[1] - Sleep Deprived And In Love

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There is like no fanfics for this ship so I had to write some one shots hahah


Virgil couldn't sleep.

I mean, usually it took a while before he fell asleep, there was always a lot to think about and many posts to reblog on Tumblr. But during the past couple of weeks he stayed awake for longer and it took longer to fall asleep too. So even if he probably got too little sleep before when he went to bed at 3 am it was still much better than now, yesterday Virgil didn't get any sleep at all.

He was used to pulling all-nighters now and then, but not sleeping all night because he was unable to fall asleep? Sleep deprivation, not by a choice? This was new.

The short amount of time he actually managed to sleep he woke up stressed and with a bad feeling creeping at him. He never actually remembered what he was dreaming about, so he couldn't, based of his dreams, figure out what the problem was. So right now Virgil's problem was that he couldn't figure out why it was so hard for him to sleep. And not having gotten enough sleep for about three weeks didn't help at all, his brain was slow and if he concentrated too much he got a headache.

He still usually got about one or two, maybe even three, hours of sleep during the night. And sometimes he fell asleep during the day when he was around the other sides. They had yet to notice that something wasn't right with him, which was good, according to Virgil. If the others knew they would just be worried about him and he didn't need someone to be worried, he needed sleep. If the others were worrying it'd be even harder to fall asleep because he would want to fall asleep more so they wouldn't worry, and everyone knows you can't fall asleep when you really want to.

Now that might not make much sense, but Virgil was tired and didn't have the energy to think straight, not that he ever did.

It is currently 5 am and Virgil huffs and rolls over in bed, this sucks. He keeps thinking about how he need to get some rest and that is stressing him out even more. He knows that after up to 11 days without sleep a human will die, what he doesn't know is what it will do to a side. He just knows that he isn't feeling so good.

Virgil stares out into the darkness, seeing the outline of his room, which he has had way too much time studying lately. Determined to not go another full 24 hours without any sleep Virgil resists the urge to give up and turn on his computer.


Logan was concerned.

Virgil had started to fall asleep around him and the other sides frequently when they were hanging out. Some would probably think it's because Virgil was starting to feel more comfortable around the others but Logan had the feeling that even though Virgil was more comfortable around Logan, Roman and Patton these day, something was a bit off.

Since it took so long to get Virgil to even tell the others his name it seems unlikely that he would suddenly be okay with them seeing him asleep.

Also the fact that Virgil literally told them once that they would "never see him close his eyes longer than while facepalming." Virgil does seem like a person that would never want to be seen when vulnerable. He's also been more moody than usual and, yes, Virgil is very easy to annoy but last Wednesday Patton sneezed three times and he had to leave the room because it frustrated him so much. Logan is pretty sure that Virgil would have cried if Roman had started to sing.

So that is the logic behind Logan's concern about the more mysterious one of the sides. He just didn't really know what to do about it. Should he ask Virgil why he's falling asleep during the day so much? No, he'd refuse to talk about it, especially if it actually was a problem. Should he talk to Patton and Roman about it? No, Logan was sure they would be quite useless on the task off finding out what was up with Virgil. He sighed, emotions are horrible, it would be so much easier to be a side if he hadn't become friends with the others, because that involves emotions and that is something Logan isn't very good at.

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