" i could say the same about you, now listen I little birdie told me you need a partner for the mix match challenge. " You ask him.

"I do just so happen to need a partner." Elias smiles.

"Well." You grin. "How about you buy me dinner and I think about fixing your little problem." You suggest.

Elias taps his chin in an attempt to tease you, you flash a smile at him and He throws his muscular arms up in defeat.

"You've got yourself a deal baby girl." He smirks.

You grin in victory as his arm snakes around your waist as you both walk toward the exit of the building, as you leave you pass Nia approaching enzo in the hall.

"I got mine." You grin as you tell to her. "Now go get yours." Nia grins and taps enzo on the shoulder just as you turn the corner.

Later that night your on your way back to your hotel room in a hurry with Elias on your heels when you spot Nia opening up her door down the hall from you. You make eye contact and giver her a thumbs up, she returns the gesture and you both grin before her and enzo disappear inside the room. You and Elias doing the same.

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