Worried like hell

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I'm bout to lose my fucking mind, I'm going fucking crazy like seriously.august been gone since we both left out this morning and he haven't called or txt me like he normally would do.he ain't answering his phone or replying to his txt msgs.i called his mom she haven't seen him I called Chris,Lil mike, and future and they haven't seen or herd from him.i called kirko but his phone keep going straight to voicemail.i called Chrissy and she out of town on business.i called my mom she haven't seen him.hell I called four of his main customers and they ain't seen him either.like what the fuck is really going on.i last seen him at 6:00 this morning and here it is 1:30 in the morning.i've been crying my heart out damn near 5hrs. my cousin and big sister J'lexis stopped by and I'm glad they did cause I promise yaw a bish bout to have some type of break down.

Rihanna:cici stop crying and calm down bookie.
Talicia:I I I can't riri I don't know where the fuck my husband is.
Rihanna:I'm pretty sure he straight wherever he at.
Talicia:how you know fa sure huh ?
Rihanna:I'm just saying like don't be thinking negative cause you gone make yourself sick.
J'lexis:have you tried calling bro in law again Lil sis ?
Talicia:yes and he still not answering Lexis ughhh the fuck.
Rihanna:he prolly just somewhere with his niggas and don't wanna be bothered.
Rihanna:look calm down please I was just saying cause Chris be wanting to be alone sometimes.
Talicia:I give August his space all the time and ion bother him.besides he always tell me when he wanna be alone and I respect that cause I be having my days where I wanna be alone to.
J'lexis:stop crying cici.
Talicia:I can't I'm worried about my husband.i don't know if he ok or not yaw.damn.

Its 10:00 the next morning and i haven't slept at all my cousin and sister stayed with me and I'm a total mess.august still isn't home and he still not answering his phone or replying to his txt . msgs.why he doing this to me.what if he cheating on me with some other bitch.i've never thought about that cause I trust him and I know these thotties want him cause he sexy as fuck and he can sing and he tatted up and he got money like that.

Rihanna:get some sleep cici.
Talicia:I can't riri I can't i want my husband.
J'lexis:he not answering for me either Lil sis.
(Cries harder)
Rihanna:damn I hate seeing you like this.
J'lexis:August wrong fa this shit damn.
Rihanna:very fucking wrong.
Talicia:I'm bout to go crazy oh my goodness(still crying)
J'lexis:cici stop crying please Lil sis.
Talicia:where is he like this ain't like August yaw.
Rihanna:he okay wherever he is
Talicia:we don't know that.
J'lexis:bro in law good ok just think positive.
Rihanna:drink some water or something ?
Talicia:ion want shit ok I'm cool.

Another three hours passed and my sister and cousin still here and just then august walked in with his high school friend Rico he looks high and drunk.i ran and jumped on him causing him to fall back on the couch and he pushed me.

August:you better calm yo gahh damn nerves bitch fuck wrong with you.
August:you really pissing me off bitch.
Talicia:you got me worried like hell August the fuck.where was you ?
August:minding my fucking business.
August;I'm home now so fucking chill.
Talicia:I been calling and texting and calling around.why haven't you called me back or let me know you were ok ?
Talicia:you had me worried like hell what part don't you get.
August:I'm sleepy and I have a fucking hangover out the world so I'm not in the mood to hear shit right now.
Talicia:August where the fuck was you at nigga that you couldn't answer your phone or text me back.you was with a bitch or nah ?
August:you lost yo fucking mind talking to me like that bitch.if you wanna keep all yo pretty teeth you better shut the fuck up.
J'lexis:bruh you had her crying and worried sick.
Rihanna:that's not cool aug like fa real tho.
August:damn I was with my nigga he just moved here and we went out to the club and went back to his house and chilled and smoked and drank some mo till his girl started tripping so we went ova rod house.
Talicia:ok but why you just ignore me ?
August:damn cici I just wanted to be with my niggas and I ain't wanna be bothered.
Talicia:that's not answering my question tho bae.you could have picked up and been like I'm with my niggas and I'll be home later tomorrow instead of having me worried like hell about you.

I throw a glass at him and he turned around and punched me in the face and he started punching me till my sister and cousin yelled for him to stop.i laid there crying and August went upstairs and I herd the bedroom door slam .after my sister helped me up I laid
on the couch and cried.

J'lexis:look at yo eye the fuck cici.
Rihanna:damn boo your eye.
Talicia:leave me alone(crying)
Rihanna:here he come.

August comes back downstairs and we look at each other.

August:get yo ignorant slow ass up and take yo ass upstairs.
J'lexis:we'll see you
later Lil sis.
Rihanna:yeah we love you(they leave)

Talicia:noooo move.
August:get the fuck up and go upstairs.
Talicia:no I'm cool.

I still didn't get up so august picked me up and carried me upstairs and threw me on the bed and he hit me in the face again.he told me to go to sleep.
he was asleep in 10mins snoring.i looked at him and eventually fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~was August was wrong or nah ?

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