Finn Balor

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Finn walked around the backstage of nxt for the first time, tonight was his day view since leaving NJPW.

"Its way different from Japan huh?" You ask as you walk up to the lost Irishman startling him a bit. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I'm y/n." You introduce yourself.

"Hello." Finn smiles. "How'd you know I worked in Japan?" He asks you with a curious smile.

"Oh duh its y/n Sabre." You add your last name for clarification. "I'm Zack Sabres little sister." You smile.

"Oh you're that y/n, yeah Zack talks about you a lot. It's nice to meet you." Finn nods. You smile and shake his hand, as you do Hunter shows up.

"Ah Finn there you are, and I see you already made a friend." He smiles at the sight of you.

"Yeah Finn used to work with my brother on Japan." You explain to your boss. H nods and turns back to Finn.

"So we're starting you out small, you'll get some screen time to introduce yourself and talk a bit then you'll have  match with Johnny Gargano." He explains. Finn nods and turns back to you.

"Wanna show me around a bit? That is of you're not busy with something else?" Finn asks you, he'd rather it be someone he kind of knee than a stranger show him around.

"Sure." You reply with a smile. "I've got nothing to do for the rest of the night anyway." You agree.

You and Finn head down the Hall for a tour of the building and where everything is.

"So how's Zack doing?" Finn asks you as the two of you walk.

"He's doing well as far as I know." You reply. "Haven't talked to him in a couple of weeks though."

"He was doing well when I last saw him a few days ago." Finn nods. "Excited about his match with Will Ospreay."

"Oh I'll definitely be hearing about that then, he's always been super close with Ospreay." You reply.

After giving Finn a tour you drop him off at the locker rooms, you've got some things that you can do so you decide to hang around for his match.

"Well here you are, I imagine that you can find your way from here?" You ask him with a grin.

"Ha yeah I think I can manage, you leaving now?" He replies flashing a grin of white teeth at you.

"No I think I'll stay and watch your match, no reason to sit in my hotel bored anyway." You reply. "Good luck man." You wish him before you leave.

With nothing to do you head down to the bosses office to see what he's up to. When you get there it's empty except for Trip of course.

"Hey HEY what's up?" You ask as you slide inside the room.

"Y/n?" He asks as he looks up from his phone. "I thought you left?"

"I showed Finn around, and decided to stay and watch his match." You explain as you plop down in a chair.

"You don't happen to like him do you?" Hunter asks you.

"Yeah he's cool." You reply not thinking anything of the question.

"Yeah he's cool but do you like him." He asks again putting emphasis on like. It takes a minute to register what he means but when you do you sit up and flash him a look.

"Really?" You ask him. "Can you go five minutes without gossiping like a teenager?" You scold him.

"Hey all I'm saying is you'd make a good couple." Hunter replies putting his hands up in defense.

"Whatever." You wave him off. "Mind your business." You walk out of the room not wanting to listen to him anymore.

You make it to the viewing room where they usually do interviews and relax, Finn is just barely making his way to the stage when you get there.

"Perfect timing." You say to yourself. You settle in and watch his promo.

After his promo you watch the screen as Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring with Liv Morgan at his side, she might be a problem for Finn. In a bold move you head out to the ring, if Johnny was going to bring a distraction Finn would have one to.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Finn asked when you get to his side of the ring.

"Trust me when I say you need me, Liv Morgan is a sneaky hoe. I've got your back." You nod at him as you slide down on the floor and glance at Liv.

Finn nods trusting you and the bell rings for the match to start. Liv tries to get in the way a few times but you always manage to stop her. Finn gets the win and you celebrate quickly before heading backstage with him.

"Thanks for having my back, I would've lost without you." Finn thanks you.

"No problem, always happy to piss off Barbie." You reply patting his slightly sweaty back.

"I should thank you, how about i buy you dinner?" He suggests wanting to return the favor.

"Yeah sure I don't see why not." You agree.

After finn changes you both head out of the arena together, as you pass hunters office you slyly see him smirk and make a heart shape with his hands when you pass him. God you hate it when he's right.

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