Dean Ambrose

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"Shes an American beauty, I'm am American psycho."
The iconic song by FOB played through the gym as Dean sat and lifted weights next to Seth. Across the room you sat by Dolph and scrolled through your phone. You had a thing for Dean but according to your big bro he was off limits. The lunatic was sat across the room with his sheild Buddy Seth Rollins. There was no way you could get over there, or was there.
"Im going to the bathroom."
"K be careful."
You got up and walked across the gym right by Dean. Winking you quickly pointed to the back and winked. Dean took the hint. You slid into the back room and waited.
"You called?"
You whirled around to find Dean, Seth was outside the door watching for your brother.
"Look, its obvious we both have a thing for each other. So how are we going to do this."
You needed a plan, if Dolph found out then not only would Dean be dead, but you would to.
"Well I say we go out tonight. Tell your brother your going to the doctor or something. I'll pick you up at nine."
You nodded your head not taking your eyes off Dean. He was in a tight black shirt and shorts, the tone of his abs cutting through the fabric. His ocean blue eyes with a tint of steel staring at you.
"N/n here your brother comes."
You quickly dove out of the room and headed down the hall.
"Took you long enough."
"Sorry got a phone call. The boss wants me and Seth Rollin to do some charity work tonight."
You could see the concern in Dolph's eyes, but hr wasn't about to disobey the boss.
"Alright, call me if he tries anything."
"I will Dolph."
Later that night Dolph watched as Seth picked you up. You hugged your brother who was staring down Seth.
"You better take good care of her Rollins."
"Don't worry Ziggler , she'll be fine."
You and Seth climbed into the car and pulled out. Once the hotel was out of sight he turned off the main road.
"So where after you taking me?"
"To a carnival, lots of people. Plenty of cover, also a good fist date place."
You nod your head agreeing. Soon the street lit up with the sound of kids and games. Seth took you to a tent and shoved you inside.
"You two have some fun, I'll keep a lookout."
"Thanks Seth, your a good wingman."
Seth disappeared leaving you and Dean alone.
"So where to first?"
"How about some games and candy?" You suggest.
"Sounds perfect." Dean agrees.
You and Dean head into the middle of the carnival and played some games. His arm was slung around your shoulder the whole time.
"Hey that's a cute stuffed wolf." You point to a booth.
Its a ring toss and has cute stuffed dogs for a prize. Dean walks over and hands the attending a dollar. After a few attempts he wins and hands it to you in a bow.
"Mylady, your prize."
"Why thank you good Sir." You reply.
You take the animal and the two of you head off again. A few hours later and Seth is ready to return you.
"I had a very nice time tonight."
"Yeah me to, we should do this again." Dean replies.
You give him a peck on the cheek and Seth takes you home.
"Looks like you two had fun."
"Yeah it was great."
"That's good, Dean really seems to have a thing for you. Never seen him stay on a girl this long."
Seth walks you to your room. You walk in to find your brother waiting for you.
"Hey Dolph."
"Hey n/n, have fun?"
"Yeah it was alright. Seth's a pretty cool guy."
"That's good."
You toss your stuffed animal into your bag and go to sleep.
A few months later and your sitting in deans locker room when you hear a knock on the door. Your feet are on deans lap and he's on his phone, your reading. Seth opens the door. It's dolph.
"Hey rollins, boss wanted me to... What the hell?!"
You spring off of deans lap when you hear your brother. Dean springs up next to you.
"Y/n what the hell, you said that you went home."
"Surprise." You exclaim throwing your hands up.
Dolph steps into the room but is blocked by Seth.
"What did you do to my sister Ambrose?"
"Hey man I didn't do anything. She and I are dating."
"What." He half screams "y/n I said to stay away from him."
You step forward and face your brother. He's angry but your not backing down.
"You can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm a grown woman and I'll date whoever I want."
Dolph shakes his head and storms out. You sit back down with Dean.
"You OK?"
"Yeah I'm fine, he'll get over it."
"It'll be alright babe, he wont bother you."

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