Ion know what to do

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I'm a total fucking mess like I cant't even really focus on my job and guess who I have to work with these next two weeks ? Princeton.if August finds out he gone be so fucking mad.i wish I Neva even told him what Chrissy nem said damn its my fucking fault.i'm sooooo fucking stressed out to the point I be crying my ass off.I'm sitting In the larger break room in the back tryna get myself together when my phone starts ringing and its August ass damn.i don't wanna answer but if I don't he'll just pop up and prolly get in my shit.

Our Phn convo
Talicia:hi baby.
August:what you doing ?
Talicia:I just went on break.
August:who in the break room with you ?
Talicia:nobody baby.
August:you better not be lying to me.
Talicia:I'm not lying to you.
August:oh you sound like you don't wanna talk to me.
Talicia:its not that I'm just so tired they working the hell out of us.
August:you think you slick cici.
Talicia:what are you talking about August ?
August:you told Princeton to be quiet while you on the phone with me.
Talicia:omg he isn't in here nobody is I'm alone baby.
August:yo ass better be outside when I come pick you up from late coming out i'ma beat yo ass.
Talicia:I'll be out there.
August:you better lose yo fucking attitude I done told you about that shit.
Talicia:you always accusing me of Princeton or having an attitude baby.ion want him and I didn't have an attitude.
August:bitch you better stay in yo gahh damn place remember that tattoo says August property you forever belong to me.if you ever think about leaving me bitch I'll find you and beat you so muthafuckin bad and lock yo ass up in the basement.
Talicia:I'm not leaving you it Neva crossed my mind August.i love you but its like you don't believe me (starts crying) baby I'm doing everything in my power to prove to you that I love you and that I want you only and that I'm not going anywhere.
August:cry hell ion care cause you tryna play with me hoe.
Talicia:August I love you more than I love myself world revolves around you.i only want you.(cries harder)
August:who you belong to ?
Talicia:don't make me say that please baby.
August:say it before I come up there.who you belong to ?
Talicia:a a August Anthony Alsina.
August:who you gone cater to ?
Talicia:you baby.
August:who owns you ?
Talicia:y y you do.
August;who property are you ?
Talicia:I'm property of August.
August:next time no crying or you'll be punished bad bitch but good job.i said good job bitch.
Talicia:thank you.
August:I love you.
Talicia:I I I love you more.

End of Phn convo

I just broke down crying.thanks to Chrissy,Rihanna, and mama Sheila August has turned into a monster like damn I can't take no more I wanna leave but I'm scared to cause he'll kill me I know he will.last week he tied me to our bed poles and he beat with a belt for an hour then he painfully aggressively fucked me.i live in fear done lost it.i called mama Sheila and told her to keep the kids a little longer cause the way August been acting ion want them in danger or around him.i was still crying with my head down and I herd the door open but I didn't care.someone asked was I ok and I looked up and it was Princeton.

Princeton:cici what's wrong ?
Talicia:nothing I'm fine.
Princeton:then why are you crying if you fine ?
Talicia:I thought you Wer done with me ? aren't I dead to you ?
Princeton:look I said we could start over and plus I can't live without my bestie and it looks like you need me right now
Talicia:I'm good.
Princeton:its August isn't it ?
Princeton:what's going on cause I noticed you ain't been yourself lately.
Talicia:I can't believe I'm about to tell you this but, well I'm not blaming you but August is accusing me of fucking around on him with you.
Princeton:WOW I mean you made it clear that you don't see me in that way and you told him plenty of times I know.
Talicia:correct but his mom,Chrissy, and Rihanna all said I should be with you cause you wouldn't dare do to me what August does.i was mad about it cause I love August so I told him plus his mom told him as well and now its like he has turned into this monster.he beat me more and honestly I'm tired of it and I do wanna leave but I can't.
Princeton:THE FUCK.
Talicia:prince calm down.
Princeton:that's not love cici c'mon be fa real.
Talicia:I know prince but we been together so long we have two kids together and he so sexy and he do spoils me.i gotta just prove to him that I do love and want only him.
Princeton:the day you decide to leave it might be to late.
Talicia:ion know what to do prince ion know what to do.
(Cries even harder)
Princeton:leave him cici please I'm begging don't even have to be my girl just let me help you please.
Talicia:I can't i can't i can't August gone get me a a and I can't get you involved in no more of my shit prince.
Princeton:leave him before its to late cici have two kids who need their mom,and I need you to ok.let me love you cici.
Talicia:I love August and h h he needs me.
Princeton:cici cici please listen to don't have to be scared ok I got you.august mom,Chrissy, and Rihanna got you ok.we won't let August hurt you.
Talicia:I'm so scared Princeton I'm so scared please don't let August hurt me.
Princeton:I promise you I promise ok(I felt his tears on my cheek as he held me in his arms)
Talicia:August is crazy he'll find me and he'll hurt me and everybody who took me away from him.august is the type of dude you don't play with.
Princeton:I ain't worried bout that nigga fucking with me no more.lets get out of here right now and we can move to LA,New York , or Miami ok.
Talicia:I can't leave my children behind.
Princeton:that's already taken care of I met up with yo mom in law a few weeks ago but we'll talk about that later.i got money that's not an issue.
Talicia:but why you work here then ?
Princeton:cause something in My mind and heart told me that you need me.lets go.where you wanna move ?
Princeton:let's go we got 7hrs to leave I have Chrissy nem number so I need fa you to break that phone ok I'll buy you whatever cause if you don't leave now August will really hurt you.but i'ma handle that.
Talicia:don't hurt him please.
Princeton:yeah let's go hurry.
Talicia:our jobs tho.
Princeton:look let me let you in on a lil secret ok I own two restaurants and four clothing stores and I'm about to open up a skating/arcade for children/teens hell I got Money baby and leave that wedding ring.
Talicia:nooo August gave this to me.
Talicia:we can't go to your house tho.
Princeton:cici I love and ion mean no harm when I say this baby but shut the fuck up and let's go.

Princeton grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs of the hospital and got into his car and he drove us straight to the airport and 2hrs later we were on a plane to LA.i had to leave August I couldn't take anymore I couldn't.i love August I do but I also love my life and my children.i should have been gone but I was blinded by his love.i took all I could take hell and this here isn't a dream this is real I'm gone.August prolly would have killed now I owe mama Sheila and my girls an apology.see everybody seen what I seen but didn't wanna see cause I love my husband soon to be wasband.this here is a new beginning fa more August property.i just hope Princeton know what he's doing cause crossing August and making him mad is like playing with your life.


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