Everybody makes mistakes

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After mama Sheila came in and locked the door we went to sit on the balcony that overlooks our beautiful city Atlanta.i know why she here and I'm not in the mood Ta talk about what happened but I might as well get this over with cause I can't keep avoiding her.i poured us a glass of Chardonnay and it was quiet fa a minute till mama Sheila spoke.

Sheila:how are you sweetie ?
Talicia:I'm ok I mean I've seen better days.how are you mama ?
Sheila:I'm good but I'm worried about you and August.
Talicia:no need to worry about me mama I'm good.
Sheila:no you're not cici and its written all over your face girl you been crying haven't you ?
Talicia:yeah but I'm ok mama I am really.
Sheila:cici stop acting like you ok when you not.
Talicia:I'm telling you I'm good mama.
Sheila:I'm telling you that you lying to yourself.why have you been avoiding me ?
Talicia:because I knew you wanted to talk about what happened and I wasn't and I'm still not ready to talk about it but I might as well get it over with.
Sheila:so what happened ?
Talicia:August cheated on me and had sex with another woman.
Sheila:how does that make you feel ?
Talicia:hurt and angry.i feel stupid.
Sheila:so what you gone do ?
Talicia:ion know honestly.
Sheila:August is a mess without you cici and you a mess without him.
Talicia:oh well he should have thought about that before he stepped outside our marriage and cheated on me with another woman he wasn't thinking about me then or nothing.
Sheila:he messed up and he needs you cici.
Talicia:its plenty of nights I needed him and waited up for him but he wasn't home.hell he didn't call or txt me and I'm suppose to jump now that he a mess without me uh no don't think so.
Sheila:August fucked up yeah but he yo husband.
Talicia:and I'm his wife he cheated on and wasn't thinking about.
Sheila:so you just gone give up on yaw marriage.
Talicia:ion know I'm confused right now so ion know I can't say.
Sheila:August loves you and you love him.yaw been together since 11th grade and yaw been through a lot together and got pass it so I know yaw can get pass this and work on yaw marriage.
Talicia:all that's true mama but he cheated and had sex with another woman.like I never cheated on August or had sex with another man.he the only person I ever had sex with.
Sheila:everybody make mistakes cici.
Talicia:no a mistake is when you do it one time and you realize you were wrong and you stop you don't keep doing it.august kept seeing her and fucking her that's not a mistake he know what he was doing.
Sheila:everybody make mistakes cici haven't you ?
Talicia:yeah but I stopped after it happened one time that's a mistakes August did what he did by choice when he know he married so yeah.
Sheila:so that's it you throwing away yaw marriage ?
Talicia:I'm not the one who cheated and had sex with another man tho like August fucked up.
Sheila:I love you cici and I really hope you and August work this out.
Talicia:look I want to but I can't right now mama August really hurt me bad.
Sheila:he realizes that and he paying for it now.he cry about it, he not the same without you.when was the last time you seen or herd from him ?
Talicia:I seen him earlier at Starbucks we talked.
Sheila:what happened ?
Talicia:we talked about what happened and he asked me to please forgive him and I told him I couldn't right now.
Sheila:awww cici sweetie listen.we are all human we fuck up that's life but everybody deserves a second chance.
Talicia:I know but I can't act like this never happened mama.
Sheila:ok let me ask you this question ok ?
Sheila:what is it that you wanna do ?
Talicia:my heart says go home to your husband and work it out move on from it but my mind says don't do it what if it happens again and you be hurt once more.
Sheila:go home to your husband follow your heart sweetie.you and August need each other.its a test from god.true love conquers all cici no matter what and it takes a real woman like you to forgive.
Talicia:I'm scared of getting hurt again mama.
Sheila:baby tell him and almost losing you woke his ass up.i got on him about that shit to.aj thinks its his fault you and his daddy not together.he needs yaw and both of yaw have been neglecting him.
Talicia:Aj is well taken care of and August and I spend time with him together or one on one time.
Sheila:he says all you and August do is ignore him and punish him and that sometime yaw nice to him.
Talicia Lawd ok we'll spend more time with him.
Sheila:so what you bout do ?
Talicia:I'm going home to my husband so we can talk and work on our marriage.team Alsina.
Sheila:that's my daughter in law.
Talicia:I'm not letting no bitch take my place or title.maybe this was a test from god but I miss my bae.

I packed my stuff and I headed home.I arrived home 30mins later a bish was speeding and i see August is home so I sat in the car another 20mins and I cried like damn.i hear a tap on my window and I look up and its August and tears was rolling down his face and mines and he opened my car door and I got out and we hugged and kissed and cried together.

August:I missed you.
Talicia:I missed you more baby.
August:I fucked up and I apologize a million times.i learned my lesson and being without you ain't worth living Ta a nigga.
Talicia:you mean that ?
August:yes baby.
Talicia:will you ever cheat on me again ?
August:hell nah no cause I almost lost you cause I was stupid and cheated the first time I was so wrong and everybody got on my ass about that shit.
Talicia:ok I forgive you but you gotta earn my trust back and if you ever do that again I promise i'ma rip ya dick off.
August:ok baby but you have my word.
Talicia:we'll see I told you that you gotta earn my trust back.
August:ok and I'll do whatever Ta gain it back.

He grabbed my suitcases and we headed in the house.i really hoped he learned lesson this time.ion wanna lose him fa nothing or to no other bitch


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