Pete Dunne

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You chilled in the locker room with your best friend and client Mark Andrews, you didn't have a match booked for the night so you both were just hanging out.

"So what are our plans for the night eh y/n?" Mark asks you from his spot hanging off the couch.

"Plans?" You reply looking at him amused. "I was just planning on chilling here and may be watching a few matches." You tell him not thinking he expected you to have plans. He sits up and looks at you leaning in your chair with your feet in the desk.

"Come on girl you're single and 23, not to mention smoking hot." He pointed out to you, you'd been friends for years so this comment didn't phase you.

"Umm you're only two years older." You remind him as you look through your feet. He looks at you hating that you remind him he's older.

"Fine be that way." He sticks his tongue out at you. "Wanna go see what's up backstage?" He asks you suddenly as he sits up in his spot.

"Yeah sure why not." You shrug as you put your feet on the floor and stand up. Mark is out the door first with you trailing him, he's taller and therefore takes bigger steps than you. "Hey as of up mark little legs." You remind him as you jog to catch up.

"Oh yeah sorry." Mark grins as he stops and waits for you to catch up. When you get to him you smack his arm and take a breathe. "Hey ouch." He groans. "You know for such a small woman you hit hard." He teases you.

You give him a death glare and take off walking this time leading the way do you can walk at your own pace. You don't get far when you come to one of the monitors and see Pete Dunne talking to Tyler Bate and Trent Seven and he doesn't look happy.

"Hey Mark." You call the blond. "Check it out." You nod at the monitor. You and Mark both direct your attention just as the GM William Regal makes his way out to the ring.

"Fine you boys wanna fight so bad?" He looks at all three men. "Then Pete get yourself a tag partner and you'll get the main event." He tells Pete. Pete looks towards William in annoyance, he does want a match though.

Satisfied Regal leaves, you turn to Mark and share a look with him.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Mark asks you with a smile.

"If your thinking that you can get a match tonight after all turn yes we are." You nod with a smile.

"But Dunne does kind of hate me." Mark reminds you of their rivalry. "So why would he tag with me?" He asks you.

"Because no one else will." You smile. "Just go back to the locker room and I'll be back later." You tell him with a grin. Mark nods and heads back to the locker room, you quickly make your way to the backstage where the ring entrance is with a water in hand.

To your liking Pete walks in just as you arrive, you saunter over with the water and a smile.

"Pete." You grin knowing that he'll talk to you. "How's it?" You ask him as you offer up the water.

"What do you want y/n?" Pete asks as he takes the water from you. You just grin and flash your white teeth.

"Oh nothing much, just to help us both out." You tell him, you block his way so he has to talk to you.

"And how is that?" He asks you as he hands back the water.

"Well let's see, I need a match for Mark and you need a partner for your match." You explain to him. "And before you say you can just find someone else, we both know no one likes you enough to tag with you." You smile knowing you're right. Pete looks at you pondering a decision.

"Fine. But just because you asked." He smirks at you. You roll your eyes and head back to Mark's locker.

"I'm back Mark, and have good news." You sing song as you open the door to the locker room.

"No." Mark replies as he looks at you. "You didn't."

"Oh but I did." You smirk.

"How?" Mark asks you.

"Can't help it Mark, I'm just that good." You shrug, mark rolls his eyes.

"More like he's got a thing for you." Mark mumbles as he shakes his head.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." You reply with a smile. Mark looks at you.

Standing to his feet he walks to your desk and moves your feet again.

"No. No you can't. Come on n/n, you cannot have a crush on him." He pleads to you. You shrug and look at him, you can't help it.

"Sorry man." You smirk.

"Sorry for what?" Replies a voice from the door, you and Mark both look to see Pete walk in.

"Oh god." Mark complains. "She was just reminding me that you've got a thing for her, and that she's got one for you of course. Because why don't you just ruin my life some more why don't you?" Mark groans as he moves away from you.

"Oh do you now?" Pete asks as he walks over to you.

"Maybe." You grin as you look at him. Mark groans and disappears to change. "Question is what are you going to do about it?" You ask him.

"Oh I can think of something." Pete smirks.

"Not in my locker room." Mark yells from the other room. You giggle and stand up.

"Maybe we'll just leave then." You smirk as you pull Pete out of the room.

"Meet you later Andrews." Pete yells to him.

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