Sister Love

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I thought about what kid said about making things right with my Thot ass sister, wait ok let me say that ova ok. I thought about what kid said when he was like I need to make things right with my sister Nikki. I was the one telling him that life to short fa the bullshit and then tomorrow ain't promised to none of us and if something was to happen to my sister I'll be hurt and I just want us to be close you know and i'ma let the past be the past.ion think kid knew she was my sister tho so aye fuck it shit. I got her number from August who gave it to KayKay to give to me and she came ova to the house and I cooked us some butterfly shrimps,fully loaded baked potatoes, a chef salad and homemade lemonade since my pregnant ass can't drink. She arrived and kid walked her back Wer I was and he went back in the house. We hugged for a long time like we both got teary eyed and shit.we fixed our plates and lemonade and went back outside.

Nikki:I missed you so much baby sis.
Talicia:I missed you more.
Nikki:I have something to say.
Talicia:me to so please let me go first.
Talicia:I was Beyond hurt when I found out it was you August was cheating with and I hated you so much like I did.then you had sex with kid who was my fiancé at the time.that day at August house when he was tryna get back with me you popped ouy knowing he was still my husband like it really did hurt me.but the past is the past and life to short to hate each other and hold grudges. I apologize for jumping on you that day at Starbucks and calling you everything but a child of my big sister Nikki and its time we start acting like sisters again cause I know our dad would want please forgive me.
Nikki:all is forgiven lil sis.i want to apologize for messing with August like that even after he told me you was his wife and I'm sorry for having sex with kid cause I promise I knew nothing about you and him.i apologize for not being there when you needed me.i love love love you ok sis and I hope you forgive me.
Talicia:all is forgiven so let's put this in the past and look towards the future.
Nikki:you right and it ain't no love like sister love.
Talicia:let's toast to sister love.
(We clinked glasses)
Nikki:Im really happy we back talking cici.
Talicia:me to sis.
Nikki:I'm proud of you to.
Talicia:thanks but why ?
Nikki:cause all the shit you put up with during you and August marriage, what yo step dad did to you and your mom,your friends and kid like you a strong ass real ass woman and you have a beautiful loving heart and a chef,doing music videos, and you dance fa yo a damn good mom and auntie still to August nieces like you my inspiration and motivation.
Talicia:awww thanks sister.
Nikki:I see you pregnant again.
Talicia:girl yes kid ass finally knocked my ass up.
Nikki:what you having ?
Talicia:I won't know fa another two months.
Nikki:aww but congrats sweetie.
Talicia:if the kids Wer here I'll let you meet Em but they all with August ass.
Nikki:next time.
Nikki:well I hate to leave so soon but I gotta meet with two record labels today a bitch tryna make money the right way.
Talicia:well call me txt me so we can hang out more.
Nikki:ok bookie.i love you lots.
Talicia:I love you to Hun.
Nikki:tell kid he better take care of you.
Talicia:oh trust he do sis.
Nikki:I hope to be strong and confident as you.
Talicia:you will its all how you perceive yourself sis.
Talicia:no prob.

Nikki leaves and I go upstairs with kid and his ass sleep like he pregnant lol.well later yaw its nap time with bae.

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