I'm scared

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I fucked up oh My goodness I really really fucked up big time now.august gone find me and beat me bad as hell and hurt whoever tries to stop him.not only is this my second time running away but I took off my wedding ring and broke My cell phone.i couldn't sleep at all last night.but I'm tired of being accused of shit,beaten,treated like a prisoner,waking up in fear,crying myself to sleep.he can really hurt me then again Princeton gone be in the middle and Princeton told me how he and mama Sheila nem been meeting up working on helping me get away but August knows people so its only a matter of time before he finds me and Hurt everyone involved especially me.he gone torture me,make me suffer.then the crazy thing is I miss him but I can't take no more of his shit I just can't.he even started making me walk behind him when I pissed him off and he would punish me like making me get naked and bend over and he'ed hit me on the ass with his belts or paddle he had made that spelled out August property.whats August is his especially me.if he find out his mom has something to do with this maaaaan All hell is going to break lose.i hear a knock on the bedroom door and I weakly tell whoever it is to come in with fear in my heart and tears rolling down My face and its Princeton.

Princeton:why are you crying cici ?
Talicia:because I really done fucked up big time prince and I know August and his boys are looking for me as we speak.
Princeton:look I told you don't worry about that I got him and his boys.see they come in my city they gotta deal with my squad I know people in high places cici so you and Chrissy,riri,mama Sheila, and the kids are safe.i won't let August or crisco nem hurt you all.
Talicia:you don't know August prince and its kirko and what you mean you won't let nobody hurt us ?
Princeton:yeah the others will be here In about 2hrs so go get cleaned up and let me deal with August nem.
Talicia:prince you just don't understand do you.august will hurt you ok.
Princeton:like I said I ain't worried about him or his busta ass homeboys no more.
Talicia:I'm scared as hell prince August is nothing to play with.
Princeton:you have nothing to be afraid of beautiful I promise and if he find you he won't be able to harm you or Chrissy nem.now go shower and get dressed I bought you some clothes.
Talicia:how you know what size I wear tho ?
Princeton:cause I know.everything you need in the bathroom.

After Princeton left out the room I went to go take a 30minute shower and I got out dried off and put on some sweet pea lotion and I decided to wear some black cut up skinny jeans with a grey tank top that's say I'm beautiful in big black bold letters and I put on a pair of black and grey vans and I put My hair in two messy buns and I applied a Lil make up and put on a Lil jewelry and walked downstairs and into the kitchen wer Princeton was and I playfully mugged him.

Princeton:lol you look beautiful.
Talicia:thanks you look good yourself.
Princeton:I know.
Talicia:don't be getting cocky with me Lil boy.
Princeton:lol I can't stand you.
Talicia:I stand on My own two feet boy.
Princeton:smart mouth.
Talicia:at least you know.
Princeton:you hungry ?
Talicia:yeah I'm starving actually.
Princeton:well i Made you a ham,bacon,three cheese omelette with purple onions cause I know that's yo fav.
Talicia:omg you cooked lol really.
Princeton:aye I know how to cook.
Talicia:I'll pass lol.
Princeton:fa real tho taste it.
Talicia:lol uhhh no I'm good.
Princeton:please I promise you gone love it.
Talicia:ok if you say so.

Princeton puts a Lil of the omelette on a fork and he fed it to me.

Princeton:you like it ?
Talicia:MHMMM this is delicious omg.
Princeton:I told you.
Talicia:give me some more.
Talicia:give me some more Lil punk.
Princeton:nope make me.

I sat in his lap and we looked into each other eyes and our lips locked and we kissed passionately for a good 2mins.

Talicia:can I have some now ?
Princeton:hell yeah baby.
Talicia:prince I'm I have a confession.
Princeton:what's that ?
Talicia:I do have feelings for you but I was so scared cause of August and I still love him.
Princeton:look don't be scarred ok whatever happens I got you ok.you trust me right ?
Talicia:yeah of course I do.
Princeton:alright then baby just relax.
Talicia:ion wanna seem like a hoe or whatever but can you sleep with me tonight please ?
Princeton:are you sure ?
Talicia:yes please I'll feel safer with you in the room with me.
Princeton:ok sure.

The door bell rung and Princeton went to go answer the door and I went with him and it was mama Sheila,my kids,Chrissy, and Rihanna and i hugged and kissed Aj so tight and held my baby girl so close to my heart and I hugged and everyone.

Talicia:what are you guys doing here ?
Princeton:they'll be staying with us baby so you won't feel far from home.
Talicia:what about Chris,kirko, and Calvin ?
Chrissy:fuck them I can speak fa all us on that but that's another convo.
Rihanna:girl come to find out all them niggas was cheating and Chris and kirko got another child on me and Chrissy.August was fucking with some bitch on you to I lie not.
Talicia:THE FUCK REALLY but he wanna beat my ass.ohhhhhh so that's why he kept my ass locked up in the house.
Princeton:well ladies i'ma let yaw get situated and I'll see yaw later.
Talicia:nooo you can't leave me prince.
Princeton:I'm not leaving I'll be in my home office working.i go to the stores and restaurants at the beginning and end of the months three days outta the week.
Talicia:oh ok.well can I have a kiss before you get to working ?
Princeton:no lol.
Talicia:really ?
Princeton:I'm just playing

Princeton and I kissed and mama Sheila nem awwww'ed.princeton
Showed Aj to the game room and mama Sheila nem to their rooms and I followed him into his home office.

Talicia:you have a big ass house out here wow.lil Donald trump.
Princeton:lol.look do me a favor stop worrying and relax ok beautiful.
Talicia:ok I'll try papi.
Princeton:I'm glad you're here cause now it really feels like a home.
Talicia:I'm glad to be here.

We kissed again and I went back downstairs to the kitchen Wer mama Sheila nem was and I got out two bottles of wine and some glasses.

Chrissy:I know they looking fa us but my cousin Tyrel a police out here and his wife a lawyer so I told them bout August nem and sent Em a pic of them and he was like the squad gone be looking out for Em if they come looking fa us.
Talicia:ok cool cause I know August is pissed the hell off.but mama why you against August he your son ?
Sheila:its not that i'm against him but the way aug living,how he hurt you,the way he talk to you and control you and punish you and treat you so bad hurts me and he doesn't care.he always apologizing fa the same ole shit cici and you a damn good wife and mother and your kids need you and I'm yo mama no matter what.princeton is a good dude and I been saying that since you and aug Wer dating.i love August I do but he not right.he still cheating on you cici he Neva stopped.
Talicia:well I'm hurt and I'm angry and I'm just a mess.i gave August my all my heart plus more.
Chrissy:girl we all hurt but we have each other ok we gone make it.
Rihanna:right just me miss Sheila and Chrissy gotta find us a man you got Princeton.i'ma find bowwow ass honey.
Chrissy:I sho need me a baller baby.
Talicia:what happened to Calvin mama ?
Sheila:that Muthafucka was using me and he married with three kids and he ain't got money like that.i cut that ass off.

Well I can relax...fa now cause once August nem find us its ova with and i know it.

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