TJ Perkins

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You walk down the hall on your way to the catering room, at least that is what you'd told your brother Neville. You slowed down as you past a row of locker rooms and didnt even flinch when a hand apeared in the hall and pulled you into one of the room. As you wherw yanked into a room and pushed against the now closed door you felt hands on your hips and lips on your neck.

"TJ." You giggle as he kisses your neck. "TJ quit that tickles." You struggle to lightly push him off you.

He finally lets go releaving you from the torture, you smirk and pull him in for a hug.

"What did you tell Adrian?" TJ asks while hugging you.

"Told him i needed food and would be back later." You reply pulling away from him.

TJ smirks and pulls you by the hand to the couch, when you reach he pulls you down onto his lap. You straddle his legs and crash your lips to his. God if Adrian ever found out he'd kill Perkins, but that was part of what made the relationship so fun, sneaking around was a thrill.

"Mmm, so what do you have planned tonight?" You ask as TJ tends to your neck his hands gripping your thighs.

"Big.... Match.......tonight." TJ mumbles between kisses. "Right now.......kisses."

You giggle and run a hand through hia soft hair, the smell of his shampoo filling your nose.

"Who against?" You ask agian.

"Mmmm.....Neville...and...mmmmm.......Gallagher." TJ mumbles again.

You break away from his hold and look him in those chocolate Brown eyes with concern.

"Adrian? You have to wrestle Adrian, my brother Adrian?" You ask knowing the answer.

"Yea that adrian. Dont worry babe i promise i wont hurt him." TJ replies running a hand down your leg.

"I know that but he might hurt you." You reply hands on his neck. "You know he hates you."

TJ chuckles and shakes his head.

"Dont worry babe, plus he can't hate me forever. Especially since me and you are together. We are an item arent we?" TJ asks you smirking.

"Of course we are." You reply kissing his lips again. "Just be careful."

After spending a bit more time with TJ you head back to Adrians locker room, when you get there you notice he looks a bit angry.

"Hey Adrian, something wrong?" You ask closing the door behind you.

"I thought you went to go get something to eat?" Adrian asks you.

Shit he knows.

"I did." You lie again.

"Gallagher saw you get pulled in perkins locker room and not come back out for a while." Adrian explains visibly pissed off.

You sigh and nod your head, youd have to tell him eventually. Sure you kind of wished TJ was with you but oh well.

"Me and him have been a thing for a while." You confess looking at your older brother in the eyes.

"Youve what?" Adrian replies.

"Please dont be mad Adrian. Perkins is a nice guy and good to me, i love him." You beg him.

"Y/n be quiet." Adrian replies pushing past you. "He's getting his ass kicked tonight."

You rush after Adrian down to the ring where TJ already waits with Akira Tozawa, you wave your arms getting his attention and point to Adrian in front of you.

"You're dead Perkins." You hear Adrian yell.

Adrian jumps into the ring right after TJ and all you can do is watch, you know its a horrible idea to get in the middle of it. You watch by as Akira runs over to you.

"Y/n what's going on?" Akira asks you.

"Adrian found out me and TJ are dating." You explain watching both men tussle.

"Id never do anything to hurt her Neville." TJ yells to the angry man attempting to hit him.

"Shes to good for you." Neville snaps back.

"Adrian knock it off please." You yell into the ring. "Akira can you please help?"

Akira nods and jumps into the ring, you watch him grab Neville and distract him long enough for TJ to roll away. You run to his side and push him behind you, Adrian soon returns amd comes face to face with you.

"Move y/n." He demands.

"No." You reply. "Me and TJ are in love Adrian, and you can beat on him all you want but i'll never forgive you." You tell him while one of your hands holds TJ back behind you.

Neville stands fuming and you start to walk away making sure TJ is always behind you. Backstage you help him settle on a box and examine your broken boyfriend.

"Are you alright?" Is the first thing you ask pulling him in for a hug.

"Yeah i'm fine baby." TJ replies. "Itll take a lot more than that to get rid od me."

You turn around when you hear someome walk up behind you, its Adrian.

"Before you say anything i come in peace, y/n im sorry. I can see you really love him, and i guess if he's willing to take a beating for you then he's good to me." Adrian explains.

You squeal and pull your brother into a huge hug, then back over to TJ and kiss him. You can finally do that in a crowd.

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