Why you aint tell me

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Yaw know how when something happened in yo life that really hurt you and Damaged you beyond repair and you try to burry it in the back of your mind and lock it away with a key as if it never happened.but someone eventually brings it up at some point in your life and all the hurt and pain and memories come rushing back to you at once and you Try to ignore that feeling but you can't shake it off.well that's what happened to me the other night when August brought up what happened between my mom and I.i can't tell him I just can't I'm afraid to.like how can i tell my husband that like I can't bring myself to put the words together to tell him.i can't yaw but its driving me crazy and I been like this going on two weeks like I've cried and cried and August Keeps asking me what happened like baby what's wrong cause he said I haven't been myself these past two weeks.even Princeton said it to at work.i was sitting out back in my thoughts when August walked out and came over to me.

August:baby you ok ?
Talicia:yeah I'm good love.
August:cici why you lying to me and yourself.
Talicia:what you talking about I am good.
August:no you not.
Talicia:lol how you gone tell me baby I'm good.
August:cause I'm yo husband and I know you like a book so what's wrong ?
Talicia:I'm good August ok I'm good baby.
August:cici tell me what happened please baby.i wanna help you with whatever it is.
Talicia:you can't tho.
August:how come I can't if you don't tell me then yea I can't help you.
Talicia:August please just stop ok I'm not ready to talk about it.
August:damn it cici stop acting like you not hurting and that you ok cause you ain't fooling nobody but yo damn self.
August:nah I'm not gone do that.i love you baby and I hate seeing you this way.i love when you smiling and bouncing around all happy and shit.these past two weeks all you did was shout me and errbody else out.hell I even asked Princeton what was wrong with you and he said you be the same way at work isolating yo self from errbody and not saying shit.
Talicia:ok and so what leave me alone.
August:you forgot about our son he ask daddy what's wrong with mama the hell I'm pose to tell him cici stop this shit.
Talicia:tell Em what you want August just leave me alone.
August:know what I'm tired of waiting.

August walks back in the house and I hate that I'm doing this to him cause I know its hurting him seeing me this way but hell I'm not ready to tell him.august walks back out and I turn around and I freeze cause I'm angry,hurt, and shocked cause its my mom standing there.i looked at August and I try to walk off but he grabbed my hand and I tried to pull away but he had a tight ass grip on me.

Talicia:what the hell is she doing here ?
August:I called her over hurrr that's why.
Talicia:the fuck you do that shit for August huh why ?
August:cause she yo mama and yaw need to talk and get pass whatever it is.
Talicia:hell no get her out my house and off my property right now.
Charlotte:maybe I should go August.
Talicia:damn right get yo ass out.
Charlotte:no I'll go August.
August:nah mama sit down.
Charlotte:cici I'm sorry.
Talicia:fuck that sorry ain't gone fix a gahh damn thing Charlotte.
Charlotte:so you want nothing to do with me ?
Talicia:ion wanna see you,I wanna talk you, I want you out my life ok that's what I want so be on yo fucking way.you got J'lexis nem so you good Charlotte.
Charlotte:can I see my grandson ?
August:yeah mama.
(Drinks out wine bottle)
Charlotte:bye Talicia.i love you cupcake.
Talicia:mhmm whatever bye.

August and my mom walk in the house and I looked and Aj loves his bitch ass grandmother ughhhh and August bout to get it.how dare he bring that bitch into our fucking home the fuck he smoking on.he wrong and i'ma make sure I tell his ass good.august walk back outside and snatch the wine bottle out my hand and I got up but he pushed me back down in the chair and I looked up at him and I got back up but he pushed me back down in the chair.

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