I lost my good thing

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Wud up its me aug and mane shit a nigga hurting like a Muhthafucka dawg.damn.I know yaw like nigga who gives a fuck but hell just hurrr me out aight.
Umm yaw know how they be like you Neva miss a good thing till its gone ? well shit I'm missing my good thing my wife...my ex wife mane she ain't Mrs.Alsina no mo and shit when I got that letter in the fucking mail I read it real shit hell yeah I cried mane cause shit me and cici been togetha since fucking forever.all she did was love me,supported me,cared fa a nigga, and held me down and what my dumb ass do ? shit I beat ha,cheated on ha a lot,took my probs out on ha and treat ha like dirt.
I wish I could undo all this shit yaw fa real.mane when nobody believed in me cici did.when a nigga wanted Ta give up and shit baby was the one who told me errr reason why I shouldn't.when I said I'll Neva be a R&B singer baby was like August don't say that baby you have a beautiful amazing voice And any record label would be happy Ta have you.she told me I'm always her superstar and she my #1 fan. Cici turned my rainy days bright and she went to any and errr extreme Ta please me.she was the best fucking wife Eva dawg and the way she would massage me and shit when I was tired and tensed up mane baby got magic hands and shit.God blessed me with a good woman but I fucked up cause I didn't love ha the way she had deserved Ta be loved,I didn't care about ha feelings, I couldn't stay faithful, and I couldn't keep my dick in my pants.SHIT I fucking miss her dawg and I'll give up errthang Ta get ha back but she with kid ink and when I see ha at shows she speak and when she drop the kids off ova hurr she speak and we hug.i even said at a concert how I miss my wife and AlsinaNation was like awww and shit if only they knew who I was off stage they prolly be like nigga fuck you.nikki ain't shit ion want that bitch hoe a Thot mane.
But shit I be reminiscing bout me and cici and my lil nieces love living with her but they was like uncle August auntie cici the best woman you had but you hurt her and mane when they said that a nigga cried and fa children Ta tell ya shit like that its true and It hurts.i called cici and....this was our convo.

Phn convo
Talicia:nothing at home relaxing.sup with you ?
August:mane shit hurting.
Talicia:you ok ?
August:not really.
Talicia:what's wrong ?
August:I miss you.
August:cici I wish we wer still togetha.
Talicia:we could have been but you messed that up August.
August:I wish I could fix this shit cici.
Talicia:I know but you can't August what's done is done.
August:I know.i just didn't think you would actually leave my ass lol but you proved me wrong.
Talicia:it came to that point I realized I deserved better and to be treated right.its only so much a person can take.
August:I know.can i ask you a question ?
August:do you regret meeting me ?
Talicia:no and don't ever think that.?
August:another question ?
August:do you think in the next lifetime we'll be togetha if that even Eva happen ?
Talicia:maybe.look August ion hate you I love you and I'll NEVA love nobody the way I love you ok.can't nobody take your place in my heart.you still my best friend,the father of my children , and the uncle of my beautiful nieces whom I love and adore as my own.
August:yeah if they mama and daddy was hurrr they'll still prolly wanna be with you.i lost my good thing ?
Talicia:you lost me as a wife but not as a best friend and supporter.you still my superstar and I'm still your #1 fan auggy bear which you'll always be my auggy bear.
August:lol you the best.
Talicia:duhh nigga I know lol.
August:you so cocky lol.
August:can I tell you something ?
August:I love you and I honestly wish nothing but the best fa you and kid cause that nigga do love you and I hope yaw have a happy life togetha.
Talicia:awwww thanks and I hope you find somebody special to but this time do what's right cause when a woman fed up it ain't nothing you can do about it R.Kelly sung it.
August:you right and I am.i love you.
Talicia:I love you to auggy bear.
August:talk Ta ya later love.
Talicia:ok later.

End of convo

Mane I lost my good thing and hopefully in time my heart will heal cause its My fault that I lost my good thing.aye if yaw got somebody good mane treat Em right cause I didn't.

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