Byron Saxton

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You walked down the damn near empty hallway trying to find your way to the main office, you where horrible with directions and hopelessly lost. Not to mention you had to start your recording session in ten minutes. You wandered around for a few minutes until you spotted two guys in suits walking the other way, you sprinted down the hall and called out. Thankfully they stopped and waited for you to catch up, when you did you smiled. The first was tall and skinny with lots of tattoos and a razor shape jawline, the second was shorter and bulkier with dark skin and a cute smile.
"Hey I'm y/n l/n, here to record the themes for your payperview and new movie. Can one of you tell me where the recording room is?" You explained to the men.
"Yeah sure I'll walk you down there." The shorter one offered. "I'm Byron by the way."
You shake Byron's hand and he leads you down the hall to a recording room where Shane and a few other guys are waiting.
"Ah there you are, get into the booth and start this." Shane tells you pushing you to the booth door. "And you should stay Byron, I could use your opinion on her." Shane added.
Byron nodded and leaned against the wall as you sat down and pull the headphones balanced on the mic onto your head, you moved a few hairs out of the way and gave the booth guy a thumbs up.
"OK first is the song Sarcasm by the band Get Scared, you know it?" Shane asked.
"Yeah I know them, go ahead when your ready." You replied.
The band Get Scared was a personal favorite along with Fall out Boy and even Chris Jericho's Fozzy. The tune started playing and you began to sing.
"Oh we're just spilling our guts...." You began making your voice strong and loud.
Outside the booth Shane and Byron stood back and listened to the tune, it sounded good with your voice. After you finished the tune faded and you swiveled your chair to look at Shane through the glass panel.
"Its excellent, the next is a bit softer. Titanium, David guetta?" Shane explained through the com system.
You nodded and took a drink from a water bottle on the booth table, after your throat felt better you gave the signal and the tune started. This time your voice was softer and held more emotion, each word hit Shane and Byron's ear like a punch to the gut. When it was over both men where staring at you, you set the headphones down and went to talk to Shane.
"So how'd I do?" You asked as you leaned against the wall.
"I thought you where fantastic, Byron here agrees." Shane told you.
Byron nodded behind Shane, your voice still ringing in his ears.
"Thanks." You replied with a smile.
Shane gave you a full set list which included a few duets with Chris Jericho, you took your papers and stood out in the hall not knowing how to get out.
"Need some help leaving?" Byron asked walking up to you.
"Oh God yes, thank you so much." You praised him
Once you both made it out to the parking lot Byron turned to you.
"You have a beautiful voice by the way." He told you with a cute smile.
"Thanks, what can i sing for you. Its the least i could do for putting uo with my hassle." You ask.
"Oh you don't have to sing anything, maybe go out for coffee." Byron suggested.
You nod and Byron takes you to a coffee shop down the road, while your waiting for your orders a song plays on the radio and you hum along. Byron sits and listens to it until you catch him staring.
"Something on my face?" You ask teasing him.
"Oh, no I just can't get over your voice. Its angelic." Byron gushes.
"Ahh thanks Byron, you should take me out for coffee more often." You tell him.
"Maybe I will." Byron replies as your coffee arrives.

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