Private and confidential

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I was going to drive but mama Sheila said she would drive because she said I didn't need to be driving with a black eye which is killing me and I'm trying so hard not to cry right now.i sat in the passenger seat with my shades on looking out the window.we came to a red light and mama Sheila called my name so I turned around to look at her.

Sheila:Talicia are you ok ?
Talicia:yeah I'm fine mama.
Sheila:no you're not cici so i'ma ask you again are you ok ?
Talicia:no but I'll be ok tho.
Sheila:you can't keep holding how you feel inside and Pretending everything ok.
Talicia:everything is ok tho.
Sheila:no its not and you know its not.

The light turned green and mama Sheila went into the liquor store and I told her what August wanted and he txt'ed me saying pick up his wings cause his home boy Lloyd ova there so we headed to wing eye is killing me damn it.

Sheila:cici tell me what's wrong, I mean I know but I wanna know how you what's going on with you and August.
Talicia:not being disrespectful or anything mama but August says not to tell our business to anyone including you.
Sheila:he ain't in this car tho cici.
Talicia:I know but I can't lie to him if ask did my mama ask about what's going on with us.
Sheila:Talicia tell me how you feel.
Talicia:I'm ok mama I mean how am I suppose to feel ?
Sheila:how you feel about August treating you the way he do ? are you afraid of him ? do you feel like its your fault ?
Talicia:I don't wanna talk about it.
Sheila:look whatever we talk about is private and confidential.
Talicia:even if it wasn't private and confidential I still don't wanna talk about it mama.
Sheila:look I'm a psychiatrist/therapist which ever term you prefer and just like my patients our conversation is private and confidential my daughter in law and I'm not going to go back and tell anyone especially August if that's what you afraid're afraid of me telling August aren't you ?
Talicia:y yes.
Sheila:I told you our conversation is private and confidential ok that's my promise sweetie.
Talicia:its kinda hard to express or explain how I feel honestly cause ion even know how I feeling some type of way but ion know.
Sheila:how do you feel about the way August treat you ?
Talicia:I don't like it at all.i wish he wouldn't but he do.
Sheila:do you sometimes blame yourself for him treating you the way he do ?
Talicia:I feel that way all the time actually.
Sheila:why do you blame yourself Talicia ?
Talicia:because I....well I know I piss him off and I know how he is but yet I always find a way to piss him off.
Sheila:you said you know how he is right ?
Sheila:ok so tell me how he is cause obviously you know something I don't know.
Talicia:his temper is very short,he gets mad real easy,he controlling,he wants things his way or no way at all.he trips ova simple stuff.his moods are pretty much unpredictable and he just August I guess.
Sheila:do you feel like you can do more ?
Talicia:yeah but I feel like no matter what I do to please him or keep him happy is Neva good enough so I try harder.
Sheila:are you afraid of him Talicia ?
Talicia:well if I said no I'll be lying but to answer yo question yes I'm afraid of him.
Sheila:well how do it make you feel when he do these things to you in front of people and y'all son ?
Talicia:its hurts me to my heart and its embarrassing, and it make me feel worthless and stupid.
(Starts cryin) ion want Aj to grow up thinking its ok to treat his women this way cause of the way August do fucking hurts me.

We pull into wing stop and she hand me two tissues out her purse and I wipe my tears.

Sheila:you should tell him how you feel cici.
Talicia:I have but he was like get the fuck up out yo feelings,ion wanna hear that bullshit.stop acting yo fucking shoe size or he'll walk off,laugh, or hit me.
Sheila:I know you love him like crazy I know you do but hit his ass back.
Talicia:I have mama I tried fighting him back plenty of times but I can't.(cries harder)
Sheila:Lawd cici sweetie its gone be alright.
Talicia:I love him so much.i love My husband so much.i gotta be a better wife.i have to please him more.i have to try harder i know its me its my fault its my fault.
(Cries harder)
Sheila:stop cici cause its not yo fault August the way he is its not you sweetie, stop crying.
Talicia:I'm so fucking stupid.FUCK MY LIFE FUCK MY LIFE.I'ma dumb ass bitch.cant even please my fucking husband.
Sheila:STOP IT, you stop it right now Talicia and I mean not stupid and you a damn good wife to my son.he the unappreciative do all you can to please him.its not you its him.
Sheila:let it out cici let it out sweetie.its ok.

I just cried my heart out as I cried on mama Sheila shoulder as she embraced me into a hug and i felt kinda ashamed but I didn't care cause it felt good to let it all out.i know August would beat the living hell outta me fa this.after 15more minutes of crying I stopped and wiped away the tears and my running nose.

Talicia:umm I'm sorry for that mama.
Sheila:its ok sweetie you just couldn't hold it inside any longer.i promise August will never know of this conversation ok,
Sheila:I love you cici boo.
Talicia:I love you to mama.

My phone starts ringing and its August so I answered trying to sound like I wasn't crying.

Our Phn convo
Talicia:hey baby ?
August:hey my ass Wer the fuck is you at mane ?
Talicia:heading to the house now yo mom had to make a stop baby.
August:bitch you better not be lying.
Talicia:I'm not lying.
August:let my shit be cold i'ma fuck you up.
Talicia:its still hot why you bugging ?
August:who is you talking to like that mane huh ?
Talicia:nobody bae.
August:keep on yo other eye gone be black.get yo ass to this house ya already Been gone to long.
Talicia:cause I was out doing what you told me to do and i didn't know yo mom had to make a stop aug omg.
August:i'ma slap the shit outta you soon as you get here watch you ole smart mouth ass bitch.
Talicia:I didn't get smart tho bae .
August:bye bitch you herd what I said.

End of convo

Talicia:I need to get away fa a few days but then again I can't go a day without August regardless of how he is.
Sheila:you a damn damn damn good one and I mean damn good one cause I woulda Left town on his ass fa a good two weeks no Phn calls Skype FaceTime none of that shit.
Talicia:I can't do that cause knowing August he prolly got a tracking device in my ass like I told my bestie Chrissy.
Sheila:lol hell I wouldn't put it pass him.
Talicia:I'll know when my ass go to beeping and August bust through the door like on criminal minds and snatch me up lol.
Sheila:lol cici you so silly.

We arrived back to the house and I went to give August his wings in the movie room.

August:damn you can't speak to my company ?
Talicia:you told me not to speak to other dudes tho.
August:this my muthafuckin home boy Lloyd.
Lloyd:nice to meet you cici.
Talicia:you to.
August:excuse me right quick bruh, cici let holla at you real quick upstairs.
Lloyd:aight bro.

We get into the kitchen and August pushed me into the island in the kitchen and got up in my face.

August:next time I tell you to do something you do that then do whatever you and my mama gotta do.
Talicia:ok baby.
August:Wer my fucking liquor ?
Talicia:right there.
August:why the fuck you ain't put it in my mancave ?
Talicia:cause I can't go in there without your permission bae.
August:smart mouth hoe.

He slapped me twice as hard as he could and the tears rolled down my face and I grabbed the liquor and as I walked off he smacked me on the ass and I looked at thinking bout what Chrissy said but i'ma wait to see how things turn out in court fa him and I'm praying everything be dismissed cause if so I'm gone fa two weeks Ta LA with my girl hell I deserve it and I know when I get back August gone fuck me up but ion care at this point.
I ended up falling asleep upstairs in our bedroom.

_____________________________________________________________________is Talicia crazy fa blaming herself cause of the way August treat her ?
Do yaw think its cool how August mom is there for her daughter in law ?
Should Talicia leave town fa two weeks with her bestie Chrissy without telling August or do yaw think its a bad idea ?
Please let me know please

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