Curt Hawkins

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Being in the WWE has been your dream job from the start, what you didn't expect was when you got drafted to the roster you got drafted with someone. That someone was a ginger that moved to the main roster by the name of Curt Hawkins.
You walked down the hall and entered Daniels office, you where meeting your new tagteam partner today. You walked in and waved at Daniel.
"Ah y/n right on time."
"Yep, so wheres my new partner."
Daniel was about to reply when a ginger guy burst through the door.
"Sup Bryan, eh this fine mama my new partner?"
You rolled your eyes, he was one of those people. You had to admit though, he was rather good looking.
"Curt this is y/n, shes your new tag partner."
Curt walked over and shook your hand then sat down. Daniel pulled out some papers and a pen.
"So first things first. Y/n you passed the test so you'll be wrestling men as well as woman. And Curt you'll have a chance to capture the tag team titles."
"Yes." You reply happily.
You and Curt sign some papers then walk of to the locker rooms. While walking Curt starts asking questions.
"So y/n, tell me about yourself. What's a babe like you doing wrestling guys?"
"Um when I took my physical I scored higher then any normal diva so they gave me the superstars test and apparently I passed."
"Wow that's cool, look forward to our daybew tonight."
You two made it to the locker room and went in. It had a couch coffee table and a few cabinets. In the back was a shower room and a blocker for changing. You grabbed your gym bag and pulled out your workout gear.
"Crossfit?" Hawkins questioned.
"Yeah, big fan. Worked with Seth rollins on some projects for them so I get free stuff."
"Dope, I'm a under armor guy myself."
"Yeah I can tell"
You pointed to the under armor shirt he was wearing. You grabbed your stuff and changed, while changing your shirt Curt noticed a scar on your stomach.
"Hey what's that?"
"Hmm, oh I was in a car accident when I was little. Had to have a piece of glass removed."
"Ouch indeed." You reply.
After changing you and Curt go down to the gym. You decided to spot for Curt on the weights then you would switch.
"So what's our game plan tonight?" Curt asked as he laid down.
"I was thinking maybe go out and cut a promo then call someone tuff out?"
"Oh yeah like who."
"Number one contenders USO brothers."
"Damn that's bold, I like it." Curt replied.
"Well what about after SmackDown? We share a hotel room you know."
"How about pizza and getting to know each other."
"Uh yeah sounds fun." You reply.
Curt does a few more reps then switches with you. You lay down and Curt stands above you.
"So got any family, a boyfriend maybe."
"Uh weird question, OK my moms dead and I don't know my dad. I do have a little brother though."
"Oh that's nice, its just me and my mom now."
"Ah sorry to hear that."
After the work out you and Curt head back to the locker rooms and change into ring gear.
"Hey n/n you ready?" Curt asks looking at you dressed in red pants and a blue shirt to match his.
"Hell yeah."
You and Curt walk to the entrance and down the Ramp as his music plays. The crowd cheers and you jump into the ring.
After talking for a while the USO brothers come out and a fight insues. After the fight you pull Curt from the ring and sling his arm over his shoulder carrying him backstage.
"Curt you OK?"
"Yeah I'm good."
A while later back at the hotel you and Curt are eating pizza and talking when you start to get tired. Eventually, being to lazy to move, you fall asleep against Curt's shoulder. Curt looks down at you sleeping on his shoulder, he sighs and moves his arm to give you more room to sleep.

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