You done fucked up

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I wish I could get my ass back on that plane and go back home to Atlanta cause I know August gone get me I know he is.mama Sheila and Chrissy don't understand what I have to deal with and go through then I up and left without telling him and he told me clear as day it ain't happening but what my dumb ass do ? came Ta LA anyway knowing damn well August is a fucking psycho.i disrespected him and I know there will be consequences and I done just said fuck his rules/contract thing he had me sign.
I can't lie I am having fun.august nem must have stayed at the trap house cause its a brand new day and he haven't called or txt'ed me, that's when it hit me I left my fucking Phn at home on the living room ass through when I get back to the A.i might as well enjoy what time I have here.
Chrissy,mama Sheila, and myself are at the beach relaxing but I can't really enjoy myself worrying about what August gone do to me.

Sheila:now this is something I could get use to hell.
Chrissy:you sho know what Ta say ms.sheila.
Sheila:you aight cici ?
Talicia:oh yeah I'm good mama.
Sheila:you look like you got something on yo mind.
Chrissy:bish you better not be worried about August.
Talicia:I miss him and I'm scared what he gone do to me.
Sheila:girl he ain't gone fuck with you I told you that.
Chrissy:you need to have fun hell stop worrying bout that nigga hell.
Sheila:I know that's right.
Talicia:yaw ain't gotta deal with his abuse,his temper,his control, or nothing I do damn.
Chrissy:chill the fuck out forever gone let August run you and put fear in you and that's crazy.
Talicia:hold on booboo I'm here ain't it fuck you mean.i'ma get my ass beat cause I came after he told me not to sweetie so get yo mind right.
Chrissy:you know what be all worried and shit then ion care no more Lil August.
Chrissy:look I'm sorry I just want us to have a good time cause I know kirko gone get on my ass to.
Sheila:yaw young girls let these niggas do what they do to yaw.
Talicia:I think not, I tried fighting August back ma and you seen ya self I can't beat him.
Chrissy:Ion be giving a fuck I get Em up with kirko ass baby.
Sheila:let's go back to our rooms and meet up in the Lobby and hit these LA streets.

We each went into our luxurious hotel rooms to get ready.i walked into my bathroom in my room and looked in the mirror and I jumped hard cause there was August standing behind me and yaw he ain't looking to happy right that mean kirko here then.DAMN.i turned around to face him but I'm so scared yaw.

Talicia:h h hey b baby.
August:hey my muthafuckin ass bitch.
Talicia:let me explain August.
August:ion wanna hear a gahh damn thing you gotta say bitch.
Talicia:how you know where I was ?
August:my nigga usher called saying he seen you and my mama and chrissy he staying here like nah bruh my wife at home so he was like nah nigga she here in LA with yo mama and kirko girl.he sent me a pic Buhh what I'm tripping off of is why the fuck you here and not in Atlanta when I fucking told you that you couldn't come.
Talicia:baby I'm sorry.
August:oh nah it ain't no need to say sorry Talicia and then you left yo fucking Phn on the living room table BITCH(he grabbed my arm)
Talicia:August I'm sorry ok baby.
August:you disrespected me big time now hoe.
Talicia:please don't hurt me.
Talicia:I I just wanted to get away for a week that's all.
August:shut the fuck up with that shit.
Talicia:I wasn't gonna come at first bae but yo mama and Chrissy was like c'mon.
August:bitch you here tho.yo ass stupid as fuck letting folks get in yo fucking head and influence you to do shit that get you fucked up.i told you clear as fucking day it wasn't happening but yo ole slow ass said fuck aug i'ma do what I wanna do.
Talicia:its not like that.
August:I'ma fuck you up bitch cause you done pissed me all the way got life so fucking fucked up.
Talicia:noooo please August baby.i won't do it again I promise you I won't do it again (start crying hard).

August rammed my head into the bathroom wall five times and slung me in the floor and began kicking me as hard as he could and I cried out loud.he kicked me in the face and mouth.he then took off his Gucci belt and started beating me with the buckle all over my body and I tried to crawl away but he pulled me back by my leg and kept beating me with the belt and I see a few deep cuts cause I'm bleeding and I feel light headed and I'm begging fa August to stop but he just kept hitting me harder and harder.after he beat me with the belt he got on top of me punching me in the face and I bit his wrist but he punched me in the mouth five times and the eye four times.he then picked me up and threw me in the tub causing me to hit my head on the faucet in the tub and I just blacked out I felt some still hitting me.i felt cold water hit me and I woke up and I struggled to get up but August kicked me again and I felt blood run down my face.he snatched me out the tub trying to make me walk but i couldn't cause it hurt so bad.
He ended up calling the paramedics and they took me to the hospital where I had to have 15 stitches in my head and I have a sprained ankle and wrist.they gave me Percocet for pain and ointment for the stitches.
They asked me what happened and i lied and said I was attacked I couldn't dare tell on August I love him so much.after I was released August and I went back to my room and I rested.i herd a knock in the door and August opened was his mom.she slapped him hard as hell and was smacking him upside his right eye swollen shut like he fucked me up.

August:mama chill please.
August:no disrespect mama but she disobeyed me so she had Ta be punished.
Sheila:you sound dumb as fuck.
August:mama yaw influenced her to come when I told her she couldn't.
Sheila:boy she grown and you not get daddy hell wrong with you.i ain't raise you to be like this.
August:she tryna rest ma.
Sheila:I'll be back later to check on her.
August:yeah ok mama.

She leaves

August gets in bed beside me and this nigga had the nerve to kiss me and say he sorry and he love you done fucked me up but you sorry ok.of course I forgive him and kissed him back.i should have just stayed my dumb ass at home so its my fault tho.i love my auggy bear.

____________________________________________________________________damn August wasn't playing with her ass

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