You Wrong

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Mama Sheila called saying she was on her way to drop the kids off and I hope that's all cause I'mad at her and August is pissed.august was just getting out the shower when I herd the door bell ring it was mama Sheila so I opened the door to let her in.Aj gave me a hug and I kissed him and September who was sleep so mama Sheila took her upstairs to lay her down and I told Aj to go ahead up to his hoping she be gone before August comes down here.

Sheila:I herd you pretty upset with Chrissy and Rihanna.
Talicia:yeah I am very upset.
Sheila:why ?
Talicia:I think you know why.
Sheila:I mean we're right tho cici August is controlling,very abusive ,very bad temper and he treats you like shit sometimes and he have you on lock&key.princeton wouldn't hurt you that boy adores you.
Talicia:I could careless about that.august and I together forever and can't nothing or nobody change that.i expect that from Chrissy and Rihanna but you no.August isn't perfect ok and regardless how many times he gets into those moments I'm not leaving him.
Sheila:cici you deserve better sweetie.
Talicia:how dare you stand here and talk about yo own son like that WOW.
Sheila:I feel so sorry fa you cici.
Talicia:well do me a favor and don't.

August comes downstairs with nothing but his red and grey Jordan sweat pants on and black socks mhmm that body but anyways we kissed and I stood behind him.and I kissed him again on his cheek.

August:mama no disrespect of any kind but you had no right telling my wife to leave me fa another dude.that Princeton boy know what's up.then on top of that I'm yo son yo baby boy at that.
Sheila:boy you all of a sudden love yo wife now.the way you beat on her,the way you talk to her,the way you treat her.the way you take yo problems out on get drunk and beat her and accuse her of Princeton so miss me with that.she crazy fa staying with you cause I know i didn't raise you that way.
August:sees thats not cool I know what I do wrong dang but I am working on me,its not gone happen ova night.
Talicia :baby as I said time and time before i'ma hold you down the way a real woman is suppose to and regardless of what anyone say or think or feel ion care cause I love you August.
Sheila:so you like getting beat on and shit cici ?
Talicia:no but I do love my husband.
August:you wrong mama fa real tho you wrong and you know you wrong.
Sheila:boy you better watch how you talk to me cause I'll knock yo ass out.
August:I'm not yelling or disrespecting you I'm just telling you that you was wrong fa telling my wife to leave me and Chrissy and Rihanna them bitches can go to hell.nobody wanna see me and my wife together but guess what we gone be together.its us against the world and it seems like errbody against a nigga including My own mama.
Sheila:well she is August property and next time he beat you cici and talk crazy to you I'm not helping you or saying must really love him cause if I was you and he hit me one time I woulda been gone.
August:mane mama stop aight that ain't cool.
Talicia:baby its ok,I'm ok.i have you and our children so its ok.
August:nah I think my mama owe you an apology fa that.
Talicia:baby I'm not worried about that ok.
Sheila:no he right I apologize fa that cici but I feel sorry fa you cause you blinded by this crazy abusive love and I won't allow my grand children to be around this shit.

Aj came downstairs with a suitcase and mama Sheila went upstairs to get September and packed her clothes.

August:she better enjoy this time with Em cause she won't be seeing Em no more.
Talicia:August all this isn't called for she is their grand mother.
August:what I just say tho.
Talicia:I know but they love her and we can't keep her away from them.
August:see you need to stop all that.she tried to make you leave me and shit but here you go defending her.
Talicia:baby I'm not leaving you tho.she loves her grand kids and they love her.

August goes upstairs and slams our bedroom door.i know that hurt him by the things his mom said but who cares hell.i got him and he got me.mama Sheila comes downstairs and August does to 2mins after her

Sheila:cici I love you I do but when August beat you again which he will don't call me or come crying to me cause you rather stay in an abusive controlling marriage I feel so sad fa you.
August:ma that hurt fa real tho that's how you really feel.
Talicia:look stop ok just stop.

Mama Sheila left and I locked the door.i went ova to August and got on top of him and started kissing him.

Talicia:baby its gone be ok.
August:yeah whatever.
Talicia:it will be.
August:my mama tho bruh that shit hurt a nigga like damn.
Talicia:it does hurt I know but we can't let that steal our joy cause that's like giving them the power to hurt us.
August:you right fuck that shit.
Talicia:I'm gonna go cook fa you so just sit back and relax ok.
August:aight baby.
Talicia:I love you auggy bear.
August:I love you more.
(We kissed) thank you baby.
Talicia:fa what ?
August:putting up with my shit and holding me down and loving me.
Talicia:you're welcome and I always will

I hate when my bae sad and I'll do anything to make him happy.mama Sheila and Chrissy nem wrong but whatever ion care.

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