Marty Scrull

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"Hey boys." Marty greeted Matt and Cody as usual.

He walked into the catering room with his umbrella at his side ready to discuss the nights plans, at least those where his plans. He made is halfway to his buddies when he spotted a gorgeous h/c sitting alone at a table with a bottle of water. He imediatly was fixated on her as he made it to Cody's side.

"Dude who's that fine mama I see over there?" He asks with a smirk as he stares at the back of the girls head.

"No idea." Cody replies. "She's new here. I'd say camera girl judging by her attire." He points out.

Marty nods in agreement and licks his lips, his plans for the night had changed.

You sit alone in the catering room on your first night as a camera worker, you've got some time to kill and no where else to be so you decided to sit alone. All of a sudden you feel eyes on you and use your phone screen to look behind you, a smile plays on your lips when you see Marty Scroll heading your way.

"This seat taken?" Marty asks with a smile.

"Now it is." You reply returning the grin.

"Names Marty, any reason a lovely lady like you is sitting all alone?" He asks after he introduces himself.

"Just killing some time before work is all." You reply as you glance at the clock behind him.

He's captivating, that pearly white smile and smooth jawline. His eyes shine as he looks at you and you try not to stare.

"So Marty you said?" You ask confirming his name. "Nice to meet you Marty I'm y/n." You tell him as you hold out a hand to shake.

Marty takes your hand in his and gives it a firm shake, you smile and take it back. One more glance at the clock and you realize you have a job to get to.

"Well as fun as this has been I've gotta go, it was wonderful to meet you Marty." You tell him as you get up to leave.

"Likewise babe. Maybe we'll be seeing more of each other." Marty replies.

You head off to the camera room and get ready for the night.

By the time you're all settled with your camera you get handed a sheet for stuff to do, first thing on the list is a promo with Cody Rhodes and Marty Scroll. A smile plays on your lips as you make your way to the location.

"Yeah man she's super gorgeous and seems cool, she even said shed like to see me again." Marty gushes to Cody as they wait for the camera crew.

"Well now's your chance man." Cody replies. "Here she comes with the rest of the camera crew." He points behind him.

Marty cracks a smile and fixes his hair as you and the crew walk up to him, you give him a small smile as you set up your camera.

"Hey Rhodes hows about we go and get ourselves a match tonight since the boss so happened to forget about us." Marty suggest as he fiddles with his umbrella.

"Sounds like a plan scrull." Cody replies "I'll go get the rest of the boys." He smirks.

You record a bit more and switch the camera off, the crew begins to dissipate but you linger a bit and wave to Marty.

"Funny seeing you here." You tease him.

"Yeah youre not stalking me are you?" Marty replies with a chuckle.

"Maybe." You reply slyly. "Well I've got places to be but this is yours." You smile as you hand him a paper and walk off.

Marty looks at the paper with a number written on it and smiles. He got your number.

The rest of the night goes smoothly and you end up back at the hotel for the night when you get a text, you read it and find out its Marty.

-Hey it's Marty from work, wanna hang?

-sure where u wanna meet?

You reply and Marty gives you the name of a nearbye diner, you change clothes and head out. When you get there Marty is chilling in a booth, he smiles when he sees you.

"Why hello again." You smile as you sit down.

"Hello y/n. I ordered burgers and shakes for us if that's alright." He tells you.

"Perfect." You reply happily.

Your food arrives shortly and you eat while talking to Marty about yourselves. By the end of the night you think you might be in love.

"Well this was about the best date I've had in ages." You smile.

"Yeah I can agree on that." Marty replies. "Walk you home?"

"If this is a plot to get a goodnight kiss I must warn you its only a 80% chance to work." You smirk.

"I like those odds." Marty replies.

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