Dean Ambrose

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"I'm telling you sirs they'll make the perfect team, he's an unstoppable force that needs to be contained and she's NXT's biggest troublemaker that needs some muscle on her side." Curt Angle explained as he pitched his new idea to the board.

"He has a point you know guys." Shane vouched for his competition. "They make the perfect team, she has lots of male and female fans that would die to see her on the main roster and Stroman already has a good reputation as a heel."

The board glanced at eachother and then dismissed the two men for a while. After about half an hour of debating it Curts request came through. Braun Stroman would be paired with a huge talent from NXT by the name of y/n Holloway, together they would make a good mixed tag team and an overall power pair.

"Thanks for the support Shane." Curt said as he shook shanes hand.

"Yeah i helped you out bacause i'd love to see y/n on the main roster. I couldnt get her becuase  her and Kevin Owens refuse to work together so she'll be good on Raw. Just a word of advice Angle, keep her and Ambrose away. Thats one couple you dont want to happen." Shane warned Angle before heading off.

The news of your call up hit you fast, the same day in fact and you where blissfull. You had been waiting for this for a long time, naturally the first thing you did was tell your best friend and current NXT champion Bobby Roode.

"OMG bobby!" You yell bursting into the champions hotel room.

"What the hell? Whats got you all exited n/n?" Bobby asks seeing you burst through his door.

"I got called up to Raw!" You anounce exitedly hopping onto his bed and looking to him for a reaction.

"What!? y/n that's great, i'm so proud of you." Bobby replied hugging you. "So when are you leaving and who is it with?"

"I leave tomorrow night and i'm in a tag with Braun Stroman, i assume it's because my characters a total manipulative bitch." You explain with a huge smile.

"Lets be real here n/n, you're a bitch in real life to." Bobby teases you ruffling your hair.

You lightly punch him on the arm and shake your head, you and bobby go out to celebrate.

The next night you head down to the Arena where Raw is being held tonight, you imediatly make your way to the main office but run into a farmilular face on the way.

"Holloway is that you?" You hear a voice.

You turn around to see a mutual friend and fellow gamer on upupdowndown Seth Rollins, you walk over and hug him with a smile.

"Rollins it's so good to see you." You giggle breaking the hug.

As you do you notice that another guy is standing off to the side of Seth, judging by the light brown head of hair and alert blue eyes you take it to be Dean Ambrose.

"What are you doing here y/n, did you get called up?" Seth asks looking puzzled as to why an NXT star would be at Raw.

"Yeah i got called up for a tag with Braun Stroman." You reply glancing at Dean looking at you from behind Seth. "You must be Dean Ambrose, nice to meet you." You greet the man holding a hand out.

"Pleasures all mine babe, nice to finally meet the notorious y/n Holloway. You're actually Conor Mgregors cousin right?" Dean asks pointing out the resemblance to the ufc fighter and the nickname.

"Thats right, he's my cousin. It was nice to see you Seth, and to meet you dean but i better get going." You exuse yourself, you wouldnt want to be late on the first day.

Both men nod and Dean winks at you as they walk off, you smirk and head down the hall to the main office. When you arrive Stroman and Curt are already waiting for you.

"Ah y/n Holloway, it's nice to see you face to face." Curt compliments you.

You shake his hand then Stromans as he towers above you, being only around 5'6 he was much taller than you. You all sit down and begin the meeting.

"So i just wanted to introduce the two of you since you'll be partners for a while. Now this isnt a romance line, just thought i'd get that out there and you'll first match will be tonight as a 6 man tag with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins agianst Miz and his boys. y/n you'll be there for support and to watch Miz's wife." Angle explains.

You and Braun both nod and head out, down in the hallway he's the first to break the almost akward silence.

"So nice to meet you, i've heard some stories from NXT. Are you the one who helped Bobby Roode cheat against Nakamura and win a title?" He asks you.

"Yep that would be me, the notorious y/n holloway. Same nickname as my cousin Conor in ufc." You reply.

Braun nodds his head and you head down to the ring with him for a match. Down at the ring you slide up between dean and seth and glance across the ring at Miz and his possie. The match starts with Stroman and you let him do his thing.

"So dean." You smile sliding up next to him. "Saw you wink at me eaelier. You have something to ask me?" You ask the brunette with a smirk.

"Well i believe it be an honor to take conor McGregors cousin out for a burger, that is if she's interested." Dean replies looking your way with those baby blues.

"Hmm i do like free food, im in." You nod your head as you walk off to the sideline at throw a wink in curtis axles direction distracting from a desperate tag attempt from miz.

The bell quickly rings and the four of you all head up the ramp and backstage, you tell stroman not to wait up for you and return to dean.

"Shall we miss Holloway?" Dean asks you.

"We shall mr. Ambrose." You reply taking his arm.

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