Johnny Gargano

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"Oh come on Tyler please?" You beg your best friend as you hold out the cowboy hat to him with pleading eyes.

"No I'm not wearing the hat just so you can take photos for instagram." Tyler replies as he swats your hand away.  You pout a bit and cross your arms.

"Hmm I thought you where suposse to be the fun one Tyler?" You ask him with a pout face.

"The fun one not the dumb one, go try dango bet he'll wear it." He suggests to you.

"I already tried him, he turned me down to." You tell him. "Why can't I just have a dorky friend to dress up with me?" You ask to no one specific.

Part of the reason you'd been so upset was you had no real friends on SmackDown live, Bobby was still in NXT along with Shinsuke and especially your best friend Johnny.

"Well since you won't hang out I'm just gonna bounce Tyler, see you later man." You tell him as you get up to leave.

"See you later." Tyler smiles.

You head out of the arena and down to the bar a few blocks away, god you missed Johnny. He'd always been down to do stupid and fun stuff with you, not to mention you had a bit of a crush on him.

A few towns away Johnny Sat next to Bobby in the locker room looking gloomy which wasn't like him.

"What's wrong Johnny?" Bobby asked his friend knowing that Johnny isn't usually sad.

"Man I miss y/n." He groans. "She always managed to light this place up and make everything fun." He reminds his friend. Bobby nods his head, he knew johnny wouldn't last long without his best friend who he just so happened to love.

"I know man, you should have went with her. I bet she misses you." Bobby tells his friend to cheer him up.

"Nah." Johnny shakes his head. "She's probably having a blast at Smakcdown, she doesn't need me." He sighs.

Bobby shakes his head as he gets ready for his match in a few. Johnny mopes around the locker room for a while sad. After NXT Bobby heads back to the hotel and makes a call to a friend of his.

"Hello?" He asks into the phone. "Tyler it's Bobby from NXT, hey I was wondering of you could tell me how y/n's doing man." He asks the blonde.

"Y/n?" Tyler replies. "She's pretty miserable without Gargano here, hows he doing?" Tyler asks.

"Same here, man why aren't they together?" Bobby asks.

"I don't know man, but it needs to change." Both men agree.

The next morning you head to the gym and join Tyler as usual, your feeling better than the night before.

"Hey Tyler." You greet him cheerfully.

"Hey there she is." Tyler smiles. "I see your feeling better today." He muses.

"Yeah. So what's the plan for today?" You ask him as you grab a few weights.

"Just work out and maybe some lunch then back to the hotel." He tells you.

You nod not really in the mood to go anywhere anyway. After a workout you both head to lunch.

"So when was the last time you talked to Johnny?" Tyler asks as you wait for your food.

"A few months ago I guess, I miss him." You reply.

"Yeah you two made quite the team man, maybe you could get him called up." He suggests. "I mean Shane did work to get you here and he could use some more talent."

"Yeah maybe." You nod.

You and Tyler each lunch before you head back to the hotel.

Back at bobbys locker room he pats Johnny on the back and sits next to him.

"Hey man ive gotta go see a buddy a few towns over. Why don't you go talk to Shane about a callup?" He suggests to his still sad friend.

"Yeah I don't see why not." Johnny nods. "And maybe I'll see y/n." Johnny nods in agreement.

Bobby cracks a smile and drags Johnny along with him to visit a friend of his, on the way back they both stop at WWE studios to talk to Shane about Johnny getting put on the main roster. They both pull up to Shane's office and stop.

"Alright well lets go, the worst thing is he say's no right?" Bobby encourages Johnny.

"Yeah and my life continues to be bland and boring for eternity." Johnny replies.

Bobby rolls his eyes and pushes inside the door, Johnny follows after him.

You walk to Shane's office taking the advice of Tyler to talk to him about getting Johnny on the main roster. Boy if you could just get the chance to see him, you'd finally tell him how you left about him. You get to the door and find it cracked a bit, you're about to go in when you hear a familiar voice, it's Johnny.

"Come on man i'm not asking for much, just a spot as a jobber even." He pleads. "Man my lifes a mess without her, she's the one person that truly makes me happy and on my game. She's the light of my life man, so please at least give me a chance to tell her that." He begs Shane. You stand outside the door with a hand over your mouth, he really felt that way about you? You listen carefully as Shane starts to speak.

"Alright there Johnny don't start crying, i'll give you a main roster spot, something tells me you and y/n will make a good team. And hey man if you really lover her that much just tell her, the girls always moping around here anyway, maybe you can cheer her up." Shane tells him with a smile.

"Thank you so much Shane." Johnny gushes at him. "I'll go find her right now." He tells him.

You push open the door with a huge grin on your face, Bobby smiles and nudges Johnny on the shoulder.

"Looks like she found you man." He smiles as Johnny turns around.

"Y/n?" Johnny breathes as he see's you.

"Did you really mean all that?" You ask him as you step inside the room.

"Every word, I've been in love with you since we met." Johnny tells you. You giggle and pull him in for a huge hug.

"I love you to Johnny." You say as you hug him tightly. As he hugs you back you mouth "Thanks." to Shane and he nods at you. "So wanna dress up as cowboys with me?" You ask him totally out of the blue.

"haha." Johnny chuckles. "I'd love to."

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