August Property

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I was sleeping good till August woke me up out my sleep and my head is killing me so bad.its going on 10:30.i just wanna sleep.

August:get yo ass up cici.
Talicia:baby I'm tired and my head is killing me I just wanna sleep.
August:get yo ass up.
Talicia:August I'm tired baby can I please just sleep.
Talicia:ok baby.
August:get dressed so we can got 30mins Ta get ready.

I took me a 10minute shower and threw on my black and grey skinny jeans with a black tank top and my black red bottoms.i put my hair in a bun and I grabbed my grey Michel kore purse and shades and put on a Lil makeup and put everything I needed in my purse.i then headed downstairs to see August sitting on the couch smoking.

Talicia:I'm ready baby.
August:you would wear the tightest fucking jeans you own mane I see yo fucking pussy print.
Talicia:would you like me to go change baby ?
August:you getting smart bitch ?
Talicia:no I was just asking a question.
August:yeah go change and take them fucking heels off you tryna impress a nigga.

I went upstairs to put on my black sweat pants with my all black Jordan's and I came back downstairs.see If I just do as August tell me to then he won't beat me and it'll make him happy.

Talicia:I'm ready baby.
August:that's better, hurrr drink this.
Talicia:what is it ?
August:ciroc it'll help you get ova yo hangover and hit the blunt.
Talicia:ok.wer we going ?
August:don't worry about it you'll see when we get there.
Talicia:oh um ok.
August:stop acting like a Lil ass girl mane.
Talicia:I'm Just tired and my head hurts.sorry baby.
August:grab yo cup and let's fucking go.

August and I left in his all black on black 2014 Camero.he was talking kinda crazy but I didn't say nothing cause I knew he would have slapped me or something and I'm tired of fighting him,I'm Just tired.30mins later we pulled up in front of mad ink tattoo shop and I have several tattoos ion want anymore so I figured bae wanted me to come with him.

Talicia:what are we doing here August ?
August:you Finna get tatted.
Talicia:but I don't want anymore tattoos.
August:well you are.
Talicia:August no please.
(He mugged me hard)
Talicia:ok ok baby.
August:get yo ass out the car c'mon.

We got out and August grabbed my hand as we entered the tattoo shop and August and some dude who was light skinned and tatted up out the Frame dapped each other.august called him tray.

Tray:sup aug ?
August:mane this my wife Talicia I was telling you this nigga from way way back tray.
talicia:hi, nice to meet you.
Tray:sup who getting tatted ?
August;my wife is.
Tray:what she getting ?
August:August property.
Tray:fa real ?
August:hell yeah, ain't that right baby ?
Talicia:yeah baby.
Tray:you must really love yo wife won't get My name on her.
Talicia:yes I love him with all my heart.

August looked at me and I dropped my head and tears formed in my eyes.i guess August saw me and he pinched me hard as hell In my back and slicked mugged me.

So I sat in the chair and dude prepared his stuff he needed and August told me to hold my arm out and turn it ova.he told him to put it on my wrist.after 30mins he was through and it had hearts and stars around it and they Wer colored in.i can't believe he actually made me get August property tatted on me.after we left the tattoo shop we went to the mall and August took me on a shopping spree which I looooved.then he took me to my fav Mexican restaurant and we headed home.Chrissy txt'ed me saying she was coming over with my cousin Rihanna.August and I got home and he helped me bring all my bags in the house and oh yeah he bought me 7 bottles of red moscato wine and Chardonnay.

August:aye I'm tired as hell so I'm bout to go to sleep.
Talicia:ok baby but Chrissy and riri coming ova to chill with me.
August:aight but yaw go in the basement or outback cause I'm tired.
Talicia:ok baby.
August:I love you.
Talicia:I love you more baby.

An hour after August went to sleep Chrissy and Rihanna arrive. And we went out back sipping on some wine and listening to ole Skool jams.

Chrissy:sup bestie boo ? you M.I.A. On us.
Rihanna:hell yeah.
Talicia:just been busy working,being a mother, and wife so I really be tired a lot.
Rihanna:what you do today ?
Talicia:August took me on a shopping spree and out to eat at my fav Mexican restaurant and bought me some wine.
Chrissy:what's that on yo wrist ?
Rihanna:Cuzzo what's on your damn wrist ?
Chrissy:bish let us see

I didn't wanna show Em cause I know they gone have something to say about it.i did it fa August ok.i love my husband and I know to keep August happy is to do what he say.but I showed em the tattoo and they looked at me like I was fucking crazy or something.

Chrissy:bish really August property that's yo tattoo ?
Rihanna:hell nah cici fa real tho ?
Chrissy:bish August property tho is forever stuck on you.
Rihanna:what was you thinking ?
Talicia:August told me to get it and if it makes him happy then I'm happy.
Rihanna:fuck that shit that's like saying aug owns you Lil cousin.
Chrissy:exactly that's crazy.
Talicia:well that's yaw opinion. Whatever my auggy bear wants he gets.
Chrissy:that's just stupid.
Rihanna:very stupid the fuck August property as a tattoo.
Talicia:yaw know feel how yaw fucking want its my body,he my husband and if he happy then so am I.
Chrissy:oh cause he took you on a shopping spree and out to eat cause you got that stupid shit tatted on you August property hmmm you belong to him,he yo master.
Talicia:I love yaw and I'll see yaw later good bye.
Rihanna:cici fa real tho.
Talicia:bye yaw I'm tired as fuck anyways.i love yaw but bye.
Chrissy:WOOOOW ok Lil August Alsina.
Talicia:yeah whatever boo.
Rihanna:bye Lil August.
Talicia:go to hell.

Chrissy and Rihanna left and I sat outside just drinking and thinking.i didn't want that tatted on me but August happy and he told me to get it.yaw feel how yaw want but I love him like I'm dangerously in love with my husband.i went upstairs and got into bed.

Talicia:baby,baby,baby,August August.
August:what cici ?
Talicia:I love you so much.
August:I love you more beautiful.

I fell asleep in his arms.

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