Marty Scurll

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"Fuck it's cold." Marty complains as you step out of the cab and onto the sidewalk. "How are you not freezing?" He asks looking at your light sweater and jeans.

"I'm from Canada Marty." You remind him of your home country. "This is nothing compared to winter there." You shrug as you pick up your bag and start walking to the hotel entrance.

"It's inhuman." Marty comments as he follows you. "You aren't human, more like snow woman." You giggle and shake your head.

"It's not that bad Marty." You look back at him as you push open the hotel entrance doors. "Besides, it's warm in here." You tell him as you step inside and let warm air hit your face.

Marty sighs in relief behind you, you walk up to the front desk and grab yours and Marty key card. You'd always travel with him, or Kenny when you had to.

"We are room 128, here's your card." You hand Marty one of the cards and pick your bags back up. "We've gotta be down at the center early for a charity thing so we need to unpack and change fast." You remind him of the meet and greet set up around an hour from now.

"Yeah yeah." Marty rolls his eyes, he wasn't the biggest fan of meet and greets. "What floor is our room on?" He asks as you step into the elevator.

"Three." You reply as he steps on with you. "Did you pack something decent to wear to the meet and greet?" You ask him as you press the button for the third floor.

"Yeah, I've got some new merch to wear and a nice jacket to go with it." He nods as the elevator kicks as it moves up.

When the door opens to the third floor you both step out and walk down the Hall to your room, when you pass the one across the Hall you shake your head.

"Looks like Cody and Kenny beat us here." You point to Cody as he slips into the room.

"Looks like, maybe we should go say hello." He suggests. You shake your head and unlock your door.

"No time." You remind him. "We've gotta change and get going, you'll see them both and the meet and greet later." Marty nods and slips into the room with you and shuts the door.

Once you get inside you set your bags down and pull out a bullet club T-shirt and a leather jacket from your bag. You pair it with some black boots and a pair of thicker black jeans and set them all down on the bed. After everything it set out you strip your sweater and shirt.

"Woah hey." Marty teases you as he puts his hands up. You shoot him a look and he smiles at you.

"Least the rooms got a view." He teases you.

"Just change dork." You tell him as you wiggle out of your jeans.

"I don't know if I can." He replies as he pulls a shirt from his bag his eyes still on you. "The show is starting." You throw your old jeans at him and pull on your new ones.

Marty frowns as you cover back up, as soon as your dressed he goes back to what he's doing. You check your hair in a mirror and someone knocks on the door, Marty pulls his shirt on and you open the door.

"Y/n." Kenny smiles as you open the door for him. He walks right in and you shut the door.

"No by all means Ken come right in." You sass as you shut the door.

"Miss me princess?" He asks you as he turns around to actually look at you.

"Why on earth would I miss you?" You reply with a raised brow.

"Because I'm your favorite." He replies with a sure fire grin.

You giggle at his response. "Please. We both know Marty's my favorite." You shoot him down.

"Yeah to see naked." Kenny retaliates. "I'm talking about friendship." You shake your head and glance at Marty pulling his shoes on.

"Last time I checked I'm the only one she sees naked." He chimes in as he pulls his shoe on. "I mean she's MY girlfriend last I checked." Kenny smiles and looks at you with a playfully flirty grin.

"Yeah but things can change man, she might tire of that accent and come running back to her homeland." He jokes also being from Canada.

"Girls never get tired of my accent." Marty protests. "Right love?" He looks to you for confirmation.

"Meh." You shrug at him. "It can get old sometimes." You tell him making him pout a bit. "But, I didn't start dating you just for the cute accent." You assure him jokingly. This makes him smile again as he pulls you to his chest for a hug.

"I knew you loved me and not this poser." He nods triumphantly. You push off him in an attempt to keep your hair nice.

"Alright, let's get a move on you two." You beckon for them to follow you before your all late.

Later that night you say your goodbyes to Kenny and Cody as the four of you part ways in the halls. You step into the hotel room tired and done with snobby kids and fans.

"Ugh." You audible sigh as you flop down in bed. "Maybe you're right babe, meet and greets are horrible." Marty falls down next to you with a thud.

"I can agree with you there love." He sighs along with you. You stare at the white ceiling when all of a sudden your vision is blocked by a smiling brit.

"You're blocking my view." You look at him.

"Yeah but this one is so much better." He smiles as he leans down and kisses your nose. "Don't you agree?" He asks.

"Hmm." You smile. "It's debatable." You giggle as you lean up and kiss his lips. "But yeah for now it's a good view." You settle back down Marty still hovering over you.

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