He don't love me no more

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I woke up the next morning around 9:30 and I looked beside me no August so I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up and my eyes are all puffy from crying myself to sleep.i went downstairs and it was quiet .i looked all over this damn house for August and he isn't no where in this house.i just wanna apologize to him for yesterday cause I was in the wrong like I provoked him.i should have stayed my ass upstairs.i called his phone 11 times no answer.i txt'ed him 7times he Neva txt'ed back.so I figured he was with kirko and nem.i went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of orange juice and sat at the island when I saw this note and its August handwriting and I read the letter and my heart just dropped it felt as if someone hit it with a hammer and it shattered to itty bitty pieces.this is what he wrote.

Look I'm gone cause I can't deal with yo shit mane like you always with some stupid shit that make me wanna fuck you up sometimes and lately you just been acting fucking crazy and a nigga ain't got time fa that crazy shit mane.then ion want our kids around you pulling out knives and shit and attacking me like ion know what yo problem is cici.so I got the kids and we'll be home when I feel its safe.befo I kill you or you kill me.i love you like crazy I do Shawdy but I want my wife back the woman I married but umm yea later
August A❤💔

I just burst out into tears cause August is gone and he took my babies.what I do wrong ?where did I go wrong ? I messed up my marriage.i'll listen to August, I'll do whatever he wants.i want my husband back, I want my babies.my whole life is falling apart.i wish this was a fucking dream but its not a dream.i just turned on some slow music turned off every light in the house after I put on one of August shirts and I got on the couch and balled up and cried and I cried.i herd the door open and a light came on and I didn't care who it was I just wanted to die at the moment.august cici I herd a voice say and its mama Sheila great Just what I fucking need a damn psychiatrist mother in law.

Sheila:Talicia girl what's up with you ? cici I know you hear me girl.cici.
Talicia:he's gone.
Sheila:what ? who gone ?
Talicia:August is gone.
Sheila:he'll be back sweetie.
Talicia:I ran him off.its my fault ma I ran my husband away and he took the kids with him.
Sheila:what happened ?
Talicia:we been fighting psychically and arguing a lot and I I stabbed him cause he was beating me so bad that he could have killed me and since then nothing been right mama but I had to stab him or I prolly wouldn't be sitting here talking to you.
Sheila:where you stab him at ?
Talicia in the hand but it barely hurt him.
Sheila:Lawd you and August need to stop yaw shit.
Talicia:its not me.im always bending over backwards to please August and make him happy.i've been holding him down since 11th grade and I done put up with so much of his shit mama.august beat me damn near everyday fa stupid shit,when he mad,drunk, or sometimes for no reason.he cheated on me and i forgave him.he put me in the hospital several times and I'm still with him cause I'ma real ass woman who loves her husband if I'm wrong fa that then fucking kill me now.i stood by August side when everybody was against him.even when you put him out I got a job and got us an apartment so he wouldn't have to be sleeping out on the streets anymore.i worked three jobs after graduation when he wasn't doing that good in the drug Game.i held August down and not ever have I cheated on him or nothing but HE HURT ME HE HURT MEEEEEE DAMN IT.
(Cries hard)
Sheila:awww cici sweetie omg its gone be ok I promise.
Talicia:he left me a note and it broke my heart.

I gave mama Sheila the letter and she read it and looked at me with puffy crying eye and red ass nose.i'ma fucking mess.

Sheila:cici omg I know you hurting but August will be back ok give him time.
Sheila:ok ok I'll call him now.
(She calls him a good 17times)
Talicia:he don't love me no mo.
H h he don't love me no mo.
Sheila:he loves you dearly cici he do.august is just mad right now.
Talicia:he hates me I know he do.august don't love my ugly crazy dumb psycho slow ass no mo.he don't love me no mo.
(Cries harder)
Sheila:cici stop please you making me cry.we can go find August ok c'mon let's go.i'ma stay here with you ok.
Talicia:Ok ok.maybe I should go upstairs and get some sleep he'll prolly be home tomorrow.im tripping hard.
Sheila:please go rest I'm here if you need me.
Sheila:I love you cici.
Talicia:I love you to mama.see you later.byebye

I went upstairs into August and I bedroom and I got a pen and some paper and I wrote him a note.

I love you more than I love myself.you my everything.i Neva knew love until you came into my life.you showed me something nobody else did.you showed me love and you cared about me.you were my strength baby but I guess I'm nothing to you now.i fucked up your life and I ran you away.see August without you I'm nothing.there is no reason for me to live anymore.i can't go on without the love of my life beside me.i failed you as a wife August and I'm sorry.without you life has no meaning.loosing you is like not breathing.your smile your touch, the love we make and being in your arms I can't live without that.i stay on yo ass because I love you and ion wanna loose you.i worry about you August but I ended up loosing you anyways and its my fault.know that I'll always love you and I'll be in your heart and tell my babies mommy loves them very much and I want them to chase their dreams.im sure you'll find a nice woman to be that mother figure them.well goodbye my love it was Nice being your wife.this my last day living.

LOVE cici

I laid the note on the bed and I went into the bathroom and took a bottle and a half of Percocet pills and I felt dizzy and I managed to grabbed the note and I wobble to the bedroom door and to the stairwell and I fell over the balcony part and I herd a scream and I was out.

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