TJ Perkins

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"Just leave me alone Curt." You beg as you try to get past him.
"Oh come on babe, just one date. You know you wanna."
You roll your eyes and push him to the side. Ever since he got traded to RAW Curt Hawkins had been a major thorn in your side. He whistled as you past then you heard him leave. Back at your locker you finally had some peace until the a knock came at the door.
"I said go away Hawkins." You yell as you open the door.
"Umm I'm not Curt Hawkins."
You look to see TJ Perkins standing in the doorway. You smile and sigh with relief.
"Sorry TJ, what can I help you with?"
"Umm Foley wants to see you. Is Hawkins bothering you?"
"Yeah, wont leave me alone."
TJ offers to walk you to Foley's office, you accept. On the way there you and him talk, your both really good friends.
"You wanna maybe get some lunch after this?"
"Yeah sure sounds fun, haven't been on a date in a while."
It takes you a minute to realize you called lunch a date. You look over to see a light pink dusted over TJ's cheeks, yours are red as well. You reach Foley's office and TJ waits for you outside.
"Hey Foley, Perkins said you wanted to see me?"
"Yeah n/n, I wanted to know of you'd want to get a promotion to an assistant manager. I need someone to help with my paperwork."
You stand silent for a second then think about it. Finally you answer him.
"Id love to Foley."
"Perfect." He replies.
You sign some papers and then take your new schedule. You also make sure that you keep your cool while Foley's in the room. As soon as you leave you grab TJ and pull him in for a victory hug. He doesn't know what's going on but he gladly spins and hugs you.
"Why are we celebrating?"
"I got a promotion." You squeal.
TJ grins and shakes your hand followed by another hug. The two of you head lit for some lunch, TJ stops to grab something from his locker.
"Hey girl, what are you doing around here?"
You turn around to see Curt walking up to you. You sigh and cross your arms.
"Leave me alone Hawkins, I already have a date."
"With who, that cruiserweight? Please, I'm much better looking then him."
You roll your eyes as Curt gets closer to you. He won't leave you alone till he knows your off the market. Just then you feel strong arms wrap around you.
"This dude bothering you babe?"
Its Perkins, he's holding you close to him while also protecting you from Curt.
"Curt, you've met my boyfriend TJ right?"
"Boyfriend?" He questions confused.
"Yeah." TJ replies " and I don't aprciate you harassing my girlfriend Hawkins."
Curt stutters a bit before walking off. Once he's gone TJ let's you go and you both laugh. When you get outside you turn and thank him.
"Thanks Perkins, hopefully he'll leave me alone now."
"No problem, I do expect a gift though."
You smile and grab him by the shirt collar, he gasps as you pull him in for a kiss. His hands grab your waist as you wrap your hands around his neck.
"Good enough gift?"
"Perfect." Perkins breathes.

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