Jack Gallagher

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Tired. Thats what you where. Tired of all these guys thinking they could get with you just because they where attractive. Tired of the rude comments and neglecting​ of basic manners. Was there nobody that knew how to be a gentlemen?
You walked down the crowded hall, trying your best to avoid all of the catcalls and comments of the men you walked by. You where sifting through your bag looking for your schedule when you into somebody.
"Ouch." You breathe
"Oh my, I'm so sorry my lady. I didn't see you there. Let me help you."
You look up to see a nice man with ginger hair, dressed in some nicer clothes offering a hand to you. Reluctant you take it and he pulls you up.
"There we are, pretty girls shouldn't be left on the floor. Let me grab your things."
You look down at your bag and items scattered over the floor.
"Thank you."
You watch as the man grabs your things and hands them to you. You take them and then thank him.
"That's very nice of you."
"Of course, and whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?"
"Oh its y/n y/l/n."
"Y/n, a very beautiful name for an equally beautiful girl."
He kisses the back of your hand and smiles.
"My name is Jack Gallagher. I'm a competitor in the cruiserweight classic."
"Oh well I bid you good luck then Mr Gallagher."
He smiles and walks off. Later that day your standing by the locker room hoping to catch Daniel Bryan so you can talk to him when tony neese and some of his friends show up.
"Hey girl, what are you doing around here?"
"Waiting for someone, mind your own business." You snap.
Tony takes a step forward and smirks.
"Feisty one boys. Come on babe, you know you like what you see."
You roll your eyes and turn to leave, tony reaches out to grab your arm when its swatted away. You look to see that the ginger from earlier that day, Jack was his name was standing by you.
"I believe the Lady said that she wanted to be left alone." Jack tells Tony.
Tony Snickers and walks off with the rest of his friends. When there gone Jack turns to you.
"Heathens, think that they can treat Lady like that."
"Thanks for that." You smile. Jack smiles and bows slightly, then he takes your arm.
"May I walk you to your office?"
"That would be great." You reply.
You and Jack walk down to the offices, stopping at yours. You thank him with a kiss on the cheek and he leaves. When you get inside you look up the cruiserweight list and find jacks name. You see that he has a match tonight.
Making a phone call you get a spot on commentary with Corey graves and Austin Ares.
That night you walk down to the table and take a seat in-between Corey and Austin.
"Here we are tonight on 205 live, the first episode. I'm Corey graves bringing you the news with Austin Ares and y/n l/n." Corey speaks into his headset.
"That's right WWE universe, tonight we get to see these brand new premier athletes in action only on 205 live." You add.
The matches start and go on for a while, now it's time for jacks match against Cedric Alexander.
"Ah here we have the extraordinary gentlemen, jack Gallagher facing off against Cedric Alexander. Y/n what do you think of these two?" Austin asks.
"Well Austin, these two are very good wrestlers. Cedric is a high flyer, using his light weight and speed to use the ropes. On the other hand, Jack Gallagher is more physical and am attacker."
"This should be a good match." Corey adds.
The match starts and you smile every time Jack looks your way. After the match you meet him backstage.
"Nice job Jack."
"Thank you y/n, I've found that being in the presence of a pretty girl helps me do better. Could I interest you in some dinner?"
"Of course, I'd love to." You reply.
Jack takes you out a a restraint and you have an excellent time. That date leads to a second and third. You eventually start dating. He brings you flower once a week and your there for all his matches. He also chases away Tony and anyone else tbag bothers you.

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