Seth Rollins

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'God she's so pretty' Seth thought to himself as you walked past him with Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. Just as you did Dean walked up behind him and slapped a hand on his shoulder.

"You're drooling bro." Dean teases his best friend as you disappear around the corner.

"What? No I'm not." Seth replies wiping his chin just in case.

"You mind as well have been. Man how long have you been crushing on her?" Dean asked Seth recalling his friends huge crush on you.

"Since she came here like nine months ago." Seth sighed in reply.

Dean chuckled and popped a blueberry in his mouth, literally everyone knew that Seth had a huge crush on the newest and by far peppiest new day member. Everyone except for her that is, in fact everyone was amazed that she didn't have a clue.

Down the hallway in the New Day locker room you flopped down on the couch next to Xavier, he was currently writing down is YouTube schedule.

"Xavier, can I be on the next episode?" You ask your friend in a desperate voice.

"Yeah I don't see why not, it's a small madden challenge though. That means I'll be pairing you up with another superstar for doubles matches." Xavier replied explaining the plan for his next array of videos.

"That's fine, I just wanna be in a video." You reply.

Xavier nods and writes your name down in his book, after he does you all change into your ring gear for a match you have tonight. One against the two remaining shield members, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. You had to admit Seth was hot, of course everyone thought that but still.

"And their opponents tonight, The New Day!" The announcer yelled into the mic.

Your music hit and you and the boys all walked out to the ring, you made your way over to the corner and let Big E and Kofi climb in the ring. You and Xavier stood on the floor to cheer them on and make sure that Dean and Seth didn't cheat. As the match began you glanced over in the direction of your opponents, Dean stood on the floor and looked at you while nodding to Seth in the ring. You raised an eyebrow wondering what he meant by that, then just like that Dean was gone and replaced by Seth on the floor. You gave the kingslayer a small smile then turned your attention back to Xavier.

"What was that about?" Xavier asked you recalling Dean.

"No idea, I don't think he was referring to himself. He pointed to Seth, weird huh?" You replied.

"Yeah weird." Xavier nodded knowing very well why dean nodded to Seth.

After picking up the win you and Xavier rushed to Dean and Seth's side of the ring to break up a fight with Kofi and Dean, you rushed over and yanked Kofi back from Dean while Seth did the same.

"Sorry about that." You smiled at Seth handing Kofi to Xavier and Big E.

"Yeah same, Dean can get out of hand." Seth replied holding Dean back a bit.

You waved one last time and helped drag Kofi up the ramp and back stage.

Down at the ring after Dean had calmed down he wore a huge smile on his face. Slightly annoyed he made a fool of himself in front of you Seth asked dean why he was smiling.

"What are you so happy for dick, you made me embarrass myself in front of y/n." Seth snapped.

"Whoa calm down there tiger, she's totally into you." Dean smiled at his friend. "You see the way she smiled at you?"

"She smiles like that at everyone, trust me I know." Seth replied.

Dean shook his head and walked off into the dressing room leaving Seth alone to mope.

The next day you show up to Xavier's recording place and are greeted by him and Kofi, what's weird is Seth Rollins sits in a chair by the TV.

"Hey Austin, why's Rollins here?" You ask curious.

"Remember how I told you you'd have a partner for this game? Well that just so happens to be Seth." Xavier explains with a smile.

You nod and walk over to Seth, he doesn't notice you until you take a seat in the chair next to him. As soon as he see's you close to him he jumps a bit.

"Oh hey y/n, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I've just been informed we are partners for this challenge." You explain sticking out a hand.

"Oh cool." Seth stutters out a bit shaking your hand.

You take it back and grab a controller, you see Seth already has the screen ready for you to pick a team together.

"So I'm an eagles fan, what about you? Bears right?" You ask Seth.

"Yeah, what team should we go with?" Seth replied looking to you.

"We can go bears if you want, I do play with eagles all the time though." You explain not caring what team you pick really.

"We'll go with eagles then, I'm always doing bears and could use a change." Seth decides.

You nod and tell Xavier just as the uso twins walk in, they are your first competition.

Throughout the whole challenge you and Seth sweep through each team, even practice together at your hotel. After a few weeks you end up beating the last team and win, you end up going out to dinner to celebrate.

"Well that was awesome, I cant believe we won." You admit sitting down in the booth.

"Yeah, to be fair we do make a good team." Seth replies sitting down across from you.

You giggle and pick up a menu, after ordering food you both talk about random stuff for a while. The whole time Seth is a bit nervous, you notice this and finally ask.

"Something wrong Seth?" You ask worried.

"No... I mean yeah. It's just I kind of need to tell you something." Seth admits.

You nod and wait for him to continue, he sighs heavily and rubs the back of his neck.

"So this is embarrassing but I've kind of had a huge crush on you since you came here like a year ago." He blurts out fast.

You almost laugh, he looks sad thinking that you find it funny and don't like him back. You quickly shake your head and throw your hands up.

"No no no, not like that. I've had a huge crush on you since I was like in NXT." You confess to him.

"Really?" Seth replies surprised.

"Yeah, I mean sexy badass dude in a hella dominate faction? Of course I had a crush on you, still do." You explain.

"Wow ok, so does that make this a first date then?" Seth asks.

"Only if you pay." You tease.

"It be my pleasure." Seth replies pulling out his wallet.

You chuckle and shake your head, you're on a date with Seth Rollins

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