Kenny Omega

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Joining WWE was always a dream doing it after your brother alredy made it to the main roster was never the plan. Being the little sister of the newly famous Finn Balor wasn't an easy task.

"Hey Finn, I'm so glad to see you."

"Yeah you to n/n, hows mom?"

"She's fine, misses you. Hows the arm, heard about that fall."

"I'll be fine. Hey wanna meet my friends the bullet club?"

"Uh yeah sure, sounds like fun." You replied.

You and Finn walked backstage and to the locker rooms. In the back was a door with the bullet club logo on the back. You and Finn walked in. The locker room was litered with members of the bullet club. You and Finn walked up to one of them.

"Hey Styles, you've heard about my sister y/n right?"

"Yeah, hey y/n, nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah 'you to AJ, big fan."

"Huh, thanks." AJ replied. "Oh Balor, Omeg's looking for you."

Finn nods his head and you guys walk back to another part of the room. Inside there's a dude fixing his blondish brown hair. Finn walkes up and taps his shoulder.

"Oh hey Balor, I was looking for you. Hey and who might this cutie be?" Kenny asked looking at you.

"Its my sister Omega, back off."

"Oh, hey she's cute. Single babe?"

You roll your eyes and raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah why, like what you see?"

Kenny nods his head and smirks before setting down his comb.

"Yeah, like what you see babe?"

"Not a thing." You reply.

Kenny smiles and you walk out of the room. You take a seat next to AJ, him being married you know he wont bother you. Awhile later Balor finishes and you to walk back to the hotel. Later that night a knock comes at the door and Finn is gone at the gym. You open the door to see Kenny standing there.

"Can I help you?" You ask standing in the doorway.

"Yeah looking for your brother, he here?"

"Nope. in the gym." You reply.

Kenny is now looking at you, giving off a kind of judgy look. You raise an eyebrow.

"Something wrong."

"What are you waering?"

You look down at your eagles jersey and silver shorts. Then you look back up and shrug.

"CLothes?" You reply.

"Well duh, but eagles. Really?"

"Yeah so what."

Kenny nods his head and makes his way down to the gym. A few hours later your on your laptop when Finn comes back with Omega in tow. You wave and go back to your computer. A while later you take off your headphones and get up to get some water to find Kenny staring at you.

"Can I help you?" You ask sarcastically.

"Um no, I was just looking at your hair."


"Your a ginger. No ones in Balors family is ginger."

"Its called hair dye genius." You reply as you grab your water.

You sit back down and Kenny joins you looking at the digital drawing on your laptop. It's a drawing of AJ , Finn , and Kenny.

"Hey that's pretty good, you do that?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I was bored."

"Cool, you did get my nose wrong though."

"What? No I didn't." You reply

Kenny nods his head and points to his nose. You look at his face and realize he's right. His nose is completely different from the photo you have.

"Well hold still then."
Kenny keeps still as you change the photo. After a few minutes you walk over and get in his face.
"Umm what are you doing?"
"Getting a better look at your face. Yeah, you jawline is more defined and your eyes are more narrow."
You walk back to the chair but are grabbed by Kenny and pulled into a kiss. You break it and smile.
"Balors gonna kill you."
"Well he doesn't have to know babe."
You roll your eyes and go back to the photo.

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