Its time you move on

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Guess what yaw ? I'm two months pregnant YAAAY MEEEE!!!!! I'm so happy kid and I are having our first child together he more excited about it than me lol. Everything is going good between us. September Lil but Keep saying baby baby lol its so cute. Aj hoping its a boy and kid do and chay,mya, and KayKay hope its a girl but whatever god gives me I'm gonna love My child with everything in me.
August still tryna get at me like dude we ova. I had to beg kid ass to let me talk to him and yaw know he wasn't going fa it but I kept asking him and he agreed to let me talk to him only if August come ova to the house and he in the kitchen while we sit outback and talk. August sexy as fuck and he can have anybody he wants, well not me but some lucky chick would love to be with him.i just gotta let him know its time to let me go.
I was sitting outback when kid came outside.

Kid ink:aye cici don't make me fuck aug ass up.
Talicia:uh uh no violence baby and plus its nothing like that.
Kid ink:I'm just saying.
Talicia:don't start nothing kid please fa real tho baby.
Kid ink:I ain't gone be out here but if anything pop off young nigga gone get his wig spit.
Talicia:stop kid ain't nothing gone happen.
Kid ink:well hurry up and tell Em what you gotta say cause ion want him at my house.
Talicia:you can sit out here with me if you want cause its nothing like that baby.
Kid ink:nah I trust you and i'ma give yaw some privacy but I'ma keep my eye on him.
Talicia:kid look he is the father of my two children and uncle of my girls so you gotta learn to get use to him cause he gone be round fa along time.try Ta get along fa the children damn.
Kid ink:aye a nigga can't make no promises but I'll Try cause I love them children all as my own.
Talicia:thanks baby.
(We kiss)
Kid ink:yeah Shawdy.

Aj walked out and August was with him.august looked at kid and kid looked at him and they actually dapped.kid took the children in the house and August and i half hugged each other.

Talicia:can I get you anything to drink ?
August:water would be nice.
(I get two water bottles)
Talicia:here you go. look beautiful as always. look nice to.
August:preciate what you wanna talk about ?
Talicia:you gotta let me go.
August:a nigga ain't understanding Wer you coming from cici ?
Talicia:I'm saying stop tryna get with me like move on.
August:its hard tho cause you was the best thing that ever happened Ta a nigga and all the shit you put up with from me and the way you loved me and held me down and was always there fa me no matter what.the memories.your support and uplifting words.from way back in New Orleans Ta Atlanta and here in how you let yo first love go.then can't nobody handle me and My bipolar disorder like you.i been through so much shit and its Like a nigga lost everything that matter most to him.
Talicia:August you the sexiest hottest R&B singer you August Alsina and you know how many chicks wanna be with you.
August:yeah but ion want them gold digging ass Thots.
Talicia:lol you so silly but I know god got someone special fa you but you won't be able to find her till you let me go.Its time you move on.
August:its not easy tho mane I tried.
Talicia:its gone be hard at first aug I'm telling you but when you find that special girl you gone be like cici what ? cici who ?
August:nah I'll Neva forget you cici you my first'll neva forget yo first love or the shit yaw been through good or bad.
Talicia:I know and I'll neva forget you or the good or bad my first everything and that's something I'll always cherish and remember.
August:can't nobody take your place in my heart,you forever gone be right chea in my heart Shawdy.
Talicia:you gone always be right chea in my heart to August.but
Its time you move on and find happiness and just gotta do right by her cause a heart ain't nothing you play with and don't beat on her or treat her like dirt.don't hurt her the way you hurt me.this time do things right August ok.i want my babies to have a good step mom/auntie.
August:my Lil nieces love you and the fact that you fully adopted them means a lot to me and they parents who looking down on you smiling.
Talicia:please don't take them from me I know they yo nieces but my life will be incomplete without them August.
August:I'm not and you are they adopted mama now so shit I can't do that, you know hurt you again.
Talicia:thank you.
August:no problem.i need you to promise me something ?
Talicia:what's that ?
August:promise me that if anything happen Ta me you'll look out fa my mama nem.
Talicia:I promise but August don't talk like that still my best friend.
August:I'm happy fa you mommy to be ?
Talicia:how you know I'm pregnant ?
August:cause yo ass ain't drinking no wine and that's the only time you Neva drink when you pregnant.
Talicia:lol oh.
August:hahaha no wine fa you.
Talicia:lol not funny you know a bish love her wine.
August:this Saturday I need you to be at my show cause i'ma say some real deep important stuff and I need you can bring yo husband to.
Talicia:ok Wer at tho ?
August:staples arena 7:30 I'll have two tickets fa yaw.
Talicia:ok we'll be there.
August:aight preciate it.
Talicia:you welcome.

August get up to leave and i stood up to and we hugged and he kissed the top of my head and left. I'm so happy he moving on and I wonder what he gotta say.Kid ass walked out and looked at me.

Kid ink:so he moving on or nah ?
Talicia:stop being so mean baby.
Kid ink:Is he or nah ?
Talicia:yeah baby.he invited us Ta his show Saturday.
Kid ink:we ain't going.
Talicia:yes we need to cut all this childish shit out nigga you 29 years old act like to short fa this bullshit.
Kid ink:aight damn calm down baby we'll go.
Talicia:thank you
Kid ink:you need to make things right with yo sister Nikki then.
Talicia:I might ion know yet.but I'm happy August moving on.
Kid ink:shit me to.


A/N-August property almost coming to an end two or three more chapters and then the sequel which I'm still coming up with ideas for

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