AJ Styles

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Sugar and Spice, that's what they called you and your best friend Hailey. Hailey was a sweet and easygoing girl that loved her job so she was sugar, you where a more serious and hardcore girl so they called you Spice.  You and Hailey ruled the woman division for quite some time until Shane and Daniel decided it was time for a change.

You sat in your locker room and waited for Hailey to finish changing her clothes, you both had gotten a call saying Shane wanted to see you. You weren't worried though, knowing shane he proboably just wanted to talk to the two of you about your next title match. Finally Hailey emerged from the bathroom dressed in a floral sundress and some sandals, you rolled your eyes at your friends outfit and stood up to leave.

"What you don't like it?" Hailey asked a bit worried."

"You look fine Sugar, just not my type of look you know?" You reply heading out the door.

"Oh yeah, your all ripped jeans and band tee's." Hailey replies gesturing to your black jeans and tank top.

"Exactly, that's why they call us Sugar and Spice." You point out.

"Yep." Hailey replies giggling a bit.

The two of you continue down the hall until you bump into AJ Styles with his championship on his shoulder, you roll your eyes as soon as you see him. He spots you and Hailey and a sly smile spreads over his face.

"Well what do we have here, its the goth and the Disney princess what are you two headed?" AJ asks blocking your path.

"On our way to shanes office so move out of the way." You tell AJ with a stern look.

"Ah well wouldn't wanna keep him waiting now wood you girls. I'll be seeing you later Spice." AJ replies with a suggestive wink.

"Ha in your dreams Styles." You reply as you push past him.

You and Hailey finally reach shanes office and walk in, when you arrive shane stands up and shakes both your hands. You both take a seat and shane does the same.

"Great to see my two best woman in the company, I called you two here to discuss a new storyline." Shane explains.

"Oh yeah?" Hailey replies "What did you have in mind shane?"

"Recently me and Daniel have been putting together some storylines for mixed tag teams, not romantic lines persay but you two will have male partners." Shane explains to you and Hailey

"Mixed tags?" You repeat. "Really, who would even be good matches for me and Haileys whole Sugar and Spice thing." You protest.

"Well first we have to take into account your personalities. Hailey your sweet and nice but still have a huge work ethic and determination, y/n your more hardcore and egotistical with a do or die additude. So after careful thinking and some careful planning we're pairing you two with Sami Zayn and AJ Styles." Shane explains.

You almost choke on saliva when the name AJ Styles rolls off shanes tongue, you have to tag with that ass? Why him of all people? You relax a bit and turn to Hailey, if shes happy then you'll just have to live with being Styles partner.

"Sounds great." Hailey tells shane with a smile.

Your stomach churns in discomfort and discust, you choke out a nod and a smile to agree to the deal and seal the contract. Minutes later AJ and Sami walk through the door, AJ's face lights up as soon as see's you sitting in one of the chairs. You roll your eyes as he sends a wink your way, Shane stands and hands both men a paper to sign and sits back down.

"So we'll start it off tonight, AJ and Sami will have their match with Miz , Noam Darr , and their girlfriends. The girls will get into the match and help Miz and Noam win, after that Daniel will come out and annonce a mixed tag team making sure y/n and Hailey come to the rescue." Shane explains the plan to the four of you.

"Sounds good to me." You reply "Love to help out our damsels in distress."

"Woah that's not how I remember the story going." AJ retorts pushing past Sami and handing you the contract paper. "last time I checked the girls are the damsels in distress that need saving not us."

"Well looks like the stories being rewritten." You snap back as you hand the signed paper to Shane.

Shane looks the paper then dismisses the four of you, Sami and Hailey seem to be getting along just fine as they walk down the hall. You walk side by side to AJ in silence, neither of you dare say a word to piss the other off. Finally you cant take the silence anymore and catch Halieys attention.

"Hey Sugar, me and AJ are gonna hang back and talk for a bit, meet you two in the lockers?" You ask Hailey.

"Yeah sure, come on Sami its this way." Hailey replies dragging Sami down the hall.

You walk back over to AJ and can tell by the look on his face he's about to make a stupid comment on why you sent Sami and Hailey ahead. Before he can make said comment you walk up and tell him to shut up.

"Before you open your mouth and make the stupid comment I know your about to make, do me a favor and shut up and listen. Now we may not get along very well right now, but im willing to get along with you for the sake of my best friend. So if you feel you can stop being an egotistical maniac for ten seconds and realize your not the best thing since sliced bread maybe we can actually get along." You explain.

AJ stays silent for a second, you can tell you caught him off guard for once in his life, he nods his head and goes to speak.

"Alright I'll tone down the fact that im phenomenal if you can at least admit you like me just a tiny bit, I mean come on. You have to at least think im kind of attractive, right?" AJ asks.

"I guess your not the ugliest guy I've met here." You admit.

"See, now that wasn't hard was it." AJ replies.

You roll your eyes and the two of you start walking back down the hall to the locker room, AJ slides up next to you and throws an arm around your waist. You immediately swat it away and shoot him a smile.

"Watch your luck Styles, you might be cute but im not an easy one to catch." You explain as you look down the hall to the open locker room door at the end.

"Oooh playing hard to get huh, I can dig it." AJ replies.

Later that night you and the boys split up and they head out to their match, you stay behind with Hailey and walk around the backstage halls waiting for them to come looking for you.

"So why'd you and AJ stay behind for a bit?" Hailey asks as you both turn a corner.

"Oh just talking about us trying to get along a bit better since we're going to be partners from now on." you reply

Hailey nods her head and soon enough both of you spot AJ and Sami heading down the hallway your way, you throw on a serious face and Hailey wears her signature smile.

"Sup boys, looking for someone?" You ask as AJ and Sami arrive at your side.

"Actually yeah we are." Sami replies.

"Yeah we're looking for some girls to help us take down Miz , Darr and their girls, interested in helping us out?" AJ adds.

You and Hailey share a look, the camera man off to the side of you has the camera zoomed in on both your faces.

"Sounds like fun, how about it spice?" Hailey asks.

"I'm in sugar, lets get to it then." You reply beginning to walk off with AJ at your side.

This time when AJ throws an arm around your shoulder you let it sit their as the camera still follows you down to the ramp and ring.

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