Pete Dunne

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"Hey Dunne heard you think that you're gonna win agianst Trent tonight?" You call to Pete standing in the hall.

The camera man follows close behind you as you aproach your boyfriend with a scowl on your face.

"Thats because i am gonna beat your idiot of a brother tonight." Pete replies as the camera pans to him.

"Please." You snicker. "You couldn't wrestle your way out of a paper bag let alone beat Trent."

"Yeah? Is that why im champion?" Pete replies patting the belt on his shoulder.

"No you have that because your a cheat and a kiss ass." You scoff looking at him.

You and pete go back and forth for a while, the argument ends in you slapping him and walking off screen. The cameras click off and you emerge from the hall and walk back over to Pete.

"Im so sorry babe i didnt mean to hit you that hard." You apologize looking at the red mark on his face.

"Im fine baby, it didnt hurt that bad." Pete replies as he rubs his cheek.

You feel bad and place a kiss to his cheek, he smiles and tells you that helped.

"Thanks babe." He smirks.

"Of Course." You reply.

You give your boyfriend one last hug then walk off with the camera crew to go film a scene with Trent, when you reach the hall he' waiting for you.

"Trent there you are." You announce as you turn the corner with the camera behind you.

"Y/n whe mre have you been?" Trent replies as you reach him.

"I kind of ran into Pete and we kinda argued and i may have slapped him." You explain in a slightly scared tone.

"What? Well nice job but now he'll probably be after you." Trent replies patting your shoulder. "You'll be with me during my match so i can keep an eye on you." He tells you.

You nod and the two of you walk into the locker room in front of you. The camera's switch off and you and Trent both walk back into the hall.

"So you actually hit him?" Trent asks you.

"Yeah and it was horrible he's fine though." You reply.

"Well yeah you hit like a girl n/n." Trent snickers.

"Oh do i now?" You reply.

You raise your fist and hit trent on the arm, he flinches and rubs his arm.

"God your mean, i'll see you in a bit." He tells you.

You nod and head back to pete's locker room, opening the door you find the small room to be empty.

"Pete?" You ask aloud to the empty room.

All of a sudden you feel a pair of arms grab you and lift you up, you squeal loudly.

"Woah calm down this isnt a kidnapping." Pete tells you as he lets go.

You whirl around and smack his arm, he shakes his head.

"Give me a heart attack why dont you?" You scold him.

"You love me." Pete replies as he rubs his arm.

You roll your eyes and sit down on the couch, pete joins you as he snakes his arms around your waist.

"So you gonna be at ringside tonight?" He asks you as his face inches closer to yours.

"Yeah i'll be there and be happy to see Trent kick your ass." You tease him as you push his away. "Call it payback for scaring me."

"Oh come on babe." Pete whines. "I'll beat Trent easy."

You roll your eyes and stand up, Pete also stands and hugs you.

"See you down at the ring babe." You smile as you hug him.

"Mhm my good luck charm." Pete replies pecking your lips.

You head back off to trents locker room and find him waiting for you.

"Playing kissy face with Dunne y/n?" He asks as the two of you wait for the camera.

"Jealous?" You reply.

Trent scoffs just as the crew arrives, you and trent both walk down to the ramp as the camera crew follow you down. Once you get to the ring you slide into place in a corner and watch as Pete makes his way down to the ring. The bell rings and the match starts.You fake a smile and cheer as Pete looses the match to your brother.

"Yeah get him trent." You cheer for your 'brother'.

The bell rings and Trent wins the match, you cheer and walk up the ramp with him. The camera crew does a small interview and then you head back to pete's locker room. When you turn in the hall you find him angrily ranting while the camera crew films it, you wait for them to leave.

"Theres my hothead." You muse as you snake your arms around Pete when he's not looking.

"Conspiring agianst your brothers enemy now?" Pete replies. "Naughty."

"Well in my defense you are way better looking then Trent. And a much better wrestler." You whisper in his ear.

Pete turns around and picks you up, you wrap your legs around his waist and kiss him.

"Love you."

"Me to Pete."

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