TJ Perkins

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"Come on Perkins we don't have all day." You tell your boyfriend as he searches for his keys on the marble counter.
"I cant find my keys babe." He whines at you.
You shake your head and shake the keys in front of his face, he looks at you then grabs them. You grab your crutches off the counter and walk out to the car, TJ helps you climb in the passenger seat and throws the crutches in the back. You drive in silence with the radio going for a while until you speak up.
"You think they'll let me walk without the crutches?" You ask him while looking out the ran stained window.
"Hopefully, I hate that thing." TJ replies as he turns the car around a corner.
You shoot him a look and then go back to looking out the window, finally TJ pulls the car into a small parking lot and helps you out. You hobble up the steps and inside the building.
"Hey, I'm here to see Dr.Anders?" You tell the blonde at the front desk.
"Name please." She replies as she grabs a pen.
"Y/n l/n." You tell her leaning on the counter a bit.
She nods ams checks your name on her list, you smile and sit down next to TJ in a chair and wait. It doesn't take long for the doctor to call you back, you get up and TJ follows you to the back room.
"We'll be taking that off today to see how you fair without it." The doctor explains to you and TJ.
"Great, can't wait." You reply lifting your foot up.
The doctor takes the cast off and examines your foot, you wiggle your toes and move your ankle a bit finally being able to see and move them.
"Go ahead and stand for me." The doctor tells you.
You stand and your leg feels a bit weak but you stay up. TJ stands right by you ready to catch you if you fall. The doctor nods and you sit back down, he writes something down on his paper then turns back to you.
"Your off the cast now, you can walk without help but I recommend taking the crutches with you just in case." He explains.
You nod and shake his hand then stand up and take a step, its slow but your alright. You walk out to the main lobby with TJ right behind you, you walk out to the car and almost reach it when you lose balance and fall. Before you hit the concrete below you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around you, you open your eyes to see that TJ grabbed you.
"You alright babe?" He asks still holding you close.
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks babe." You reply, being this close to TJ still gives you goosebumps.
He let's you go and you walk the rest of the way to the car, the whole drive home your legs ache from the sudden use of then. When TJ pulls into the driveway you lean over with pleading eyes.
"TJ, can you carry me inside?" You plead to your boyfriend.
A smile plays on his lips and he looks at you and sigh, he gets out of the car and walks over to your side.
"Come on princess." He tells you with his arms out.
You giggle a bit as you stand and he picks you up bridal style and carries you inside, the whole time you watch his face concentrate on o opening doors without dropping you. When you get inside he drops you on the couch, but as you fall you grab him and pull TJ down with you. As he falls on top of you, he smiles and you kiss his lips.
"My hero." You mumble as you shift your leg free of his weight.
"My damsel in distress. " TJ replies with another kiss.

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