Shinsuke Nakamura

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You scanned your closet for a bathing suit, you needed just the right one for the occasion. You and Shinsuke never got much alone time due to both your work schedules, so when you bith got the same day off you knew just what to do. Go to the beach.

You dug through your bottom drawer and pulled out a grey and red bikini, a gift from your boyfriend around a year ago. You pulled it out and walked into the bathroom to change into it then slipped a tank top and shorts over it.

"Y/n." You hear your name being called.

"Batjdoom." You yell back as you open the door and walk out.

"You ready to go?" Shinsuke asks you with am eager grin.

"Yeah just let me grab my bag." You nod as you grab your duffel bag off your bed.

Shinsuke heads outside to the car and ties your surfboards up while you make sure you have everything and join him. The ride to the beach is short, only around an hour and a half,  when you arrive the sun is already beating down on the warm sand.

"You grab the boards and I'll get the bags." You inform your eager boyfriend.

He nods and unites the boards from the roof of the car, when you make it down to the beach their isn't a lot of people there.  You figured this since it was only Thursday.

"At least their isn't a lot of people here,  and the waves look good." You say think Shinsuke is right behind you.

In reality he had grabbed the boards and was now sprinting in front of you towards the beach. You giggle at his antics and walk a bit faster down to the beach.

"Slow down Shinsuke." You complain as you finally catch up with him. "Let's at least get settled in and let me take these off."

Shinsuke nods and sticks both surfboards in the sand, you set down your bag and spread out a blanket and  umbrella.  After that you strip the top and shorts.

"Beautiful, love the colors." Shinsuke tells you as he glances at you.

"You're the one that bought it for me so I hope you like it." You reply as you set your clothes in your bag.

"You look stunning in anything you wear." Shinsuke smiles.

You shake your head and grab your green board from the sand, Shinsuke grabs his and races you to the beach. Your feet hit the water and you sigh aloud, it's slightly warm with a bit of chill.

"Waves look good." You comment as they form out further from you.

"Yes they'll be good." Shinsuke replies.

You both wait for moment then swim out to wait for a wave, your go first and ride a decent sized one perfectly.
You wave to shinksuke from your board as he stands and rides a wave down.

"Nice." You complement him.

The two of you repeat this process for a while then you head back to the beach and chill on your towel for a while listening to music. After a bit Shinsuke walks up to you with a grin on his face.

"A shell for my beautiful girlfriend." He States as he hands you an almost perfect conch shell.

"Aww Shinsuke this is so pretty thanks." You tell him as you take the pinkish shell from him.

You examine it over then grin and peck your boyfriends cheek with a kiss. You then set the shell down in your bag and go back to sunbathing.

After a few more hours of messing around the sun begins to set over the water, you sit up on the blanket with a shirt over your top.

"The sunsets pretty." You comment as you watch oranges and purples mix in the sky.

"Yeah but it's nothing compared to you." Shinsuke replies.

You giggle and begin to take things back to the car, today was as good of a day off as you could ask.

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