Dean Ambrose

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You sit on your couch and play dolls with your cousin Charlie, your watching her for a few days while your uncle is on a business trip. Your about to ask if she's hungry when the doorbell rings, you get up and go answer it. When you open the door you find your boyfriend Dean standing in front of you with pizza.
"Hey babe, brought you food." He says with a smile.
"Oh good now I won't have to cook for Charlie, come on in." You reply letting Dean in.
Dean gives you a confused look and walks inside, you walk him into the main room and introduce him to the blonde that's sitting on your floor.
"Dean this is my baby cousin Charlie, Charlie this is Dean." You introduce the two as you take the pizza box from Dean.
Dean looks at you then back at the girl, he scratches the back of his neck and sits down.
"She's adopted right? I mean a blonde in a family of gingers?" Dean asks puzzled.
"Yeah, Ryan my uncle is gay and adopted her." You explain as you grab a slice if pizza and put it on a plate.
You walk over to the table where Charlie is playing with the pizza and a juice box, Charlie sees the food and sets her doll down.
"Pizza?" She asks looking at the plate.
"Yep, you can thank that man." You reply pointing to Dean.
Charlie runs over and hugs Deans leg as she mumbles some words then goes after her food, Dean chuckles and joins you in the kitchen with the pizza box.
"Well having a six years old in your house wasn't part of my game plan tonight but I think I can still make it work." Dean smiles as he pulls you into a hug.
You giggle and squirm in his grip, he's got you tight by the waist.
"Oh yeah, and what was your game plan? Use pizza to get in my pants?" You ask breaking free of his hold and grabbing a slice of said pizza. "Cause that would definitely work on me."
Dean chuckles softly and also grabs some pizza, you look into the other room where Charlie eats her pizza and stares down her doll on the floor. Your busy watching her and don't notice Dean move behind you and lift you up.
"Ahh, Dean put me Down." You squeal.
Dean sets you on the floor and you turn around to face him, he's smiling like an idiot. You shake your head and kiss him, he can't help but smile wider as you do. Before he can further the kiss anymore Charlie comes barreling in the room, you push Dean away a bit and bend down to take Charlie's plate. She throws away her own juice box and declares she wants a bath, you nod and walk her to the bathroom. When shes finally in bed after her bath you flop down on the couch, Dean soon appears in front of you and lifts your head up to sit down.
"Charlie finally out?" He asks as you lay your head on his lap.
"Yep thank God." You reply closing your eyes.
You and Dean sit in silence for a few minutes, the only sound in the room being the fridge humming in the other room.
"Want me to stay the night?" Dean asks as his hands run through your hair.
"Mmm, would you?" You reply a bit tired.
Dean nods and you get up and make your way to your room, you look in the spare room where Charlie is to see her fast asleep. Dean follows close behind you, when you get to your room the first thing you do is shower while deans sits in your room.
"Did you slip and fall?" Dean asks at the door of your bathroom after a while.
"Patience Ambrose." You reply.
Finally you walk out of the bathroom in a tank top and underwear, deans in his boxers as usual.
"You look better, more awake." He comments.
"Well I'm not." You reply in a yawn.
Dean nods and you both climb into bed, a few hours later you hear Charlie call your name, you go to get up but Dean stops you.
"I'll get it babe, just get some sleep." He tells you with a kiss on the forehead.
You nod not having the energy to protest, Dean chuckles a bit and disappears. Who knew he knew how to care for kids.

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