Drew Gulak

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"Hmmm." You ponder as you linger near a TV monitor. You'd been an assistant GM for 205 for a while now and had notices quite a few hot and single super stars that where potential dates for your lonely and single self.

The only problem you had was choosing one, you'd managed to whittle the many choices to just three people. It come down to, Tony Neese, TJ Perkins, and Drew Gulak. Each guy met the criteria for your perfect boyfriend but each also had a flaw. Tony was an egomaniac, and in love with himself so you wouldn't get as much attention. TJ was a huge gaming nerd, so this presented the same problem, he may not give you as much attention. Then there was Drew, the only problem you saw with Drew was you didn't know him as well as the other two. In the end you decided on Drew, your attention whore self taking over.

"Alright." You say aloud to yourself. With a decision in mind you go find Drake to see what the plans for the night are, and to see if Drew was free.

"Y/n there you are." Drake catches your attention. "I need your help."
He tells you.

"With what?" You ask him and you walk over to his desk and lean down.

"Which do you think would make a better match? Mark Andrews vs Tyler Bate, or Mark Andrews vs TJ Perkins?" He asks you.

"Mark and TJ." You tell I'm quickly. "We've seen Mark and Tyler go at it before." Drake nods and writes something down on his paper.

"Thanks, now what can I help you with?" He asks you.

"Can you tell me if we've got Drew Gulak booked tonight?" You ask him, he looks at you with a grin.

"Finally figure out who your going for huh?" He asks as he looks at the schedule. "You do know if you pick one you can't have the others?" He reminds you in a joking manner.

"Haha." You fake a laugh. "Schedule?"

"No he's not booked tonight, so he'll either be wandering around or at the gym." Drake informs you. You nod as a thanks and go to leave.

"Alright thanks man." You nod at your boss as you walk to the door.

"Good luck y/n." Drake calls to you.

You head down in the Hall in search for Drew, you look in all the usual places and don't see him. Thankfully you do run into a friend of his, ariya daivari.

"Hey Davari." You flag him down. "You have any idea where Drew is?" You ask him.

"Up yeah he just headed down to the gym." Aria tells you as he points down the hall.

"Alright thanks." You nod as you turn in the direction he'd pointed. "Oh and good luck on your match tonight." You tell him.

He thanks you in return and you walk off towards the gym, when you walk in the door you stop and scan the room. You easily spot Drew near the right side wall at one of the dead lift bars, he looks different then he usually does in one of his suits or ring attire. And he was growing out a small beard, a good look in your opinion.

"Hey Drew." You wave as you walk up to him.

"Y/n." He smiles like he'd always done when he'd see you in the hall. "What brings 205s GM in here?" He asks you taking a small break from lifting.

"Ha." You chuckle. "Funny enough I came to see you." You tell him as you stand a bit awkwardly.

"Oh yeah?" Drew asks as he looks at you a smile still gracing his features. "What for?" He asks.

You swallow hard, this was harder than you imagined it was going to be. He was just to confident and charming for you to keep still as he looked at you intently waiting for an answer.

"I wanted to know if you'd maybe wanna get some dinner with me?" You ask talking a little fast, it was just like ripping off a bandage right?

You look and Drew and study his face, he stays silent as he still looks at you. Then all of a sudden he chuckles heartily and smiles. 

"Are you asking me out on a date y/n?" He asks you.

"Yes." You reply a bit sheepishly. Drew looks at you with a grin and nods.

"Well normally I'm the one asking beautiful woman like yourself on dates, but I have to say. I like that you asked me." He tells you.

"So is that a yes then?" You ask since he never gave you a straight answer.

"Ha. Yes. I'd love to take you to dinner. " He chuckles. "Just let me get freshened up a bit, meet me outside in an hour?" He suggests to you.

"Yeah sounds like a plan, I should go change to." You agree as you glance down at your work clothes.

"Why?" Drew asks you. "You look gorgeous from where I'm standing." He smirks.

"Flirting already Drew?" You chuckle.

"It's not flirting if it's just a fact." Drew replies making you blush a little. "See you in a bit gorgeous." He tells you as he gets up to change.

You nod and leave the gym room, on your way out you spot Drake standing at the door and walk over to him.

"Well that looks like it went well, your cheeks look like tomatoes." He tells you, you put a hand to your face and feel the heat radiating off it.

"I'll have you know it went great." You tell him triumphantly.

"Mhm, I saw the whole charade." Drake nods. Matter of fact you better get going. By the way Drew was eyeing you up I believe you're in for a treat love." He tells you as he pushes you along.

"Yeah let's hope so, by Drake." You wave as you leave, you've got a date to get to.

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