Broken hearted

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Mama Sheila and I arrived in LA around 9:30 that night and Princeton picked us up from the airport and we hugged and we headed to his mansion an hour later cause man LA traffics is the worst ever.once inside he showed us to our rooms and we got settled in and mama Sheila knocked on my door saying she was going to see Chrissy and Rihanna but I'm not ready to see them yet so I stayed here at the house.i went downstairs with my laptop and got me some wine and a glass.i logged into my IG and looked at all the pictures of August and he hurt me one to many times and I can't do it anymore yaw he was still cheating on me and my dumb ass fucking knew it but I stayed tryna make August love me like he used to.i wanted to save and fix our marriage but I guess he didn't.i was so blinded by his sexiness,them damn tattoos,his voice, and yes the dick to ok.but I finally opened my eyes and realized that I deserve better and i'ma get my shit together and get my kids back and August will not be seeing them.all the shit he put me through it came to this here like I'm so hurt like I can't explain how hurt I am.there I was feeling bad for having sex with Princeton when August was fucking Nikki Minaj and yaw really gone be shocked when I tell yaw this.guess what ? the bitch is my sister on my biological father side mhmm yup shocking right ?
Man how could August do this to me or did I push Into the arms of another bitch.i just started crying my heart out so bad and I felt arms around me and that didn't make it any better I just broke down crying ,screaming,and cursing August out fa a lot of things till I could cry no more and I felt kinda good and embarrassed after that cause Princeton looked me with this look on his face.

Talicia:you looking at me like I'm crazy or something ?
Princeton:nah its just i hate seeing you like this cause you are my best friend I've known you literally since we Wer babies and seeing you like this saddens me.
Talicia:sorry I didn't mean to cry like a big ass baby.
Princeton:nah you had to let it out cici.
Talicia:prince can I ask you a honest question ?
Talicia:do you think I'm stupid or was stupid fa constantly running back to August knowing how he is and what he would do ?
Princeton:truthfully I wouldn't say you Wer stupid but I did think you Wer crazy at first but then I realized you just loved your husband and you wanted shit to work out between yaw and you went to any level to make that happen.but he didn't want that and he was still lying to you cici and we all knew it even after you left with him last time when that shit went down.
Talicia:why didn't yaw tell me then ?
Princeton:cause we all knew you wouldn't believe us and would have thought we was lying cause in your eyes all you seen was August so we had to let you wake up and realize on your own.
Talicia:well guess what ? I'm not going back to him anymore I took all I could take from him and I'm ready to start a new life with you.I'm not just saying this because I'm broken heated I'm saying this Princeton because I really mean it this time.
Princeton:I was broken hearted by you several times cici so please don't play with my feelings or my heart anymore.
Talicia:I won't prince I promise but by me being broken hearted its gone take time fa my heart to heal.
Princeton:I know but I can love you right and I can say this I'll never cheat on you My strawberry shortcake.
Talicia:just because I'm 4,11 and you 5,9 don't mean you can crack short Jokes puffy hair ass boy lol.
Princeton:lol good you laughing already see.
Talicia:maybe the healing process won't take long.I'm filing for divorce so August can be free to be a hoe and fuck every bitch he want cause he fucked up by loosing me.but guess what prince ?
Princeton:what ?
Talicia:the bitch he fucking around with Nikki minaj she my sister on my biological father side.we were close but I haven't seen or herd from her in forever.but when I see the bitch I'm straight tagging into her ass and August tall skinny ass to.
Princeton:they not worth it cici you better than that so fuck him and her.
Talicia:I guess but I know August gone come looking fa me or call me wanting to talk and I'll talk cause he gotta sign that divorce paper I'm seriously done but I gotta do all that in Atlanta.
Princeton:well I'm coming to incase he try something and don't worry about him hurting me I got my squad coming to so we both good.
Talicia:ok if you say so.
Princeton:you shouldn't walk around with black eyes or busted lips.
Talicia:he beat me so bad and locked me in the basement fa two weeks and only gave me water four times a day and I had to pre on myself.
Princeton:THE FUCK hell nah he don't deserve you man fuck that nigga.
Talicia:its ova with between us and I'm not falling fa his sweet talk and lies anymore I'm done.
Princeton:you need to be cause he'll end up killing you and himself.
Talicia:prince I'm done with him ok I just wanna focus on getting myself together,getting my kiss back, and Focus on you and me.
Princeton:cici please don't be playing with my heart.

I got up and sat in Princeton lap and looked into his pretty brown dreamy eyes and leaned in and kissed him on those soft sexy lips of his and he kissed me back.

Talicia:I promise prince I'm ready to fully completely be your woman.i'll do whatever to prove that to you papi.
Princeton:look I believe you ok just mane don't hurt me cause I'll Never hurt you.i just want you to live yo life,have fun and chase your can have freedom with me just don't cheat on me,lie to me, or play with my heart and always be honest with me.
Talicia:I'm not baby ok I promise you that.
Princeton:aight bae I'm serious tho.
Talicia:I am to prince.
(We kissed again)
Princeton:its good to have you back cici.
Talicia:it feels good to be back prince.
Princeton:so what you wanna do now ?
Talicia:sit here in yo lap kiss,drink wine and talk about our future together.
Princeton;sounds good to me.
Talicia:oh yeah I smoke weed so I hope that's not a problem with you.
Princeton:nah you coo cause I smoke to lol.
Talicia:lol really you smoke weed.
Princeton:hell yeah I'm half nigga you know.
Talicia:ok My blaxican nigga.
Princeton:I'm not saying we perfect cause I know we gone have our moments Wer we in a bad mood or we argue or be mad or whatever but I'll never put my hands on you or cheat.
Talicia:I know no couple is perfect baby.
Princeton:I love you cici.
Talicia:I love you Princeton.

Princeton and I stayed up talking and sipping and planning our future together.I'm really serious yaw Im done with August its over its a wrap no more us.i'm with Princeton and I'm not going back to August.he can gone be a hoe and gone sign them papers so I can marry Princeton later in the future.mama Sheila really is on my side and it feels good and weird cause August is her son but she wants me with Princeton and she supports us.she knows how August is and how I am and she wants what's best for me.tho I'm not with August anymore mama Sheila will always be my mamma and in my life cause she is the grandma of August and I kids and she also my best friend in a way.


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